Papers by Amaia Pavon-Arrizabalaga
II. Ikergazte. Nazioarteko ikerketa euskaraz. Kongresuko artikulu bilduma. Gizarte Zientziak eta Zuzenbidea
I. Ikergazte: Nazioarteko ikerketa euskaraz. Kongresuko artikulu-bilduma
Ikerketa honen helburua da ezagutzea zelan – eta zein neurritan- baliatzen dituzten gazteek digit... more Ikerketa honen helburua da ezagutzea zelan – eta zein neurritan- baliatzen dituzten gazteek digitalizazioak ekarritako ikus-entzunezko kontsumo-modu berriak, arreta berezia jarrita ikus-entzunezko edukien partekatzean. Doktorego-tesi hau Mondragon Unibertsitateko kasu-azterketa da, eta galdetegia, egunerokoa eta sakoneko elkarrizketak baliatu dira. Galdetegiko emaitza kuantitatiboak dira artikulu honetan azalduko direnak. Emaitzek erakusten digutenez, ohiko telebistak jarraitzen du izaten telebistako edukiak kontsumitzeko biderik ohikoena. Bestalde, aipagarria da partekatzeak hartzen duen garrantzia, gazteen ia %68k partekatzen baititu ikus-entzunezko edukiak interneten.
This article examines the relationship of university students with television and online video co... more This article examines the relationship of university students with television and online video content. Convergence processes in many areas during the digital age have significantly changed both audiovisual content consumption patterns and the content on offer itself. In addition, Web 2.0 has made it possible for interaction to go beyond mere consumption. The purpose of this research study was to ascertain what kind of interaction takes place between young people and audiovisual content. The categories analyzed are watch, share and create, with a focus on students' everyday life. A mixed-method approach was used across a sample of 475 students from Mondragon University. Our main finding is that, although young people have the resources necessary to interact with media, this condition is not sufficient to favor behaviors that are more active. Young people show different practices and attitudes depending on the individual, the content, and the context but, in general, the interact...
The Internet and ongoing innovations in media technology are having an impact on journalism and e... more The Internet and ongoing innovations in media technology are having an impact on journalism and educators in mass communication. Many universities and journalism training schools are trying to adapt their curricula to the new landscape. Innovation and creativity are considered key concepts to deal with the new changing media environment, but, what does the official Spanish White Paper on Communication Degrees have to say about creativity and innovation? Do these concepts have any presence in the curricula for Spanish Communication Degrees? And, if so, how can this presence be fostered? After mentioning an interesting initiative involving Innovation Journalism at the Stanford Center for Innovation and Communication, this paper provides an outline of two interesting methodologies that can be used to promote both innovation and creativity in Communication Studies, namely Design Thinking and Creation Nets. Design Thinking refers to methods and processes for investigating defined problems, acquiring information, analyzing knowledge, and positing solutions/products in the design and planning fields (this particular style of creative thinking-in-action is having an increasing influence on twenty-first century education across disciplines). Creation Nets, on the other hand, have as their most distinctive value the ability to flexibly and scalably mobilize dispersed and diverse talent for innovation. This has been tested in the Innovation Incubator Project, a project developed via experimentation in seven journalism schools from the United States. The paper will go on to focus on an innovation project based on the Design Thinking process that is being developed on the Audiovisual Communication Degree at Mondragon University.
Edutec. Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa, 2012
Este trabajo describe cómo los estudiantes universitarios evalúan la información que buscan en in... more Este trabajo describe cómo los estudiantes universitarios evalúan la información que buscan en internet. La investigación se realizó en Mondragon Unibertsitatea, donde participaron 140 estudiantes de la licenciatura en Comunicación Audiovisual del curso 2007-2008 y 32 de sus profesores. Los datos cuantitativos fueron recogidos a través de dos cuestionarios, uno para los alumnos y otro para recoger la opinión de los profesores sobre cómo evalúan información sus alumnos. Los datos cualitativos se recogieron a través de cinco grupos de discusión. Los resultados muestran que a la hora de evaluar la información los estudiantes se fijan sobre todo en el aspecto del documento o página web, en la actualidad de la información y en donde se ha publicado la información.
Uztaro. Giza eta gizarte-zientzien aldizkaria, 2011
Ikerketa honetan aztertu da zelakoa den Leintz bailarako nerabeen (12-16 urte) ikus-entzunezko ko... more Ikerketa honetan aztertu da zelakoa den Leintz bailarako nerabeen (12-16 urte) ikus-entzunezko kontsumoa. Aztertu da, batetik, gaztetxoek zelan kontsumitzen dituzten ikus-entzunezkoak; horrekin batera, ezagutu nahi izan dira beren motibazioak ikus-entzunezkoak kontsumitzeko; amaitzeko, ikertu da euskarazko edukiek zein toki betetzen duten haien kontsumoan. Ohiko telebistaz haratago, Interneteko eta telefono mugikorretako ikus-entzunezkoak ere hartu dira kontuan. Ikerketa burutzeko, Arizmendi ikastolako 207 neraberen kontsumoa aztertu da, metodo kuantitatibo eta kualitatiboak baliatuta. Azterketa honek, nerabeen ikus-entzunezko kontsumoari buruzko informazioa eskaintzeaz gain, ikerketa-metodologia bat proposatzen du gaian sakondu gura duten etorkizuneko ikerketentzat. GAKO-HITZAK: Nerabeak • Ikus-entzunezko kontsumoa • Digitalizazioa • Leintz bailara. Teenager audiovisual consumption through Debagoiena in the era of digital convergence The object of this research is to analyze audiovisual consumption of adolescents (12-16 years old) of the Leintz valley. For a full understanding of this consumption, the following three questions have been examined: how adolescents consume audiovisual content? What motivates this consumption? Which part of the content consumed is in Basque? Audiovisual content from the Internet and mobile phones have also been elements considered in this study. Research has been conducted with 207 students from Secondary School, in the Arizmendi School. Both quantitative and qualitative methods have been used to obtain information about the audiovisual consumption of these students. The study proposes, as well, a research method for future studies that wish to further examine this topic.
Communication & Society, 2016
This article examines the different ways of interaction that young people have with television an... more This article examines the different ways of interaction that young people have with television and online video content. Inspired by Van Dijck's argument (2009), that there is a misleading assumption to define the audience in terms of passive recipients related to old media (e.g. television) and active participants who are internet users, the aim of this study is, firstly, to analyze if there are differences related to the type of medium; and, secondly, to examine if it is possible to develop an audience interaction typology in relation to television and to video content. The study presents the most significant statistical results of a survey of 475 students conducted at Mondragon University. After carrying out a factorial analysis, two multiple generalized linear regressions and a cluster analysis, our results show that it is statistically impossible to describe the audience's attitude as a dichotomy between passive television viewers and active internet users. Likewise, it is not possible to develop an audience interaction typology in relation to television and to video content. The results rather show a multifarious profile of activity patterns related to specific contents and interactive practices on the Web. This study illustrates the complexity of content, context and audience practices in the new media environment.
This article aims to analyze the audiovisual consumption patterns of 12 to 16 year-old adolescent... more This article aims to analyze the audiovisual consumption patterns of 12 to 16 year-old adolescents, with particular emphasis on the television fiction contents. In order to understand the role of television series in the era of audiovisual digitization, we have analyzed the preferences, motivations and practices of the adolescents. The study presents quantitative and qualitative data collected in 2011, two years after the digital switchover of television at the study area. This period is considered as the beginning of the digital era, and is characterized by new ways of audiovisual production, transmission and consumption, which have been considered. Questionnaires filled by 852 adolescents, as well as 26 interviews and 16 social network profiles, have been analyzed. The results showed that although consumption of fiction content is closely related to traditional television consumption practices, new expressions and experiences have arisen through the Internet.
Ikerlan honen helburu nagusia da ezagutzea 12 eta 16 urte bitarteko gaztetxo gipuzkoarren ikus-en... more Ikerlan honen helburu nagusia da ezagutzea 12 eta 16 urte bitarteko gaztetxo gipuzkoarren ikus-entzunezko kontsumo-ohiturak. Izan ere, zenbait faktore tarteko direla (telebistaren digitalizazioa, euskarri mugikorren hedapena eta banda-zabalera handiko Interneteko konexioak orokortu izana, nagusiki) ikus-entzunezkoen eskaintza nabarmen aldatu da Gipuzkoan 2010az geroztik. Horrenbestez, aro berriko nerabeen kontsumo-ohiturak aztertu dira (berauek baitira kontsumo-eredu berrien isla nabarmenena), eta baita nerabezaroan funtsezkoa den lagun-taldearen figura ere (jakiteko ea harremanik dagoen ikus-entzunezko kontsumo indibidualaren eta talde-kontsumoaren artean). Amaitzeko, generoaren perspektibatik eta gaztetxo elebidunen hizkuntza-hautuen ikuspegitik ere ikertu da nerabe gipuzkoarren ikus-entzunezko kontsumoa. Galdetegiak, sakoneko elkarrizketak eta nerabeen Tuentiko profilen eduki-azterketa baliatu dira ikerketa burutzeko. This research explores current audiovisual consumption in teen...
espanolEl presente articulo tiene como objetivo analizar los patrones de consumo audiovisual de l... more espanolEl presente articulo tiene como objetivo analizar los patrones de consumo audiovisual de los adolescentes de entre 12 y 16 anos, haciendo especial hincapie en los contenidos de ficcion televisiva. Con el fin de entender el rol de las series de television en la era de la digitalizacion audiovisual, se han analizado las preferencias audiovisuales de estos adolescentes y sus motivaciones, asi como sus practicas alrededor de estos contenidos. En esta investigacion se exponen datos cuantitativos y cualitativos recogidos en 2011, anos posteriores al apagon analogico de la television y que marcan el comienzo de una nueva era audiovisual con nuevas particularidades en la produccion, emision y consumo de contenidos audiovisuales. Se analizan los cuestionarios de 852 adolescentes, asi como 26 entrevistas en profundidad y 16 perfiles de la red social Tuenti, con el fin de radiografiar los usos que los jovenes realizan alrededor de las series de television. Los resultados demuestran que,...
Espacios De Comunicacion Iv Congreso Internacional De La Asociacion Espanola De Investigacion En Comunicacion 2014 Isbn 978 84 695 9434 6 Pag 921, 2013
Edutec: Revista electrónica de tecnología educativa, 42, 1-11.
Este trabajo describe cómo los estudiantes universitarios evalúan la información que buscan en in... more Este trabajo describe cómo los estudiantes universitarios evalúan la información que buscan en internet. La investigación se realizó en Mondragon Unibertsitatea, donde participaron 140 estudiantes de la licenciatura en Comunicación Audiovisual del curso 2007-2008 y 32 de sus profesores. Los datos cuantitativos fueron recogidos a través de dos cuestionarios, uno para los alumnos y otro para recoger la opinión de los profesores sobre cómo evalúan información sus alumnos. Los datos cualitativos se recogieron a través de cinco grupos de discusión. Los resultados muestran que a la hora de evaluar la información los estudiantes se fijan sobre todo en el aspecto del documento o página web, en la actualidad de la información y en donde se ha publicado la información.
Papers by Amaia Pavon-Arrizabalaga
different interpretations of that law and the following development of EITB as a multilingual group. Later, it studies its TV offer for teenagers in the Basque language and presents a research paper that develops a methodological proposal for the study of bilingual teenagers’ habits of consumption in the era of digital convergence. The information obtained will serve to examine these aspects: how many Basque media do teenagers use? What are their motivations to use those media?
deskribatzen duen testuinguruan aro analogikoko ikus-entzunezko praktikak eta kontsumo-ohitura berriak uztartzen dira, digitalizazioaren ondorioz sortu direnak. Horrekin batera, lagun-taldearen eragina nerabezaroan nabaria da.
The aim of this study was to explore audiovisual consumption in teenagers aged from 12 to 16 in 2011 in the province of Gipuzkoa (Basque Country). Given the crucial role of peers in teenager development, the relationship between individual and peer group media consumption patterns has been studied. The impact of the digitizing audiovisuals through new ways of consumptions was also assessed. Data was gathered through a survey carried out on 852 subjects throughout the province, 26 in-depth interviews and the content analysis of 16 Tuenti social media profiles. Results helped us conclude that old and new audiovisual consumption patterns coexist after the digitalization. In addition, the influence of peers on the adolescent media consumption is remarkable.
and video consumption among youth, focusing on online video sharing. The study is carried out
among Mondragon University students to collect quantitative and qualitative data of their viewing and
sharing habits. It is as case study that comprises a survey, a media diary and in-depth interviews. This
article is focused on the quantitative results of the study. The findings show that the TV set is still the
preferred format for television viewing. In contrast, the importance of the online sharing is
highlighted, since almost %68 of the youth share video content on the web.