Saturday, March 8, 2025


 My blog is probably getting boring with my endless medical updates and AI (artificial intelligence) creations. Today I'm going off course with a different subject.

Okay, I can hear the enthusiastic applause. Shame on you!

A quick update, just for the curious. I still have back/hip pain but it's a little less severe. My pain meds were increased. I still can't do any physical therapy....but fervently hoping I can in the near future. Every one here is very helpful and kind. I am well-liked (why? I don't know). I'm presently running a low fever and feeling I'm coming down with something. I hope not. 

Drastic change of subject, going off course.

I have always loved antiques and  have several different collections. I have an enormous collection of antique art ( which I've shared on old blog posts). Mostly oil paintings and some water colors and drawings - - from the 1800s but also some from the 1700s. About 100 things in my collection.

Unfortunately, I sold some of the art when I needed cash....but the majority of my collection is (sadly) stored away, being ravaged by mice and dampness.

I had a wonderful antique book collection - - which was "lost" or more likely stolen during my move to Tennessee.

I'll interject here to say that I'm not wealthy ( presently at below poverty level).....and I'm very frugal. I've only bought what I could afford.

One of my passions is collecting ancient jewelry. Not old, but ancient - - from the Medieval era and beyond (a few from ancient Rome). I've always been very careful to buy from reputable dealers. 

I know two archaeologists whom I buy items from. One is Gabriel, who lives in Los Angeles - and was a consultant for the History Channel. Another is a man named Thor, who is currently living in Ukraine (God bless those people).

I have a impressive collection of antique rings - over forty or so - some are several hundred years old.

Also ancient crosses and pendants - Celtic, Viking, whatever (my mind muddles). In my sordid past I have often worn my pendants and rings.

Unfortunately I lost my favorite ring - - a gorgeous gold and amethyst from Italy. I have no clue what happened to it.

I happened to find some photos from my collection here on my cell phone.

A few of my rings, kept in an old Hungarian box. Some of these are several hundred years old.

A Persian ring, I'm assuming the stone is carnelian.

Can't remember if these are from ancient Rome or Celtic. I aquired them very long ago.

.....and now (drum roll ) my ancient crosses

This is the first one I ever purchased. I'm certain it's Celtic.

This Russian cross is from the 1600s. It looks better in real. I got it for a very low price, because the condition is rather poor.

Some of my favorites below - at least 500 years old and in remarkably good condition. Photos are kinda blurry.

Okay, I haven't purchased any antiques in many many years. I have no reason to. BUT.....a few weeks ago I bought this Medieval Christian Orthodox cross which is in beautiful condition.

And.....(the grand finale)

I never ever buy modern jewelry. It doesn't interest me.


I was recently surfing the web (so to speak) and discovered an online jewelry shop in London. I suddenly fell in love with this ring for some unbeknownst reason. I wanted to buy it, but resisted. There's no plausible reason that I should have it. I'd be foolish to purchase it.

So yesterday I visited the London jewelry shop again. Just to look. My beloved ring......was on sale for half price!! - - - and only one was left.

What the hell. I bought it.

It wasn't very expensive. Honest.

Jon 💜  fascinating or foolish


I want to thank Jane for sending me another card ( peace, strength, healing - - I need that). She's from Strawberry Plains, Tennessee - - which I've never heard of.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


I should have perhaps used "The Ides of March", but the ides and ills basically mean the same pronouncement of doom and gloom.....

.... and the ills of March might refer to my endless ailments.

Don't ponder too much Jon, it might be dangerous.

I'm wondering how to condense this post - - I have long tales to tell.

Today (Tuesday) I had a (dreaded) appointment with an orthopedic doctor in Crossville - - which is 35 miles from Cookeville. I was in Miseryville all night, because the appointment was at the ungodly hour of 8:00 a.m. (!!!!)

I have been a noctural creature all of my life. Probably due to my Hungarian vampiric blood. To me, 8:00 a.m. is the middle of the night.

As if my current existence isn't humiliating enough, I was taken on a stretcher due to the fact that I'm currently not able to walk.

Breezy and brisk outside, with big fluffy March clouds.

Surprise, surprise - I didn't see a doctor at all. I saw the female physician assistant (PA). She sorted through the 150 pages of my current medical records, with looks of astonishment and underlying pity.

I struggled to explain the looong history of my spine/back ailments, which have now deteriorated into an incomprehensible terrifying ordeal.

I wanted logical concise answers, which are seemingly impossible. I wanted to know the source of my pain and a resolution for it.

I got the same generic crap that I always get.

The pain could be caused by my degeneratve joints and discs. Could be sciatica...or ortho-arthritis (or whatever the hell it is)...or a dislocated joint...

....or maybe the evil fairies in Tinkerbell Land.

Bullcrap. If the "pros" don't know, who does?

She didn't think another ct scan is necessary. Well, goodie goodie gumdrops. I already had about six of them in the past month, which revealed nothing.


I'm back to relying on meds - - - increasing the strength of my pain pills, using muscle relaxers....and resuming physical therapy when I'm feeling less pain (haha). She said I could walk again but it will take a long time.

A long ride back to Jamestown.

So, I crawled back into my bed at Signature HealthCare - - dazed, confused, frustrated, bewildered, and completely exhausted.....

....when suddenly the people from Medicaid show up to grill me - - to determine if I can stay in physical therapy or get kicked out.

I was expecting the Spanish Inquisition, but the two ladies were nice and congenial. I was very polite and answered the thousand (or so) questions truthfully. I even let them see my bank account online and access private banking documents.

This ordeal seemed to go well (he says with crossed fingers).

Well, I've said enough for now. Hopefully it didn't exhaust you as much as it exhausted me.


I recieved three cards today - -

from Dorothy, long time blogger friend (and I liked the cat stamp) 

from Bijoux (yes I remember you, welcome back! Beautiful Ray Zaner poem)

from Rob and Barbara (I appreciate the cute heart hanger!)

I appreciate all of you, and I always feel you are near in spirit.

Jon  💚

I'm sharing more of my AI (artificial intelligence) creations. This time I incorporated an Irish theme....sort of.

I initially wanted the guy with the fiddle to be barefooted - - but one image was generated with him wearing boots (first picture), which I like better.