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Open Source Indicators (OSI) such as Google Trends (GT) promise to uncover the social dynamics associated with behavior that precede episodes of civil unrest. There are myriad reasons why societies may become unstable: Our analysis does... more
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      Big Data AnalyticsPredicting Civil Unrest with Social Media
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      Social MovementsLatin American StudiesComparative PoliticsSexuality
In this lecture, a limited introduction of gauge invariance in phase-space is provided, predicated on canonical transformations in quantum phase-space. Exact characteristic trajectories are also specified for the time-propagating Wigner... more
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      Field TheoryQuantum MechanicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
We discuss the pseudodual chiral model to illustrate a class of two-dimensional theories which have an infinite number of conservation laws but allow particle production, at variance with naive expectations. We describe the symmetries of... more
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      Quantum PhysicsHistoric conservation lawCurrent Algebra
The classical and quantum features of Nambu mechanics are analyzed and fundamental issues are resolved. The classical theory is reviewed and developed utilizing varied examples. The quantum theory is discussed in a parallel presentation,... more
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum TheoryHilbert Space
In the quantized two-dimensional non-linear supersymmetric $\sigma$-model, the supercurrent supermultiplet, which contains the energy-momentum tensor, is transformed by the nonlocal symmetry of the model into the isospin current... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsHigh Energy PhysicsHigher Order Thinking
In the context of phase-space quantization, matrix elements and observables result from integration of c-number functions over phase space, with Wigner functions serving as the quasi-probability measure. The complete sets of Wigner... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsProbability TheorySet TheoryMatrix Theory
A concise derivation of all uncertainty relations is given entirely within the context of phase-space quantization, without recourse to operator methods, to the direct use of Weyl's correspondence, or to marginal distributions of x and p.
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      Measure TheoryFoundations of Quantum MechanicsPhase SpaceAnalytical Method
In this lecture, a limited introduction of gauge invariance in phase-space is provided, predicated on canonical transformations in quantum phase-space. Exact characteristic trajectories are also specified for the time-propagating Wigner... more
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      Field TheoryQuantum MechanicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
In the quantized two-dimensional non-linear supersymmetric $\sigma$-model, the supercurrent supermultiplet, which contains the energy-momentum tensor, is transformed by the nonlocal symmetry of the model into the isospin current... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsHigh Energy PhysicsHigher Order Thinking
In the context of phase-space quantization, matrix elements and observables result from integration of c-number functions over phase space, with Wigner functions serving as the quasi-probability measure. The complete sets of Wigner... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsProbability TheorySet TheoryMatrix Theory
Nevertheless, a remarkable aspect of its internal logic, pioneered by Moyal, has only emerged in the last quarter-century: It furnishes a third, alternative, formulation of Quantum Mechanics, independent of the conventional Hilbert Space,... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsQuantum Optics
We relate classical and quantum Dirac and Nambu brackets. At the classical level, we use the relations between the two brackets to gain some insight into the Jacobi identity for Dirac brackets, among other things. At the quantum level, we... more
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    • Field Theory
A concise derivation of all uncertainty relations is given entirely within the context of phase-space quantization, without recourse to operator methods, to the direct use of Weyl's correspondence, or to marginal distributions of x and p.
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      Measure TheoryFoundations of Quantum MechanicsPhase SpaceAnalytical Method
Phase Space is the framework best suited for quantizing superintegrable systems, naturally preserving the symmetry algebras of the respective hamiltonian invariants. The power and simplicity of the method is fully illustrated through new... more
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      Deformation QuantizationPhysical sciencesPhase SpaceDe Sitter
The Wigner phase-space distribution function provides the basis for Moyal's deformation quantization alternative to the more conventional Hilbert space and path integral quantizations. General features of time-independent Wigner functions... more
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      Quantum PhysicsDeformation QuantizationEigenvaluesPath Integral Dynamics
A generating functional $F$ is found for a canonical nonabelian dual transformation which maps the supersymmetric chiral O(4) $\sigma$-model to an equivalent supersymmetric extension of the dual $\sigma$-model. This $F$ produces a mapping... more
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      Field TheoryQuantum PhysicsQuantum TheoryPhase Space
In this lecture, a limited introduction of gauge invariance in phase-space is provided, predicated on canonical transformations in quantum phase-space. Exact characteristic trajectories are also specified for the time-propagating Wigner... more
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      Field TheoryQuantum MechanicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
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      Fixed Point TheoryPhysical sciencesMathematical ModelInfrared
We discuss the pseudodual chiral model to illustrate a class of two-dimensional theories which have an infinite number of conservation laws but allow particle production, at variance with naive expectations. We describe the symmetries of... more
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      Quantum PhysicsHistoric conservation lawCurrent Algebra