My blog is probably getting boring with my endless medical updates and AI (artificial intelligence) creations. Today I'm going off course with a different subject.
Okay, I can hear the enthusiastic applause. Shame on you!
A quick update, just for the curious. I still have back/hip pain but it's a little less severe. My pain meds were increased. I still can't do any physical therapy....but fervently hoping I can in the near future. Every one here is very helpful and kind. I am well-liked (why? I don't know). I'm presently running a low fever and feeling I'm coming down with something. I hope not.
Drastic change of subject, going off course.
I have always loved antiques and have several different collections. I have an enormous collection of antique art ( which I've shared on old blog posts). Mostly oil paintings and some water colors and drawings - - from the 1800s but also some from the 1700s. About 100 things in my collection.
Unfortunately, I sold some of the art when I needed cash....but the majority of my collection is (sadly) stored away, being ravaged by mice and dampness.
I had a wonderful antique book collection - - which was "lost" or more likely stolen during my move to Tennessee.
I'll interject here to say that I'm not wealthy ( presently at below poverty level).....and I'm very frugal. I've only bought what I could afford.
One of my passions is collecting ancient jewelry. Not old, but ancient - - from the Medieval era and beyond (a few from ancient Rome). I've always been very careful to buy from reputable dealers.
I know two archaeologists whom I buy items from. One is Gabriel, who lives in Los Angeles - and was a consultant for the History Channel. Another is a man named Thor, who is currently living in Ukraine (God bless those people).
I have a impressive collection of antique rings - over forty or so - some are several hundred years old.
Also ancient crosses and pendants - Celtic, Viking, whatever (my mind muddles). In my sordid past I have often worn my pendants and rings.
Unfortunately I lost my favorite ring - - a gorgeous gold and amethyst from Italy. I have no clue what happened to it.
I happened to find some photos from my collection here on my cell phone.
A few of my rings, kept in an old Hungarian box. Some of these are several hundred years old.
A Persian ring, I'm assuming the stone is carnelian.
.....and now (drum roll ) my ancient crosses
This is the first one I ever purchased. I'm certain it's Celtic.
This Russian cross is from the 1600s. It looks better in real. I got it for a very low price, because the condition is rather poor.
Some of my favorites below - at least 500 years old and in remarkably good condition. Photos are kinda blurry.
Okay, I haven't purchased any antiques in many many years. I have no reason to. BUT.....a few weeks ago I bought this Medieval Christian Orthodox cross which is in beautiful condition.
And.....(the grand finale)
I never ever buy modern jewelry. It doesn't interest me.
I was recently surfing the web (so to speak) and discovered an online jewelry shop in London. I suddenly fell in love with this ring for some unbeknownst reason. I wanted to buy it, but resisted. There's no plausible reason that I should have it. I'd be foolish to purchase it.
So yesterday I visited the London jewelry shop again. Just to look. My beloved ring......was on sale for half price!! - - - and only one was left.
What the hell. I bought it.
It wasn't very expensive. Honest.
Jon 💜 fascinating or foolish
I want to thank Jane for sending me another card ( peace, strength, healing - - I need that). She's from Strawberry Plains, Tennessee - - which I've never heard of.