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Este trabajo describe cómo los estudiantes universitarios evalúan la información que buscan en internet. La investigación se realizó en Mondragon Unibertsitatea, donde participaron 140 estudiantes de la licenciatura en Comunicación... more
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Mondragon Unibertsitatea GAKO-HITZAK: Unibertsitate-ikasleak, Internet, informazio-bilaketak, informazio-konpetentziak, informazioan alfabetatzea, konpetentzia digitalak.
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      Information LiteracyUniversity Students
Ikerketa honetan aztertu da zelakoa den Leintz bailarako nerabeen (12-16 urte) ikus-entzunezko kontsumoa. Aztertu da, batetik, gaztetxoek zelan kontsumitzen dituzten ikus-entzunezkoak; horrekin batera, ezagutu nahi izan dira beren... more
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      Youth StudiesMinority LanguagesYoung People and Use of MediaMinority language media
This article analyzes the beginnings of the Basque public broadcasting group EITB and its main aims according to the law which led to its creation, paying special attention to the different interpretations of that law and the following... more
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    • Media and Minority Languages
The aim of this PhD research is to know how digitization has brought about new ways of television and video consumption among youth, focusing on online video sharing. The study is carried out among Mondragon University students to collect... more
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Ikerlan honen helburua da ezagutzea 12 eta 16 urte bitarteko gaztetxo gipuzkoarren ikusentzunezko kontsumo-ohiturak, betiere nerabezaroan funtsezkoa den lagun-taldearekin duen harremana kontuan hartuta (jakiteko ea harremanik dagoen... more
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      Television StudiesDigital MediaYoung PeopleAudience Research
This research explores current audiovisual consumption in teenagers aged from 12 to 16. Given the changes that have taken place over recent years (i. e., television signal digitalization, the expansion of mobile devices and the... more
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      Television StudiesDigital MediaAudience Studies
Revista Dígitos, número 2 (2016). Monográfico coordinado por Anna Tous Rovirosa: "¿Desea ver el siguiente capítulo? Digitalización de las series de televisión"
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      Digital MediaPolitical communicationSeries TV
This article examines the different ways of interaction that young people have with television and online video content. Inspired by Van Dijck's argument (2009), that there is a misleading assumption to define the audience in terms of... more
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      CommunicationMedia StudiesMedia
espanolEl presente articulo tiene como objetivo analizar los patrones de consumo audiovisual de los adolescentes de entre 12 y 16 anos, haciendo especial hincapie en los contenidos de ficcion televisiva. Con el fin de entender el rol de... more
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This article aims to analyze the audiovisual consumption patterns of 12 to 16 year-old adolescents, with particular emphasis on the television fiction contents. In order to understand the role of television series in the era of... more
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This article examines the different ways of interaction that young people have with television and online video content. Inspired by Van Dijck's argument (2009), that there is a misleading assumption to define the audience in terms of... more
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      PsychologyGeographyCommunicationMedia Studies
Ikerketa honetan aztertu da zelakoa den Leintz bailarako nerabeen (12-16 urte) ikus-entzunezko kontsumoa. Aztertu da, batetik, gaztetxoek zelan kontsumitzen dituzten ikus-entzunezkoak; horrekin batera, ezagutu nahi izan dira beren... more
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      Minority LanguagesMinority language media
Este trabajo describe cómo los estudiantes universitarios evalúan la información que buscan en internet. La investigación se realizó en Mondragon Unibertsitatea, donde participaron 140 estudiantes de la licenciatura en Comunicación... more
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      Digital LiteracyYoung People and The InternetInternet
This chapter explores the early years of the Basque public broadcasting group EITB and the main aims that were defined in the law which led to its creation, paying special attention to the different interpretations given to that law and... more
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      Young People and Use of MediaMedia in Basque
Esta investigación analiza cómo utilizan las TIC los alumnos en los títulos de Grado de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Se ha recabado información a través de un cuestionario y un focus... more
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    • Digital Literacy
DOSSIERRA 72. zenb. / 2009 (3) soziolinguistika klusterra martin ugalde, kp / 20140 andoain 27 Bizitza aldaketa dela zioen besteak, baina garai batzuk bareagoak eta beste batzuk trumoitsuagoak izan ohi dira. Azken horietakoak izan ziren... more
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      Minority language mediaMedia in Basque
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      Minority language mediaMedia in Basque
En definitiva, o bilingüismo harmónico é lanzar ao aire unha moeda de dúas caras para que caia de canto (Ferrolgo Artabria fundazioaren esku-orri batean irakurria) Esker-ematea Euskal Museoko liburutegiko arduraduna, Lazkaoko beneditarren... more
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      Minority LanguagesMinority language mediaMedia in Basque
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      Media StudiesMinority language mediaMedia in Basque