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Showing posts with label event. Show all posts
Showing posts with label event. Show all posts


MMP + SATW = art, inspirations & prizes! :)

Hello Mixed Media Friends!
We've mentioned before that Mixed Media Place is one of proud sponsors of Scrap Around The World New April Challenge!

Riikka created an amazing moodboard to serve as an inspiration and today ladies from our Design Team show their artworks in a guest blog post.
You really need to see it!

There are lots of delicious prizes to win but most importantly, this is an amazing opportunity to find inspiration and join in some art fun with like-minded people from around the world!

We hope you "let it go" and join us.
Happy creating!!!


Flickr Gallery & Blog Hopping

Before we present some fabulous art from our flickr group, we need to make an announcement.

Mixed Media Place decided to join forces with Scrap 365 and we are blog hopping together!

The blog hop is called "Back to Basics"
We'd like to encourage you to create some wonderful mixed media layouts, especially those of you who are just beginning your art adventure and perhaps don't know where and how to start.
There will be lots of amazing works, inspirations and prizes of course! :)
See you there!

And now it's time to look at some truly amazing art shared in our flickr gallery last month.
Sit back and enjoy! :)


And now - the most pleasant moment - every month one person who added her/his work to our flickr gallery, receives a discount to use in our store.
This month we would like to give a coupon for 10 EUR to 
who charmed us with this journal cover!

Congratulations! :)
Lara, please contact us at store(at) for details.


info for polish customers | możliwość odbioru na II Scrap Craft Event w Warszawie

Hello :) This is a post for polish customers, who will attend II Scrap Craft Event in Warsaw, on February, 16th. So if you are not in Warsaw on this day, you may skip this blogpost :) I invite you tomorrow - we will show some inspirations :)

Witam serdecznie polskie mixed-mediujące dusze :)
Z radością donoszę, że sklep Mixed Media Place razem z marką 7 Dots Studio jest sponsorem maratonu żurnalowo-kolażowego podczas Twórczego Weekendu, który odbędzie się 9-ego lutego w Warszawie. Więcej informacji znajdziecie tu.

Dobra wiadomość jest też taka, że można dokonywać zakupów w sklepie Mixed Media Place z odbiorem na II Scrap Craft Evencie, który będzie 16ego lutego w Warszawie. Będę tam czekać osobiście w godzinach 10-12, 16ego lutego :) Jeśli więc ktoś chce mnie spotkać, albo mnie poznać, zapraszam w tych godzinach :) Jeśli jednak ktoś chce odebrać swoje zamówienie na II SCE, a nie może być w godzinach 10-12 - to także może złożyć zamówienie. Będzie wtedy czekać na odbiór u organizatorki, czyli Wolfann.

Składając zamówienie z odbiorem na II SCE, bardzo proszę o wybór opcji odbioru osobistego i o informację w komentarzach, że odbiór będzie podczas II SCE.
Miłego wieczoru