Off on a little five-day jolly to New Hampshire. With exemption to an In Three Words installment, I'll return next week at some point.
Off on a little five-day jolly to New Hampshire. With exemption to an In Three Words installment, I'll return next week at some point.
I think it's more important than ever to do what we can to help the country of Ukraine stay their own country and not be beaten by the likes of Russia. I also have hope that Zelensky will not cave into the US after last Friday's ambush. I fear, if he does take the Dump and Vance up on any deal, he will be giving into one evil devil to deal with another evil devil, and let's face it, both devils are in this together, and they will stab Zelensky in that back again for one final jab. Over the weekend, reader Milleson sent he a moving email, his letter below, and it also contained his cousin's letter and words, asking to share this. How could I not. Ukraine is barely hanging on but still is staying strong. Any hope, help and kindness is very important and goes a long way for the citizens of the Ukraine. I donated after his email and spent half my day yesterday at the state capital with protest against the Dump. Not a bad turnout considering this was a quick to gather protest, over 4,000 attended, and a surprising number of republicans too. Another one if already being planned.
Dear Bloggers and Friends,
This plea for funds is a humanitarian effort to keep the Ukrainian people with hope and nourishment in the coming months, many are at need and please help if you can. My Cousin Richard and I are descendants of Germans who immigrated to the Ukraine region in the 1800s and this is personal. After all, if you're not an American indigenous Indian, we ALL are descendants of people from other countries. Thank you for your time and consideration. With hope and faith in what America should be, your friend, Milleson
To help the cause got to Seeds of Hope.
There is also the International Rescue Commitee
As is tradition here at the Casa du Borghese.....
While this day is not really a holiday, it always gives me fond memories of both grandmothers. Today is Fat Tuesday or as we call it here in Pennsylvania Dutch country, Fastnacht Day!!! A Fastnacht is a fluffy pastry similar in texture to a donut but does not have a hole and is not filled with any fillings. Most Fastnacht's are plain, sugar or powdered and are of a rectangular shape. So, if you imbibe today and it has a hole, it's not a true Fastnacht. Although a true Pennsylvania Dutch person will tell you they are served best warm and plain. The exact history of the Fastnacht seem to be a great debate, but Fat Tuesday is one day before the beginning of the forty days of the Lenten season that will lead up to Easter in the Christian tradition. There are many ingredients in them, including flour, fat, eggs, and lots of butter. Most of these items are given up for lent, and during this time, aren't consumed. The problem came about what to do with all these contents in the meantime before they spoil. So, the good people in Central and Eastern PA, where this day seems to be the most popular in the country, make tons of Fastnacht's to gorge the family on before fasting.
Every year since I was in my 20's, I can't help but think of the Mistress's maternal grandmother who was always in the kitchen this day making and frying hundreds of these things for the ladies' church function that they would have that day. Plus, she made extra generally for the whole neighborhood and our family. I can still smell them. In the later years, they took the Fastnacht making to the church kitchen and would sell them four to a bag. So even though she is gone, I always have to partake in at least one... or four Fastnacht's for the day. I headed over to Oak Grove Farms after work yesterday to pick up 8 boxes, 7 for work and a box for myself. The best part? I feared with egg prices being up, they might be more, but Oak Grove didn't up the price at all. I admit, I enjoyed one light and airy.
Happy Fastnacht Day!
A glorious weekend weather wise. Sun and some warmth finally. Could spring finally be coming? This weekend found the clan and I in downtown Harrisburg for the Fire and Ice Tour. We started viewing the ice sculptures sponsored by various locations over town, and ice sculptures were craved by ice artist of sorts. Of course, it wasn't long by time we all ended up bar hopping with the better kind of ice in our glasses!!! My friend Mame even had our friend Anthony who came down from New York City. Anthony is a go-go boy and almost finished with his citizenship. He was telling us how everyone on the train down was sort of staring him up and down, he suspects because of his heritage and just assumed he was an illegal. At times he said he felt nervous about his trip down. Sad to think this is how America is getting. With that aside, a good time was had by all, at least I think it was. The Mistress was brought back to the Casa du Borghese, unzipped and put to bed for a nice lie in Sunday. And no, there was no watching of Oscars. I actually forgot they were on.