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The paper deals with the measurement of the dynamic stability derivatives of a generic combat aircraft model undergoing forced oscillation motion in roll. The experiments are performed in the 8’ x 10’ low-speed, closed circuit Ankara Wind... more
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In this paper two new conceptual robotic system designs, called 'aerial-retrieval' and 'aerial-rescue' are presented and demonstrated by simulation results. The Unmanned air vehicles (UAV) used in this design are thrust vector controlled... more
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    • SDRE controller
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      Nonlinear ControlNonlinear Observer
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringInverse KinematicsFeedback System
A new multiobjective simulated annealing algorithm for continuous optimization problems is presented. The algorithm has an adaptive cooling schedule and uses a population of fitness functions to accurately generate the Pareto front.... more
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      Applied MathematicsSimulated AnnealingOptimization techniquesMultiobjective Optimization
The relative position control of a collinear spinning three-spacecraft Coulomb formation with set charges is addressed. Such a formation is assumed to be in deep space without relevant gravitational forces present. The nonlinear control... more
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Formation attitude and relative position tracking control of a two-spacecraft utilizing coulomb forces as well as thrusters is discussed. The nonlinear optimal tracking control is realized using the Approximating Sequence of Riccati... more
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      Aerospace EngineeringOptimal ControlComputational ModelingSimulated Annealing
The dynamic analysis of a two-spacecraft Coulomb formation at Earth-Moon libration points is addressed. Relative motion control of the two craft coulomb formation are used to keep the distance between them at the desired value. Formation... more
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Solar sailing where the radiation pressure from Sun is utilized to propel the spacecraft is examined in the context of orbital maneuvers. In this vein a locally optimal steering law to progressively change the selected orbital elements,... more
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Jet savaş uçakları nesillerinin ne olduğunu açıklamak maksadıyla hazırlanmıştır. Çalışmada ayrıca, 15-20 yıl sonra dünya silahlı kuvvetlerinin envanterine girmesi beklenen 6. nesil savaş uçağının hangi özelliklere sahip olabileceği... more
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    • Aircraft Design
Son yıllarda askeri uygulamaları oldukça yayılan ve aynı zamanda sivil ve ticari alanda uygulama örnekleri görülmeye başlanılan İHA sistemleri hakkında temel açıklayıcı bilgiler verilmiştir.
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      Unmanned Aircraft SystemsAircraft DesignUnmanned Aerial Vehicles
Son dönemde askeri ve sivil uygulamaları hızla artmakta olan İHA sistemlerine yönelik lojistik destek hususları incelenmiştir.
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      LogisticsUavUnmanned Aircraft SystemsUnmanned Aerial Vehicles
Başlangıçta potansiyel faydaları çok geç görülen İnsansız Hava Aracı (İHA) sistemleri, 2000’li yılların başından itibaren hızla yayılmış, sistemlerin sayısı ve çeşitleri artarken aynı zamanda kabiliyetleri de oldukça gelişmiş ve askeri... more
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      TechnologyUnmanned Aircraft Systems
Seminer kapsamında; İHA sistemlerinin temel özellikler, Dünya ve Türkiye’deki gelişmeler, İHA sistemlerinin askeri, sivil ve ticari kullanım alanları ile İHA sistemlerine yönelik gelecek eğilimleri incelenmiştir.
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      Unmanned Aircraft SystemsUnmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)Future Trends
In the uncertainty environment during the first half of the 21st century, the issues like global climate change, natural and man-made disasters, water scarcity, energy problem, food shortage, population growth, human migration and income... more
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      SecurityUnmanned Aircraft Systems21st Century Studies