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“too old to migrate” doesn’t show on meta sites

When the 60 day limit has been reached for a question on a main site, the option for the “off topic” close reason is changed from off-topic because... to off-topic because… (too old to migrate) ...
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3 votes
2 answers

Is "closer match to another SE" a reason to close an on-topic question as off-topic?

This is related to Close as off topic, flag to migrate, or both?, but it is specifically about questions which are on-topic where originally posted. The SE family is getting quite large now, and a ...
arboviral's user avatar
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0 answers

Rephrase site migration close reason header

There seems to be a fair amount of perpetual confusion over just what migration entails and what questions qualify. It seems to me that a bit of rephrasing would reduce that confusion considerably ...
Nathan Tuggy's user avatar
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55 votes
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Explicitly state that a question is too old to migrate instead of omitting the option entirely

Questions older than 60 days can't be migrated by moderators. The way this is currently implemented in the flagging and closing UI is that the option "This question belongs on another site in the ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
-19 votes
2 answers

Stop closing Stack Overflow questions

The proper response when you see an old question that should be on Meta Stack Overflow is to flag for migration. Please stop closing these as off-topic, that's not appropriate. Yes, it would be nice ...
Lance Roberts's user avatar
7 votes
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Replace "Programming Questions" close reason with "Migrate to Meta Stack Overflow" [closed]

Since the division of Meta's into Meta Stack Exchange and Meta Stack Overflow, Stack Overflow has a real meta. The previous Meta was moved to here but it still has some legacy functionalities which ...
Mp0int's user avatar
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Is this question really too broad and not simply off-topic?

Why would computers transfer data and instructions form main memory to cache in blocks when this means a single cache miss may overwrite a lot was put on hold as too broad. While I can see it is off-...
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117 votes
2 answers

Add a "don't migrate crap" migration 'path' to all sites

Don't Migrate Crap This is the golden rule of migrations. And we do it far too often. I'll even admit to it. It's sometimes difficult to justify to one's self to spend more time drafting a custom ...
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2 votes
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Why is the migration from Stack Overflow only allowed to those specific sites? [duplicate]

Why is the migration from Stack Overflow only allowed to those specific sites? Yes, these sites are closer to programming, but IMHO, TeX - LaTeX and SharePoint are rarely used; for example, the ...
Alex K's user avatar
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1 vote
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Migrate <belongs on another site> from <off-topic> to the top-level of close reasons? [duplicate]

I understand that close reasons are supposed to be as clear as possible to the OP, whilst simultaneously not overburdening the person suggesting the close with too much navigation through multiple ...
Simon O'Hanlon's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to request to move a question to programmers.SE? [duplicate]

When I click the Migrate option in the close vote (in off topic), it lists a few sites. To be exact, it lists Meta (this), SuperUser, TeX.SE, DBA.SE and sharepoint.SE. There's not an option for ...
It'sNotALie.'s user avatar
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-6 votes
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Add "" as a destination in the "Vote to Close as Off-Topic" dialog

As an active participant in the mini-site, most of the off-topic questions are coming from frustrated end users looking for support on the web app. I've also seen this on ...
cpilko's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

How do I request migration of a question from site X to site Y [duplicate]

A question posted on one Stack Exchange site does not belong on that site, but might fit well on another Stack Exchange site. How can I get the question moved from its current site to the other site?
-9 votes
1 answer

Can we move this question to Programmers.Stackexhange?

Can we move this question to Programmers.Stackexchange? I still think it is a relevant question that is useful to many budding programmers. A few people even seem to agree with me!
haziz's user avatar
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27 votes
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Re-order close reasons, to discourage bad migrations

Currently the close reasons, in order, are: exact duplicate off-topic off-topic expands to offer migration destinations not constructive not a real question too localized It seems to me that this ...
freiheit's user avatar
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34 votes
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Could normal users have an easier way to flag for migration?

TL;DR: Give the belongs on another site in the SE network option to normal users too, generating a moderator flag. Often questions are posted on the wrong site on the Stack Exchange network (for ...
Paŭlo Ebermann's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

How do I vote to migrate questions to other SE sites that aren't listed?

When I vote to close a question because it is off topic, the only other SE I can recommend the question to are the following 5: In this instance I feel the question should have been posted at ...
Dunhamzzz's user avatar
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-11 votes
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Badge Suggestion: Migratory Leader

I believe there should be a badge for those users who properly identify questions as belonging to another of the StackExchange sites. Specifically, I believe there should be a badge for being the ...
Paul Sonier's user avatar
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Require more than simple majority of close votes to migrate

Following a post about a garbage question that was migrated to Programmers, Jeff posted this answer about some basic migration protection that is in place (at least one matching tag). That is a ...
Nicole's user avatar
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2 votes
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List of target sites in flagging wizard

As a non-moderator, I can flag questions for a multitude of reasons. One is "It doesn't belong here" and then "off topic". After that, a list of possibly suited SE sites is shown along with a generic ...
Raphael's user avatar
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Adjust the system to slightly discourage migration over other close reasons

I think the system needs to start proving a slight disincentive to migrate questions relative to simply closing them. I believe this is necessary since it seems like questions that are off topic ...
Zoredache's user avatar
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-4 votes
2 answers

Migrate to Chat option

How about for discussiony questions that come up on the main sites there could be a 'Migrate to Chat' close reason, and a room there to receive them? Kind of like stackoverflowoverflow was, but ...
Lance Roberts's user avatar
-5 votes
3 answers

What should we do with questions that are closed instead of migrated to a more appropriate site? [closed]

I've noticed a number of questions that are being closed as "not programming related", when in reality they belong on either Super User or Server Fault. For example, this question has three ...
Justin's user avatar
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244 votes
1 answer

What is migration and how does it work?

I posted a question which was closed as off-topic and it seems like it could fit on another site in the network. How can I go about moving it there? What is migration? When can a question be migrated,...
120 votes
6 answers

What to do with cross-site duplicates?

What's the right course of action for cross-site duplicates? There are two flavors: A question is posted which belongs on another site and ends up already having been asked there. I can't find an ...
lc.'s user avatar
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