Last weekend was the Mrs B's collaging workshop weekend at the fabulou
s Hope & Elvis.
'Mrs Bracken, Miss Briar And Friends. Collaging With Vintage Papers' was the focus for Saturday, so out came the pencils, paper and glue...
I displayed some of my examples along with other types of my artwork.
Hope I didn't go on for too long!
(At least there was cake!!!!!)
Some of the group chose to use the template kit that I'd created to base their animal characters on, and some chose to design their own from scratch.
After the very difficult task of selecting just the right pieces of vintage paper from all the goodies that were available, characters began to emerge...
The afternoon slipped by in focused concentration...
Here are some of the beautiful results of the day's snipping and creating, (please accept my utmost apologies if I didn't photograph everyone's, the day went by in a whirl!)
There were so many wonderful characters and stories that emerged...
I am always stunned at just how differently everyone's work turns out and I couldn't believe how much these amazing ladies created in just one day!
I feel very proud indeed!
I also want to say a huge thank you to my lovely Mum for baking the most delicious cakes and to Jean from t'village for the fab pastries.
(I think that Louise looks rather happy about the cake situation too!)
I'd also like to thank the wonderful Louise Asher for organising everything and for looking after me so well, to my mate Sam who helps me before I even know that I need help, to Magie for the most gorgeous dinner and to Emma for looking after us all the whole day through, whom I'd also like to thank for so kindly allowing me to include some of her photographs in this blog post.
(Emma Pearson is an extremely talented designer and photographer and can be found on Instagram
@ab0utemma )