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Learning patterns/Regional action plan

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
A learning pattern forvolunteer management
Regional action plan
problemThe members, gathered in local groups, may have difficulty maintaining a group dynamic when not related to a specific action.
solutionUnite  members in the region and make predictable the occurrence of actions by the establishment of a regional action plan specific to each local group.
created on10 March, 2015

What problem does this solve?


The members, gathered in local groups, may have difficulty maintaining a group dynamic when not related to a specific action. These can occur at any time. Members therefore seek the employee team as the multiplication of these ideas cause emergency. It may happen that employees don't have the availability required to meet members' demands, which is harmful to the actions and the relationship between members and employees: members might, for instance, have doubts regarding the accompanying capacity of employees and therefore the validity of their use, which jeopardizes the smooth running of the association.

What is the solution?


Unite  members in the region and make predictable the occurrence of actions by the establishment of a regional action plan specific to each local group. Once a year, the employee in charge of the territorial organization follow each  local group and help it in the definition of an action plan of its own, to define and prioritize in advance actions to be undertaken by local groups .This methodological tool aims to structure a local dynamic. Thus the members know their path and what actions they should focus on. The employee team can implement an upstream coordination of each action with enough backup to carry through each of them. Establish an action plan aims to bring greater coherence to local initiatives while promoting the creativity of members. In addition, the aggregation of all the action plans brings out common guidelines, giving a better overview, improving the clarity and efficiency.

The conduct of the proceedings


Carry an inventory (local group / network and developpement department) in order to target in a best way members' expectations and project. Items discussed:

  • past actions and group functioning
  • motivations, desires and needs of members
  • skills and expertise mobilized
  • human, financial and logistical needs
  • existing and proposed partnerships

Write the action plan :

  • identify priority themes
  • decline them into action
  • generate corresponding actions sheets
  • Disseminate the action plan
  • internally via Wikimembres to facilitate exchange with employees
  • externally via wikimedia.fr for partners and public

Conduct an annual review :

  • Review the past year 
  • define an action plan for the coming year

Things to consider


Don't be too ambitious: Stay realistic regarding the amount of actions to be set up, members are volunteers and can only give a reduced time to the implementation of projects.

When to use


The regional action plan needs to be drafted ahead of the definition of the overall budget of the association in order to integrate the budget estimations of each group. It is advisable to contact groups in January so that action plans are drawn up in March. In order to facilitate the annual review, it is best to stagger the writing of each groups' action plans so that the project manager is not requested at the same time by all groups.