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Showing posts with label Georgie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Georgie. Show all posts


Magical wands by Georgie

Hi guys,

I figured for this post this I would combine a project that I have been working on for my son’s birthday. He is having a Harry Potter themed party and of course there are lots of things to make!

With lots of things to make, of course I need to break out my Finnabair art ingredients :) So with a Harry Potter party what is the number one thing to create for the kids… wands!!!

Turns out that they are really easy to make too!

I have included in this a post a step by step (with photos) to show my process. But it is sooooo simple to make and quite effective.

With a few ingredients (black gesso and art alchemy waxes) you have instant magic in your hands.

And why not include a little box for them to go in? I created the labels on Canva but whipped up some boxed using 7 Dots papers!

Just a little bit of tissue oar to help support and display the wand.

Step by step process:

Step one:
Using black gesso, give two coats to the chop sticks.

Step two:
Apply hot glue in weird and wonderful layers :)

Step three:
Apply a further coat of black gesso over the dried hot glue.

Step four:
Add some metallic wax, using various colours over hitting all raised edges leaving shadowy areas in the crevices.

Step five:
Add colour to each wand and then add a lighter metal colour to create highlights.

Hope you have enjoyed this slightly different post.
Happy creating!

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Light The Way by Georgie Connelly

Hi Everyone! :)

Today I have to share an altered journal cover. This was a great project for me to get into, I find I have lost my way a little bit with mixed media and my mojo, as I know we can all do. Hence the title, and gorgeous words on this journal, big thank you to Tusia for those gorgeous Word Elements that she creates for us to play with. This one in particular shone for me.

I have used loads of gorgeous Finnabair products that are my go to for mixed media, but the colours are heavenly to work with. You’ll never regret the purchase if you don’t already have them.

I tried to go a little lighter with my finishing touches, I do like adding glitter and bits to help bring it together but I felt the white gesso splatters did that (good ol’ splatters) so minimal use of glitter glass and Micro Beads, but just enough to finish it nicely.

I know I state this quite often but getting a good gesso base is key. Build the solid foundation and you can play away with as much paint as you like ;).

I have a video to share with you of my process creating this, I hope you like - it has been awhile since I’ve done one. :)

Happy creating

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