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Let a group $G=\left\{\begin{pmatrix}a&b\\0&a\end{pmatrix} : a,b\in\mathbb{Z_3}, a\neq{0}\right\}$. Find the order of $G$ and find all subgroups

Let $$X=\begin{pmatrix} 2 & 1 \\ 0 & 2 \end{pmatrix}.$$ Observe that $|X|=6$ and $X$ generates the group $G$. Hence $G\cong \Bbb Z_6$. Theorem: Let $G$ be a finite, cyclic group. Suppose $d\...
Shaun's user avatar
  • 47.2k
2 votes

Let a group $G=\left\{\begin{pmatrix}a&b\\0&a\end{pmatrix} : a,b\in\mathbb{Z_3}, a\neq{0}\right\}$. Find the order of $G$ and find all subgroups

We can easily see that the elements of the group $G$ are $\{ x_1 = \left(\begin{matrix}1 & 0\\0 & 1\end{matrix}\right), x_2 = \left(\begin{matrix}1 & 1\\0 & 1\end{matrix}\right), x_3 = ...
spectralmath's user avatar
2 votes

Order of a product of two elements in a Frobenius Group

By a straightforward counting argument, a Frobenius group of degree $n$ has exactly $n-1$ fixed-point-free elements, so these must be the non-trivial elements of $K$. So all elements of $G$ outside of ...
Derek Holt's user avatar
  • 94.3k
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The number of the double cosets $K\backslash G/H$ equals $ \langle \pi_{G/K} , \pi_{G/H} \rangle$

Since we are finding the number of the $K$-orbits, then \begin{equation} \langle Res_K^G(\pi_{G/H}) , 1_K \rangle_K = \langle \pi_{G/H}, Ind_{K}^{G} 1_K\rangle_G = \langle \pi_{G/H}, \pi_{G/K} \...
White Give's user avatar
0 votes

In SageMath, how to put group element into standard form

OK, I have found that I can do it with the following code print(G[G.list().index(q*w)]) This will print a^-3 rather than ...
alphaquark's user avatar
3 votes

Number of non-isomorphic abelian groups of order $1440$, containing an element of order $180$.

A different formulation of the Structure Theorem of finite abelian groups states that every such group can uniquely be written in the form $$\bigoplus_{p\text{ prime}}\bigoplus_{i=1}^{r_p}\mathbb Z/p^{...
anankElpis's user avatar
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Normality of the lower central series

We will try to prove that $\gamma_n(G) \lhd G$ by induction. This is clearly true for $n=1$ as $\gamma_1(G)=G \lhd G$. Now suppose we know that $\gamma_n(G) \lhd G$. Now consider $\gamma_{n+1}(G)$. It ...
mathperson314's user avatar
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The number of the double cosets $K\backslash G/H$ equals $ \langle \pi_{G/K} , \pi_{G/H} \rangle$

We have an isomorphism $\mathbb C[K\backslash G] \otimes_{\mathbb C[G]} \mathbb C[G/H]\cong \mathbb C[K\backslash G/H]$ given by $e_{Kg}\otimes e_{g'H}\mapsto e_{K(gg')H}$ Since $\dim \mathbb C[K\...
Aaron's user avatar
  • 25.1k
2 votes

Cataloging the Core-free Subgroups of the Permutation Group

For $n > 4$ the symmetric group $S_n$ has exactly three normal subgroups: $1$, $A_n$, $S_n$. See here for example. So a subgroup is core-free precisely when it doesn't contain $A_n$. Since $A_n$ is ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
2 votes

Showing that a group of order $231$ is a semi direct product

You say that you know there is exactly one Sylow-7-subgroup. Call it $X$, then $X$ is normal in $G$. You say that you know there is exactly one Sylow-11-subgroup. Call it $Y$, then $Y$ is normal in $G$...
ancient mathematician's user avatar
1 vote

Finite groups with elements of order a prime power

There is a complete classification of such groups, see Theorem 1.7 of this paper and this paper. These groups are called EPPO groups and are extensively used in graphs defined on groups.
cryptomaniac's user avatar
1 vote

How fast is taking the quotient of a group by a subset?

It looks like this can be done in $O\big(|G|\cdot\log (|G|)\cdot \alpha(|G|)\big)$ time, where $\alpha$ is the very slow-growing inverse Ackermann function--an upper bound is $O(|G| \log^2 |G|)$ time. ...
Dennis's user avatar
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3 votes

Characterization of transpositions in symmetric group?

Here is an alternative way to characterize the transpositions, which works in $S_X$ whenever $|X|>6$: $\sigma$ is a transposition if and only if $\sigma$ has order $2$, and for every conjugate $\...
Alex Kruckman's user avatar
2 votes

Canonical Identification of Tangent Vector of Matrix Lie Group

$\newcommand\R{\mathbb{R}}\newcommand\M{\mathcal{M}}$ MORE BRIEF COMMENTS: A tangent vector at $M \in G$ is a matrix. Example: Let $$G = \left\{ \begin{bmatrix} \cos\theta & -\sin\theta \\ \sin\...
Deane's user avatar
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Canonical Identification of Tangent Vector of Matrix Lie Group

In regard to some of your actual questions, The Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ of some matrix Lie group $G$ is precisely equal to the tangent space at the identity with the addition of an appropriate ...
Volk's user avatar
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-1 votes

Length of orbits in group actions

Maybe three years late, but we can get 5-orbits possibilities with GAP code: Filtered(Partitions(67, 5), q -> ForAll(q, r -> r in DivisorsInt(40))); which ...
Other paul's user avatar
7 votes

How to find the $\mathbb Q$ conjugates?

Let $K$ be the splitting field of the polynomial $$f(X) = X^6+12X^4-14X^3+48X^2+168X+113$$ over the field $\mathbb{Q}$. We denote $\beta$ a $\mathbb{Q}$-conjugate of $\alpha = \sqrt[3]{7}+2i$ in $K$. ...
Tri's user avatar
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On $\mathrm{Gal}(\mathbb{Q}(e^{\frac{2i\pi}{n}}/Q)$

There is no need to know the size of that Galois group to see it is abelian, and it is much simpler to think of it as the splitting field over $\mathbf Q$ of $x^n - 1$. Let $\sigma$ be an automorphism ...
KCd's user avatar
  • 50.8k
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On $\mathrm{Gal}(\mathbb{Q}(e^{\frac{2i\pi}{n}}/Q)$

For $\sigma$ in $G=Gal(\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_n)/\mathbb{Q})$ we have that $\sigma(\zeta_n)$ is an $n$-th primitive root of unity, so it can be written $\sigma(\zeta_n)=\zeta_n^k$ for some $k$ coprime to $...
Dietrich Burde's user avatar
0 votes

Reference Request: ADE Resolution and McKay Correspondence

Alex already gave a lot of good references. A brief introduction or the summary of the classical results can also be found here: . ...
Ju T.'s user avatar
  • 1
4 votes

Visual intuition for normal subgroups

As someone who spent a few years trying to understand this part of algebra more visually I have two comments: Equation (1) tells you nothing about the internal structure of $H$ -- if you use the ...
Eric Towers's user avatar
  • 69.2k
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Reference regarding quotients of link groups induced by link inclusions

When you add in the relator that sets a given meridian $=$ identity in the group (which has the effect of taking the quotient by the normal subgroup corresponding to that relator), this is the same as ...
user531372's user avatar
1 vote

Clarification about the definition of word (group theory)

What might be confusing you is that we're working in $G$ not $S$. $S$ indeed doesn't have to contain the inverses of its elements - it's a subset, not a subgroup - but those inverses must exist ...
IanR's user avatar
  • 76
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Interpreting group in normal abelian subgroup of finite index?

I think the exercise is wrong, or at least that the method suggested in the hint doesn't work. Let $A$ be an abelian group with an involution $\varphi\colon A\to A$ which is not definable. For example,...
Alex Kruckman's user avatar
1 vote

Clarification about the definition of word (group theory)

Not sure I'm understanding the question, but...if $s$ is an element of $S$, then it's also an element of $G$, which means that the group structure of $G$ gives us an inverse $s^{-1}$. In the same way, ...
Hew Wolff's user avatar
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3 votes

Is the group $\langle x,y:x^5=y^2=1\rangle$ a quotient of some subgroup of $GL_2(\mathbb F)$?

$SL_2(\mathbb{Z})$ contains a free group of countable rank so any countable group is a quotient of a subgroup of $GL_2(\mathbb{Z})$.
Bennie's user avatar
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Orientation for groups

Here is an answer. I will add references later. Let $G$ denote the group $PSL(2, \mathbb R)$; it is the group of orientation-preserving isometries of hyperbolic plane. The group $G$ is connected and ...
Moishe Kohan's user avatar
4 votes

Turing degree of group isomorphism problem

The isomorphism problem for finitely presented groups is $\Sigma_1$-complete. The proof of undecidability in fact encodes the halting problem: we produce, for each $k$, a pair of finitely presented ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Determining if a field extension of a function field is a splitting field

The only way we can characterize the solution of $X^3-t$ is "it is a zero of the polynomial $X^3-t$ in an algebraic closure of $\mathbb Z_3(t)$". (Yes I admit this is abstract). However $\...
Asigan's user avatar
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Interesting examples of lattice ordered abelian groups

This is less a direct answer than a hopefully-helpful comment, but: there is an analogue of Cayley's theorem for abelian $\mathscr{l}$-groups! Every abelian $\mathscr{l}$-group can be viewed as a ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
4 votes

Exercise 2.6 in Katok's book "Fuchsian Groups"

Here is a counter-example to the implication (iii)$\Rightarrow$(i). Consider $\mathbb R$ with the metric $$ d(x,y)=\min\{ |x-y|, 1\}. $$ Let $X=\mathbb R\times \{0,1\}$ denote the disjoint union of ...
Moishe Kohan's user avatar
2 votes

A confusion related to concrete category in Hungerford Book

(since morphisms are not functions on the set $G$) This is a poor way to phrase it. Whether something is or isn't a function on $G$ is not an invariant statement under isomorphism, and thus violates ...
Naïm Favier's user avatar
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7 votes

$G$ is finite iff $G/N$ and $N$ are finite

The set $G$ is the union of all sets of the form $gN$, and there are only finitely many of them. Besides, each $gN$ has as many elements as $N$, which is finite. Therefore, $G$ is finite.
Another User's user avatar
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Intuition cosets of $S_n$ under product of "subgroups"

Some general context first. The denominator is called a Young subgroup, and in this case it's a maximal parabolic subgroup. The quotients are basic building blocks in the representation theory of the ...
Joshua P. Swanson's user avatar
3 votes

What is the continuous product

See Product integral. Apparently there is not a single definition but several that follow the same idea.
2 votes

The center of $\langle x,y:x^3=y^2=1\rangle$

There is no reason why the intersection being trivial would imply a trivial center. In the dihedral group of order $8$, the group is generated by a rotation and a reflection, the cyclic subgroups they ...
Arturo Magidin's user avatar
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Intuition cosets of $S_n$ under product of "subgroups"

Let $G=S_n$, acting naturally on $X:=\{1,\ldots,n\}$ and $H=S_2\times S_{n-2}$ be the subgroup of $G$ that preserves $\{1,2\}$ setwise. Let $\binom{X}{2}$ be the set of unordered pairs of elements of $...
verret's user avatar
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What is the smallest finite group $G$ with a proper nontrivial noncentral subgroup $H$ to have a non-abelian centralizer $C_G(H) \neq G$?

The smallest example is $G=S_4$, of order $24$, with $H$ a cyclic group of order $2$ generated by a double transposition, and the centraliser of $H$ is dihedral of order $8$.
verret's user avatar
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finding presentation for a group quotient modulo normal cyclic subgroup

Either by definition or using the properties of the free group, we know that $G=\langle x,y\mid x^5=y^2\rangle$ is isomorphic to $F/M$, where $F$ is the free group of rank $2$ generated by $x$ and $y$,...
Arturo Magidin's user avatar
-1 votes

Same conjugacy implies same isotropy?

As @art and @kan't point out, the even more general fact is that elements in the same orbit (which in the case of the conjugation action are conjugate elements) have conjugate isotropy groups. Now ...
no upstairs's user avatar
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Tangent space of Lie group SO(n)

The tangent space of a smooth manifold at a point is the set of all possible directions in which a curve can be drawn through that point. The tangent space of $SO(n)$ at a point $R$ is the set of all ...
Blue-bear's user avatar
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Direct product, semidirect product and associativity

I think there is no such law, and at the end of your post you already hinted at a counterexample. In the alternating group $A_4$, the three double transpositions, together with the identity, form a ...
azimut's user avatar
  • 23.5k
0 votes

Same conjugacy implies same isotropy?

In general, any $G$-action on any set $S$ induces an equivalence relation$^1$ on $S$ via: $$t\sim s\iff \exists g\in G\mid t=g\cdot s$$ The equivalence class of $s\in S$ is then: \begin{alignat}{1} [s]...
Kan't's user avatar
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Inverse image of a cyclic normal tower is also cyclic and normal via canonical homomorphism

If $M\unlhd G/H$, denote by $\bar{M}=\Phi^{-1}(M)$. As you said, $\bar{M}\unlhd G$. Moreover, $H\leq \bar{M}$ and $\bar{M}/H\simeq M$ (see for example the answer of this: The correspondence theorem ...
Tod's user avatar
  • 147
2 votes

Same conjugacy implies same isotropy?

This is wrong and irrelevant. And Lang does not assume that "same conjugacy, same isotropy." (They are called conjugacy classes, not "conjugate classes") The correct statement is ...
Arturo Magidin's user avatar
-1 votes

How to prove that Binary 1 is a cyclic group and Binary 2 is a dihedral group?

Here is how you can use Cayley table to verify that set G can represent both a cyclic group $C_4$ and a dihedral group $D_2$ which has order 4( 2 reflections and 2 rotations): I have a set G ={e,a,b,c}...
shahidul's user avatar
  • 101
1 vote

Choice of group action on Sylow subgroups

The kernel of your action is exactly the same as the kernel of the action on the Sylows by conjugation, and maps to the same symmetric group. So you are not getting "way more information about ...
Arturo Magidin's user avatar
11 votes

What are the automorphisms of finite commutative groups?

Yes, there is a complete answer to this question. See, for instance,
Tom De Medts's user avatar
0 votes

Group theory orbit stabilizer

By the orbit-stabilizer theorem, all the pointwise stabilizers have order $\frac{|G|}{|X|}$. But then the union of all of them has size at most $|X|\Bigl( \frac{|G|}{|X|}-1\Bigr)=$ $|G|-|X|<|G|$, ...
Kan't's user avatar
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Simple part in Butterfly lemma proof

Let $xy\in u(U\cap v)$ with $x\in u$ and $y\in U\cap v$. If $z\in U\cap V$, then $zxz^{-1}\in u$ because $x\in u$, $u\triangleleft U$, and $z\in U$. Also, $zyz^{-1}\in U$ because $z,y\in U$. In ...
Arturo Magidin's user avatar

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