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"Abstract: Diane Purkiss claims that “in Early Modern England, the witch was a woman’s fantasy and not simply a male nightmare”. Continuing along Purkiss’ notion of witchcraft as perpetuated by women, this article looks at the... more
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      Gender and SexualityDemonologyWitchcraft, Religion and MagicTreatises of demonology and literature
"Abstract: Heavily influenced by the earlier Neoplatonic and Hermetic works of Pico della Mirandola, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, and Marsilio Ficinio, John Dee constructed a practical form of angelic magic which allegedly allowed him... more
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      MysticismDemonologyOccultismWitchcraft, Religion and Magic
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      OccultismBlack Metal
Abstract: The issue of reading feminism within an early modern, or ‘pre-feminist’ era, becomes all the more problematic once—as teachers—we present those readings to the next generation of students, as the problem of teaching feminism... more
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Abstract: In her short essay, “Twisted Privileges” (2008), Frinde Maher writes about her experiences in teaching Women's Studies to a classroom of predominately white and middle class students, where the students are eager to embrace... more
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Abstract: This paper draws on my doctoral research, and will investigate the use of Lilith in the early modern world as an archetype through which to express anxieties surrounding sexuality, political power, and the feminine. It will... more
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Published as "Beauty, Eroticism, and Monstrosity in Early Modern Book Illustrations." Monsters and the Monstrous Journal. 3.2 (2013): 97-110. Abstract: Developing from my doctoral research, this paper will look at how anxieties... more
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In 1610, Scottish traveler William Lithgow (1582-1645) journeyed from the British Isles across the European continent towards the Middle East. In his “The Rare Adventures and Painful Peregrinations”, he recorded his experiences in... more
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Katherine Bond Stockton notes that most 'progressive' academics would disagree with notions of trickle down economics, yet operate under similar notions of trickle down theory; in many sections of academia, there is a firm division... more
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      Critical PedagogyAnarchism
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      Scottish StudiesScottish HistoryTurkey, Islam, and the WestIslam and the West
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Abstract: Anxieties surrounding the demonic and female beauty are connected in sixteenth and seventeenth century printed illustrations. With developments in printing methods early modern readers increasingly demanded images to... more
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      Gender StudiesDemonologyMonster TheoryGilles Deleuze
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      DemonologyWestern Esotericism (History)NeoplatonismOccultism
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      Critical PedagogyAnarchismAnarchist StudiesPedagogy
With rising tuition costs across public universities in the U.S., an increasing number of young people are being deprived access to higher education. As homelessness and incarceration rates are rising with prison labor becomes privatized,... more
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      Community Based EducationAnarchismSchool To Prison PipelineRadical Pedagogy
Wittgenstein's theory of aspect perception has been taken up by scholars interested in the ways that people take in and interpret visual stimuli. Within this field of inquiry, Wittgenstein proposes the notion of 'aspect blindness,' the... more
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      PhilosophyRace and RacismCritical Race TheoryWittgenstein
Review of  W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz, Tractatus Politico-Philosophicus: New Directions for the Future Development of Humankind.
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyNationalismTraditionalism
La motivación de esta traducción al idioma español (sin fines de lucro y por amor al arte), sin el consentimiento de su autora pero haciendo notoria su autoría, viene dada por la necesidad de imprimir en papel un escrito interesante y... more
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      FilosofíaJohn DeeHermetismoMagia
In the seventies and eighties, feminist scholars critiquing Milton brought attention to the role of the woman reader, exploring the ways in which many women readers have experiences in reading Paradise Lost that differ significantly from... more
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      Feminist TheoryQueer Theory17th-Century StudiesFeminism