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Rephrase site migration close reason header

There seems to be a fair amount of perpetual confusion over just what migration entails and what questions qualify. It seems to me that a bit of rephrasing would reduce that confusion considerably ...
Nathan Tuggy's user avatar
  • 13.4k
-19 votes
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Stop closing Stack Overflow questions

The proper response when you see an old question that should be on Meta Stack Overflow is to flag for migration. Please stop closing these as off-topic, that's not appropriate. Yes, it would be nice ...
Lance Roberts's user avatar
117 votes
2 answers

Add a "don't migrate crap" migration 'path' to all sites

Don't Migrate Crap This is the golden rule of migrations. And we do it far too often. I'll even admit to it. It's sometimes difficult to justify to one's self to spend more time drafting a custom ...
user avatar
1 vote
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Migrate <belongs on another site> from <off-topic> to the top-level of close reasons? [duplicate]

I understand that close reasons are supposed to be as clear as possible to the OP, whilst simultaneously not overburdening the person suggesting the close with too much navigation through multiple ...
Simon O'Hanlon's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

List of target sites in flagging wizard

As a non-moderator, I can flag questions for a multitude of reasons. One is "It doesn't belong here" and then "off topic". After that, a list of possibly suited SE sites is shown along with a generic ...
Raphael's user avatar
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244 votes
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What is migration and how does it work?

I posted a question which was closed as off-topic and it seems like it could fit on another site in the network. How can I go about moving it there? What is migration? When can a question be migrated,...