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I find some patterns when analyzing the number of ways to represent an even number as sum of odd primes

It is not really an answer, but a big comment. I have download your file output.txt, and provided some analyzes. I will denote : $g_2(2n) = $ the number obtained with your process (number of primes ...
Lourrran's user avatar
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Euler's Totient function

I have got the answer for this question. Thank you for the clarification in the comments. I have been trying to check for the numbers of the form $X = 2^a.5^b$ and $X = 2^a.5^b.p_1.p_2...p_k$ but I ...
Naga Sai Prajith's user avatar
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Primitive polynomial for non-prime $\mathbb{F}_q$

If $q$ is not too large, there is a simple series of tests. Find all the prime factors of $q-1$, and then raise a candidate primitive element to all combinations of those prime factors except all of ...
rcgldr's user avatar
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How far away is a number from being a power?

You can trivially calculate the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc root of n, rounded to the nearest integer. And you don't need k-th roots where k is composite, saving quite a lot of work. For small n, say n ≤ 10^10, ...
gnasher729's user avatar
  • 10.3k
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How far away is a number from being a power?

The distance from $n$ to the nearest $k$th power of an integer is exactly $\min\{ n-\lfloor m^{1/k}\rfloor^k,\lceil m^{1/k}\rceil^k - n \}$. Therefore if $n\le2^B$, the distance from $n$ to the ...
Greg Martin's user avatar
  • 86.9k
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Primitive polynomial for non-prime $\mathbb{F}_q$

Short answer: if we can factor polynomials over non-prime fields, then we can find primitive polynomials for them using primitive polynomials for prime fields. Let $q=p^k$; we want to find a primitive ...
Greg Martin's user avatar
  • 86.9k
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About prime numbers (Goldbach) and a periodic integer sequence

Prof. Carl Pomerance has just provided the answer: "Well the statement of your theorem presumes that Goldbach has been proved. Here's a version that does not make this presumption: If $2N = p+q$,...
Michel Yamagishi's user avatar
1 vote

Recovering irrational number $\alpha$ from behavior of the sequence $ (\{ m\alpha \})_{m \geq 1}$

$\varphi$ and its square $\varphi + 1$ are both Pisot numbers and quadratic integers, so their sequences are identical. This already gives a counter-example on the question relating to determining ...
Cuagga's user avatar
  • 156
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Counting "lattices" on a circle

As $\mathbb{Z}[\omega]$ is a Euclidean domain, hence it is a PID and UFD. We can see that the diagram below commutes: $$ \require{AMScd} \begin{CD} \mathbb{Z}[x] @>\text{kill }p>> \...
tys's user avatar
  • 436
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Closed form expression of coefficients of rational function

I assume the exponents $e_j$ are distinct positive integers, of which $e_s$ is the largest. Let $p(x) = 1 - c_1 x^{e_1} - \ldots - c_s x^e_s$. Being a polynomial, it can be factored as $\prod_{j=1}^{...
Robert Israel's user avatar
2 votes

Show that $\sum_{n \leq x} \left( \frac{\phi(n)}{n} \right)^\kappa = c(\kappa)x + O(x^\epsilon)$.

Following Conrad's hint, we observe that for $s$ with sufficiently large real part, $$ \sum_{n} \phi^{\kappa}(n) n^{-s-\kappa} = \prod_{p}\left(1+\sum_{m} p^{(m-1)\kappa}(p-1)^{\kappa} p^{-m(s+\kappa)}...
huh's user avatar
  • 727
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Ignoring units in unique factorization and divisibility theory

It might be worth pointing out that if $R$ is a commutative ring and $p \in R$ is a prime element, then if $Rp$ denotes the prime ideal generated by $p$, the generators of $Rp$ are exactly the ...
krm2233's user avatar
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7 votes

Recovering irrational number $\alpha$ from behavior of the sequence $ (\{ m\alpha \})_{m \geq 1}$

This is related to the three gaps theorem, which gives the values of the lengthes of the intervals of $[0,1]$ defined by $c_1,\ldots,c_n$. There are at most three different lengthes, which can be ...
Christophe Leuridan's user avatar
1 vote

Counting "lattices" on a circle

L. E. Dickson (1929) Introduction to the Theory of Numbers.
Will Jagy's user avatar
  • 143k
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Doubt regarding the prime counting function $\pi(n)$

You may use the bounds $\frac{x}{\log x}\lt \pi(x)\lt \frac{3x}{2\log x}$ for $x\geq 17$. It follows $\pi(n^2)-\pi\left(\left\lfloor \frac{n^2}{2}\right\rfloor\right) \gt \frac{n^2}{2\log n} - \frac{...
Sahaj's user avatar
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Is there an irrational number $\alpha$ such that the max value of $(\{m\alpha\})_{m\geq 1}$ is never an integer multiple of that sequence's min value?

If $c_p=kc_q$ for some integer $k$ we have $p\alpha=kq\alpha+r$ for $p,q,r,k$ integers or $\alpha=\frac r{p-kq}$ which cannot be the case if $\alpha$ is irrational unless $p=kq$ and $r=0$. The last ...
Ross Millikan's user avatar
-1 votes

Prove that $\prod_{i<j} (p_i^{p_j}-p_j^{p_i})$ is divisible by $5777$

Here's my attempt to attack this problem. $5777=53\times109$ and for $5777$ to divide the given product either each of 53 and 109 will divide a term each or both will divide a single term in the ...
Brayant Tagne's user avatar
3 votes

Elliptic Curves over finite field which contains Klein's-4 Group as a subgroup

There is only one point at infinity on the curve, namely the point $(0,1,0)$ which serves as the identity element for the group of rational points. All other points are finite and may be expressed as ...
Anuradha N.'s user avatar
3 votes

Elliptic Curves over finite field which contains Klein's-4 Group as a subgroup

Hint. If I'm not mistaken, for an elliptic curve in the form $y^2=x^3+ax+b$ then $−(x,y)=(x,−y).$ Hence if a point $P=(x,y)$ satisfies $2P=0$, then $y=0$ or $y=\infty$. Note that you need to check in ...
GreginGre's user avatar
  • 15.7k
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I find some patterns when analyzing the number of ways to represent an even number as sum of odd primes

The prime number theorem says approximately that the probability that a random integer $n$ is prime is about $1/\log n$ on average. Consider an even integer $m$. Then we might expect that the number ...
davidlowryduda's user avatar
  • 93.5k
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Conjecture: If $n$ is an odd positive integer then $\gcd\left(2^{n}+5,5^{n}-3^{n}\right)=1$.

Let $n_0$ be an odd integer such that $n_0 \geq 3$. Since $\gcd(5, 3) = 1$, by Zsigmondy’s theorem, $5^{n_0} - 3^{n_0}$ has a primitive prime divisor $p$. In particular, $p$ is odd (since $p$ does ...
Iraf dpcr's user avatar
  • 148
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For which integer n, is there a circle inscribing n gridpoints

I'll do my best to explain the solution given on the link you referenced. The first step is to consider the set $S$ of all lines that are perpendicular bisectors to $2$ integer points. The main ...
Bruno Andrades's user avatar
4 votes

On Theorem 2.7 of Montgomery and Vaughan's MNT

Without loss of generality, we can assume that $\delta\in\left(0,\log\left(2\right)\right)$ since, if I remember correctly, in that theorem we want to take $\delta\rightarrow0^{+}$. Then $$\int_{1}^{2}...
Marco Cantarini's user avatar
2 votes

Computing primes of the form $x^2+ny^2$

Let's start with $n$ odd. Alright, you want even discriminant $-4n$ First you find, using an algorithm due to Cornacchia, or one due to Tonelli-Shanks, a solution $\beta$ to $$ \beta^2 \equiv ...
Will Jagy's user avatar
  • 143k
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A regular polygon of $2023$ sides is inscribed in a circle of unit radius. Prove that its side and all its diagonals have irrational lengths

An elementary solution: Create an isosceles triangle by drawing two radii from the center of the circle to the ends of the side/diagonal; the vertex angle $\theta$ is some integer multiple of $2\pi/...
Benjamin Wright's user avatar
6 votes

A regular polygon of $2023$ sides is inscribed in a circle of unit radius. Prove that its side and all its diagonals have irrational lengths

Any side or diagonal length of a regular $2023$ sided polygon can be represented as $|w-1|$ where $w$ is a $2023$th root of unity other than $1$. Suppose $|w-1| = q\in\mathbb Q$. We have $$\begin{...
Alma Arjuna's user avatar
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Question on relationship between OEIS entries A020498 and A172407

Say that two sets $S$, $T$ of $n$ integers each have the same shape if there is some $k$ where $T=\{s+k: s\in S\}$. An admissible $n$-tuple is a set $S$ of $n$ integers such that there are infinitely ...
Rosie F's user avatar
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A regular polygon of $2023$ sides is inscribed in a circle of unit radius. Prove that its side and all its diagonals have irrational lengths

Let $P$ be a regular polygon with $2023$ sides whose vertices lie on the unit circle. We can think of $P$ as being drawn in the complex plane. Without loss of generality, we may assume $V_k = e^{2\pi ...
Mathieu Rundström's user avatar
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Is it known that all primes can be expressed as a square number minus a prime number?

Comment: I found this in a book which can help to formulate the matter. Problem: Prove that any number $n>6$ can be expressed as the sum of two numbers prime to each other. Solution: case 1: the ...
sirous's user avatar
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Action of $SL_2(F)$ on Heisenberg group and Weil representation

This is too long for a comment, but may be it works as an answer. I believe that the formula $$ g\cdot(v^*,v,t) = \left( av^*+bv,cv^*+dv,t\frac{\psi(-B(av^*+bv,cv^*+dv))}{\psi(-B(v,v^*))} \right) $$ ...
Albert's user avatar
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Factoring semiprimes via sum of two squares?

To answer question 2 (question 1 has been dispatched in the comments), all the odd semiprimes are in $D$, and the even semiprimes have zero density in the set of all semiprimes, so the required ...
Gerry Myerson's user avatar
-1 votes

Divisibility by $33^{33}$

My approach to this problem was quite simple. I found for which values of $k$ is $19^k+92^k$ divisible by $3$,$11$ or $33$. I found out that: $3 \mid 19^k+92^k$ when $k$ is odd, and $3^2|19^k+92^k$ ...
Brayant Tagne's user avatar
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Can you do modulos with irrational numbers?

You can define such an equivalence relation on real numbers by stating that $x\equiv y\bmod p$ if and only if $x-y\in \mathbb{Z}$ and $p\vert x-y$. You can check that this satisfies all the properties ...
Sam Jaques's user avatar
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Is it known that all primes can be expressed as a square number minus a prime number?

This seems to be unknown, and like many problems of this form, hard to approach. Indeed, in this case even if it was not true for some particular prime $p^*$, how would you even prove that $n^2-p^*$ ...
Especially Lime's user avatar
7 votes

Sum of class numbers

Next morning, guess I should throw in some examples of binary quadratic forms and the form class number. To save typing, I will use the notation $<a,b,c>$ to refer to the binary quadratic form ...
Will Jagy's user avatar
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Sum of class numbers

Actually, I came up with an answer myself which I will post hier in case anyone else will encounter the same problem in future: The result which is applicable here is Corollary 7.28 of the every now ...
HyperPro's user avatar
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Class numbers of $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-p}]$, $h(-p)$ and $h(-4p)$

We certainly can define a ring with characteristic discriminant $-28$, and that would be $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-7}]$ whose minimal associated polynomial equation is $x^2+7=0$. Like all $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-...
Oscar Lanzi's user avatar
4 votes

Nim-like game from Swedish math competition

This is an example of a subtraction game with a finite subtraction set (played according to the normal play convention). For such a game with maximum possible subtraction of $16$, you were guaranteed ...
Mark S.'s user avatar
  • 25.1k
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Inertia groups of totally ramified extensions

As stated in the comments, you actually have $e=3$ and $f=1$. Here are two ways to see this. Let $\newcommand{\Q}{\mathbb{Q}} \newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}} \newcommand{\F}{\mathbb{F}} \newcommand{\O}{\...
Viktor Vaughn's user avatar
17 votes

Conjecture: If $n$ is an odd positive integer then $\gcd\left(2^{n}+5,5^{n}-3^{n}\right)=1$.

A quick search has revealed that when $$n = 3539969049025$$ the numbers $2^n + 5$ and $5^n - 3^n$ have common factor $$p = 103408180634401.$$ The python code to check this is pasted below ...
abacaba's user avatar
  • 11k
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What is the probability that $250$ random digits contain $7777$ , $8888$ and $9999$?

Because of the symmetry between $7$, $8$, and $9$, there's a much smaller matrix that can be used to arrive at the exact answer than that proposed by @Daniel Martin. Let $\mathsf{A}$ be the state ...
mjqxxxx's user avatar
  • 42.7k
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An Exploration of Cube Relations in 3-4-5 Pythagorean Triples?

Welcome to Math.SE! ... First of all, congratulations on perceiving a pattern; that's what mathematics is all about! Skipping-over your initial relation (which I believe doesn't capture your intention)...
Blue's user avatar
  • 80.3k
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Odd integer Dirichlet approximation

[Posted as an answer, at OP's request] W. T. Scott, "Approximation to real irrationals by certain classes of rational fractions", Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 46, 124-129, shows that if $\alpha$ ...
Robert Israel's user avatar
2 votes

$n\ =\ \lfloor \sqrt{2}a\ \rfloor +\lfloor \sqrt{3}b\rfloor$

I have mentioned the Beatty Sequence in the comment, but seeing the AOPS post the solution there is quite clear and brief, so I’m posting an explanation of it. First, OP on AOPS(OP below) wrote: $$\...
RDK's user avatar
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Size of prime divisors of $\gcd(a^3 + 2, b^3 + 2)$

This is not a proof, but I've added enough numerical explorations to my previous heuristics that I hope you'll forgive me putting it in the "answer" field. Heuristics (cf. the comments above)...
Ravi Fernando's user avatar
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Probability that a natural number N is prime.

You are absolutely correct $-$ the question is meaningless unless your friend specifies a probability distribution on the natural numbers. This is because there is no uniform distribution on the whole ...
TonyK's user avatar
  • 66.5k
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Krull dimension of the adele ring

Let's treat $K=\Bbb Q$ first. It's well-known that $\Bbb A_{\Bbb Q}\cong (\Bbb Q \otimes_{\Bbb Z}\widehat{\Bbb Z}) \times \Bbb R$. We can just focus on $\Bbb Q \otimes_{\Bbb Z}\widehat{\Bbb Z}$ for ...
Lukas Heger's user avatar
  • 23.6k
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The Hasse invariant at cuspidal elliptic curves in a generically ordinary family

Figuring this out was fun! I feel like part of my answer should be intuitive, except I’m not sure how to make it rigorous at all. The gist is that $\mathbb{G}_m$ really, really, doesn’t want to be ...
Aphelli's user avatar
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On Thue-Siegel-Roth Theorem.

Is this proof only available for quadratics? Yes. In general, the following is true, and follows from an argument not so different from yours: Lemma: If $\alpha$ is an irrational root of an ...
Daniel's user avatar
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What is the best book learn Galois Theory if I am planning to do number theory in future?

The recently published book Introduction to Galois Theory by David Hernandez and Yves Laszlo is an excellent resource for beginners. "The authors introduce Galois theory from a contemporary point ...
Nour-Eddine Fahssi's user avatar

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