Alpaslan Hamdi A H K Kuzucuoglu
In 1991, he graduated Istanbul Technical University, Department of Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering. He completed Master program in 2005 in Istanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, Housing and Earthquake Program.
He graduated with PhD degree in Cultural Heritage Protection and Restoration Department, Conservation Renovation and Restoration Sub-Department from Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences, (2006-2011). Thesis subject is "Istanbul Beylerbeyi Palace Risk Analysis and Proposals of Preventive Measures".
He received the title of Associate Professor in 2017 and title of Professor in 2022 at the field of "Information and Records Management".
He gives lectures and participates many national and international events within the scope of "Preventive Conservation” on reducing the risks in the Gallery, Library, Archive and Museum (GLAM) structures where the cultural heritage is located, which are "Information and Cultural Centers", proactively protecting, documenting and archiving of the "Cultural Heritage" and examination and documentation of "Forensic Documents" of within the scope of "Preventive Criminalistics".
He is the Chief Editor-in-Chief of LAMRe Journal (Journal of Library, Archive and Museum Research).
Address: Istanbul Medeniyet University, Kadikoy Istanbul Turkey
He graduated with PhD degree in Cultural Heritage Protection and Restoration Department, Conservation Renovation and Restoration Sub-Department from Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences, (2006-2011). Thesis subject is "Istanbul Beylerbeyi Palace Risk Analysis and Proposals of Preventive Measures".
He received the title of Associate Professor in 2017 and title of Professor in 2022 at the field of "Information and Records Management".
He gives lectures and participates many national and international events within the scope of "Preventive Conservation” on reducing the risks in the Gallery, Library, Archive and Museum (GLAM) structures where the cultural heritage is located, which are "Information and Cultural Centers", proactively protecting, documenting and archiving of the "Cultural Heritage" and examination and documentation of "Forensic Documents" of within the scope of "Preventive Criminalistics".
He is the Chief Editor-in-Chief of LAMRe Journal (Journal of Library, Archive and Museum Research).
Address: Istanbul Medeniyet University, Kadikoy Istanbul Turkey
InterestsView All (18)
Papers by Alpaslan Hamdi A H K Kuzucuoglu
Çalıştayda, belirlenen ana konular kapsamında katılım sağlamak üzere bürokratlar, akademisyenler, yöneticiler, mimarlar, kütüphaneciler, iç mimarlar, şehir plancıları, mühendisler, restoratörler ve farklı sektörlerde çeşitli pozisyonlarda görev yapan 94 katılımcı yer almış ve iki gün süresince, ülkemizdeki halk kütüphanelerinin hizmet verdiği binaların sorunlarını daha bütüncül bir yaklaşımla değerlendirilmesi; kamu kaynaklarının etkin ve verimli kullanılması, halk kütüphanelerinin hizmet niteliğinin yükseltilmesi ve toplumdaki kütüphane algısının arzu edilen seviyeye getirilmesi konularında değerli görüşleriyle katkıda bulunmuştur.
Genel Müdürlük bundan sonraki süreçte yakın, orta ve uzun vadeli olarak hayata geçirilecek olan proje ve programların başlangıç adımını oluşturan bu çalıştay aracılığıyla, Bakanlığa bağlı olarak hizmet veren kütüphane binalarımızın; kullanıcılarımız ve potansiyel kullanıcılarımız için “cazibe merkezi”, “buluşma noktası” ve “YAŞAYAN KÜTÜPHANE” niteliği kazanmaları hedeflenmiştir.
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