Showing posts with label Etsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Etsy. Show all posts

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Season's Tide Exhibition...

Potter's Pink Hare
Acrylic and mixed Media
25 x 50 cm

Mrs B's 'Seasons' Tide' online exhibition will soon take place!
I'll be opening the doors of my little gallery, (well, it's my Etsy shop really,) 
but we could imagine the tinkly music, glasses of bubbly and custard creams couldn't we chuck!

Pink Moon Hare II
Acrylic and mixed Media
25 x 25 cm

I just thought I'd post photos of the hare paintings that I've painted for the exhibition, as I don't think I've posted any of the finished pieces.

A Small Painting Of Reassurance
Acrylic and Mixed Media
25 x 25 cm

I've really enjoyed painting this small collection of six paintings for the exhibition over the past few months.

The Listings on my Etsy shop will be online Saturday 18/11/17 10.00 am


Sunday, 12 November 2017

'Seasons' Tide' Online Exhibition:

Just to let you know when my little exhibition will take place.
Thank you so much for all the supportive and generally lovely comments I've been sent as I've been painting these over the last few months.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Hope You Don't Mind Me Mentioning....

'I say, Mr Fox, have you heard that Mrs B's Etsy shop has re- opened and it's stuffed to the virtual rafters with stitchery fripperies?'

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Bye! Bye! And Good Cluck!

This embroidered cockerill cushion has been posted off to his new owner.
I'm sorry to see him go but it's always exciting to think of my fripperies in new homes, residing on settees in different places!
Do I sound a bit bonkers...well, they are my babies!
Got to go now, I've actually been a bit domestic and made a genu-iiiine stew, hope me dumplings have risen!

Friday, 1 November 2013

Bye Bye Mr Fox!

This little cheeky chappie has just been sent to his lovely new home.
I do hope that he behaves himself...

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Hippetty Hop!

Just made another one of my hare brooches.
What I really love about scribbly patchwork is how the fabrics kind of melt into each other.
Most satisfying indeed!

Monday, 21 October 2013

Twit! Twoo!

Never having stitched one our nocturnal friends before I didn't know how I'd get on, but I think I quite like the little moon in the background.
Perhaps he's a tad more quizzical than wise, but then again, who likes a know-it-all?

Monday, 22 July 2013

Keep Sake Keep Safe Keeper:

Mrs B is going to have a little rest soon.
So in the run up to the holidays I've been thinking about the autumn, (as you do in this heat wave!)

I love making these little Keep Sake Keep Safe Keepers, and I think could be just the ticket when buying for someone who has everything, as you can always put in some old photographs and mementos of the times you've shared together.

The very innocent looking fawn was a whole day's stitching (with the occasional very un-ladylike swear word thrown in,) but it's the pieces that you have to battle with that often give you the most satisfaction in the end.
(Well, that's what I tell myself after the fiftieth cup of tea!)

Hope you like!

Friday, 5 July 2013

Etsy Photo Shoot!

I'm about to pop a few of my patchwork pins in my little Etsy shop, so my poor, long suffering daughter helped me set up a quick photo shoot.
One thing I did realise was...
I have far too many pinnies!
(Or can you?)

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Been A Busy Bee!

I've been pretty obsessed with these patchwork pins recently.
I've really enjoyed stitching my sketches and playing with my newly found love of blanket stitch.
Hope you like!

Monday, 3 June 2013

I've Made A Thingummy-jig!

I spent quite a lot of the half term just playing with my scrips and scraps and this kind of emerged from the pile of chaos.
I think it was inspired by a trip to the charity shop where my shopping buddy found one of those silk padded pyjama cases.
I think this would be just the ticket for storing memories and treasures.

A keep-sake-keep-safe-keeper.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

I Am A Very Lucky Girl Indeed!

Last week I won a beautiful poetry book from one of my favourite artists, Cathy Cullis.
She has the most wonderful Etsy shop and blog, so I was most surprised that my name was chosen put of hundreds of entries.
What I couldn't believe was that Cathy had included two exquisite little water colour paintings, a print and a photograph with my prize.
I fair filled up when I saw the paintings, I can't believe that I own some original art work by Cathy.
Thank you so much.

Monday, 20 May 2013

Mama Hare!

Last week I received such a lovely, positive response about my little hare embroidered picture, I decided to make a larger wall hanging last weekend.

I included more applique, as well as trapping scraps of lace, in this piece.
She took many a happy hour to make, but she was great fun.

Becauseits stitched onto an old antimacassar (I LOVE that word!) the little lacey loops at the top would be perfect to use for hanging it up.

Just popped her into my Etsy shop, hope she finds a cosy new home.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Thank You So Much!

Thanks so much for featuring me in your Etsy treasury VoXevangeline!
I must say, they all look very happy in their little nest!

This little stag bag has just found a new home too, hope you have fun shopping with your new owner!

PS: If any of you have an Etsy shop, can I recommend the very helpful and friendly Etsy UK team, they really are stars you know!

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Time For Tiffin!

Been busy updating Mrs B's Etsy and Folksy shops.

Milk and sugar anyone?

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Hurrah! It's A Snow Day!

This is a real treat for me, it's too cold to go out, I haven't got any plans...

So let's get that sewing machine out!

I think I was dreaming of Spring...

It's the first time I've made a brooch like this, hope you like!

Monday, 18 March 2013

A misty-eyed goodbye and a look over my shoulder...

This is the first post that I've put on my blogspot, ( after supping ten cups of tea and a pep talk from my long suffering mate).
Posterous will soon be gone and there's nowt I can do, so I'll treat it as a fresh start.

It could be a good thing.

Let's have a little review of a very busy year for Mrs B: