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Find equation(s) that satisfies all requirements [closed]

Which equation(s) for y(x) satisify these requirements? y(0)=0 y(x1)=y2 y(x_max)=y_max y'(x_max)=0 y'(x)>0 for 0<x<x_max y''(x)<0 for 0<x<x_max Example numbers: (x1, y2) = (2, 7) (...
Usal's user avatar
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Solving polynomial system of equations [closed]

Context: I have to solve the following system of three equations that are in descending powers of $\alpha$: $$\begin{cases}0&=&A\alpha^2+B\alpha+C\\ 0&=&\frac13 A\alpha^3+\frac12 B\...
cke23 f2's user avatar
-1 votes
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Finding a Polynomial Equation in $x$ and $y$. Given $x=a+b$ and $y=ab$.

I am working with the relationships $x=a+b$ and $y=ab$, where $a,b,x$ and $y$ are real variables. I would like to know if it is possible to derive any polynomial equation $p(x,y)=0$ that relates $x$ ...
Abul Kalam's user avatar
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About a functional equation

Problem: Let $(f, g)$ be a pair of function that satisfies the following: $f, g: \mathbb{R}^+ \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^+$ $\forall x, y \in \mathbb{R}^+, f(xy + f(x)) = xf(y) + g(x)$ Find all possible ...
Oscar Nguyen's user avatar
3 votes
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Need help with a system of 2 very verbose equations

I need to find a $\gamma$ in terms of $a$ and $r$ which solves $$(a^2+ r^2-2 ar\cos\beta)+(a^2+\gamma^2 r^2-2a\gamma r\cos\beta) - 2\sqrt{(a^2+\gamma^2 r^2-2\gamma ar\cos\beta)(a^2+r^2-2ar\cos\beta)} =...
Researcher R's user avatar
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Is every finite collection of points in $\mathbb{C}^n$ the solution to a compatible algebraic system?

Preliminaries: Bezout's theorem tells us that if we have a system of $n$ multivariate polynomials over $\mathbb{C}$ $$P_1(x_1 .. x_n) = 0 \\ \vdots \\ P_n(x_1 ... x_n) =0 $$ Of degrees $d_1 ... d_n$ ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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Finding a relation between l, m, n given $a_1l+b_1m+c_1n=d_1$ and $a_2l^2+b_2m^2+c_2n^2=d_2$

In quite a few analytic geometry questions, we need to find the relation between l,m and n given the set of equations : $$ a_1l+b_1m+c_1n=d_1 $$ $$a_2l^2+b_2m^2+c_2n^2=d_2$$ Is there a general ...
Sourav Kanta's user avatar
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Lower bound for distance between roots of polynomial equations

Consider a set of multivariate polynomial equations, i.e. $f_i(x_1, \dots, x_n)=0$ for $i=1,\dots,m$ with $m,n\in\mathbb{N}$ and $f_i$ a polynomial. Assume the set of solutions of these equations is ...
lm1909's user avatar
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Given a system of polynomials over $F_2$, find the element which has the maximum number of solutions.

Given a system of polynomials over a binary polynomial ring $F_2[x_1,...,x_n]$ $$S = [f_1(x_1,...,x_n),f_2(x_1,...,x_n),...,f_n(x_1,...,x_n)] $$. I want to find the element $y \in F_2^n$ which has the ...
Sander's user avatar
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Constructing a System of Two Cubic Polynomial Equations with Exactly 9 Real Solutions in Maple

I am trying to construct a system of two cubic polynomial equations in two variables (x and y) with exactly 9 real solutions using Maple. However, I am having trouble finding the appropriate ...
A. Brik's user avatar
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Multivariate quadratic system of equations with special structure

Given $A_1,...,A_5$ all rank-1 matrices in $\mathbb{R}^{3\times3}$, consider the following system of equations: $$ v_1^\top A_i v_1 + v_2^\top A_i v_2 = 0 \quad \forall i \in\{1, .., 5\}$$ Where $v_1$ ...
abc's user avatar
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3 answers

Solve for real $x,y,z$ : $x^2 + xy + y^2 = a$, $y^2 + yz + z^2 = b$, $z^2 + xz + x^2 = c$ .

Solve for complex $x,y,z$ : $x^2 + xy + y^2 = a$, $y^2 + yz + z^2 = b$, $z^2 + xz + x^2 = c$ where $a,b,c \in R$ such that $a,b,c \ge 0$ . We've : $x^2 + xy + y^2 = a \dots(1)$ $y^2 + yz + z^2 = b \...
Ash_Blanc's user avatar
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Solving the system $x^4+y^4+z^4=a$, $xy+xz+yz=b$, $xyz=c$

I am trying to solve the following system of equations: $$ \begin{cases} x^4+y^4+z^4=a\\[4pt] xy+xz+yz=b\\[4pt] xyz=c\end{cases} $$ where $a$, $b$ and $c$ are constants and $x$, $y$ and $z$ are the ...
user1331033's user avatar
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A function of specific form passing through two given points

Let $$s(t; a_0)=a_{0}t^{2}\left(\frac{1}{2}-\frac{t}{3T(a_0)}\right)$$ with $T(a_0)=\sqrt{\frac{6d}{a_{0}}}$ (where $d$ is some positive real constant). Then, let $$ s^*(t; a_0, t_w) = s\left(\frac{t-...
Airat Valiullin's user avatar
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approximate solution of polynomial equation

I am trying to solve the Following equation for r, $$2 a Q^4+5 r^4 \left(3 c (\omega +1) r^{1-3 \omega }-2 r (r-3 M)-4 Q^2\right)=0$$ Clearly this is unsolvable. But if we substitute a=0 and c=0, the ...
Debojyoti Mondal's user avatar
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How to solve, or quantify solutions of, polynomial equations in $\mathbb{F}_2[x,y]/\langle x^\mu - 1, y^\nu - 1\rangle$? [closed]

Suppose I was given an equation in $\mathbb{F}_2[x,y]$ under the identification $x^\mu = 1$ and $y^\nu = 1$ for some integers $\mu,\nu$, with some unknowns $c[x,y]$ and $d[x,y]$. For example: \begin{...
JoJo P's user avatar
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2 answers

how to prove $\forall a_n \in \mathbb{R}, n\in \mathbb{N} \exists x \in \mathbb{R} : \sum_{k=1}^n a_k \left( x^k-\frac{1}{k+1} \right)=0 $?

I tried to prove that $\forall a_n \in \mathbb{R} , n\in \mathbb{N}$ then there exist a real root $x$ such that $$ \sum_{k=1}^n a_k \left( x^k-\frac{1}{k+1} \right)=0 $$ for example if $n=2$ and $a_1=...
Faoler's user avatar
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Find the equation of the line(s) simultaneously tangent to $y = −x^4$ and $y = (x + \frac{5}{2})^4 + 16$

This is a A-level further maths question. To find a line which is simultaneously tangent to both quartic equations
Burial's user avatar
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Method for solving polynomial system without multilinear form?

I am an engineer who is currently working with some network optimization problem during my post graduate study. During my study time, I see that sometimes I need to look for solution of polynomial ...
Tuong Nguyen Minh's user avatar
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If $ a^2 + b^2=1,c^2+d^2=1,ac+bd=0 $ , find $ab+cd $?

I have tried everything except trigonometry.We have not still started doing trigonometry in classes. I don't know how am I supposed to solve this,since I put 5 hours and nothing led to solution.
GreyCow's user avatar
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How do I get $c$ and $d$ parameters?

I am starting the Harold M Edward's book "Galois Theory". The first sections explain the second, third and fourth grade polynomic equations and I got stucked in this exercise. I don't know ...
Gum's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is this particular substitution made? ($y=tx$)

A problem in Complex Numbers (Andreescu, Andrica): Solve the equation $z^3 = 18 + 26i$, where $z = x + yi$ and $x$, $y$ are integers. Solution given : We can write $(x + yi)^3 = (x + yi)^2 \times (...
zxayn's user avatar
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Solve for $x$ and $y$ given $xy + x^2 + y^2 = 109$ and $x^2-y^2=24$

I was able to solve this graphically but algebraically I'm lost. The two equations are: $xy + x^2 + y^2 = 109$ $x^2-y^2=24$ What I've tried: substitute equation (2) into (1) to get: $$ 2y^2+xy-85=0 $...
azizj's user avatar
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How to solve multivariate polynomial equation on multivariate polynomial ring

Is there a general approach to solve a $f(x) \in R[x]$ which satisfy an equation like $a_0(x)+a_1(x)f(x)+a_2(x)f^2(x)+... = 0$ where $a_i(x)\in R[x]$, $R$ is a ring. Further, is there a general ...
槿铃兔's user avatar
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Semi-numeric solutions to a system of polynomial equations when a Groebner basis is too complicated

I have a system of polynomial equations with rational coefficients and I would like to find real solutions, if they exist. The system has $n\sim 10$ unknowns, $n$ equations with degree $\sim 2n$ and ...
Christian Chapman's user avatar
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Using a system of non-linear equations to prove an identity

Prove that if $3xy + 2yz + z + 1 = 0$ and $3zx + 2z + x + 1 = 0$, then $3xy + 2x + y + 1 = 0$. I think the solution will involve combining these two equations in some way. I have attempted many ...
John's user avatar
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Proportionality of a system of polynomials

I am currently reading Ivanovs „Easy as Pi?“ in fact, I am trying to understand a proof in this book. Following statement is to prove: For $n\geqslant 3$ the curve $x^n+y^n=1$ has no rational ...
tychonovs-scholar's user avatar
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A system of polynomials has Galois group G, a subgroup of $P_n$. Why are invariant polynomials of the roots rational, can you calculate them?

I have been studying systems of equations based upon iterating a polynomial. The complete Galois group of these systems is only a subgroup of the permutation group. There are many invariant ...
tippy2tina's user avatar
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Roots of $ 16 x^5 - 20 x^3 + 5x + 1 = 0 $

The following is from Edexcel further mathematics Core Pure Book 2 A Level Mixed Exercise 1 Question 9 part b: 9 a Use De Moivre's Theorem to show that $$ \cos 5\theta \equiv 16 \cos^5 \theta - 20\...
Adam Rubinson's user avatar
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What's the name for this method of putting the roots of a polynomial in a system of equations?

As I was (and still am lol) struggling on the exercises for symmetric polynomials in my abstract algebra book, I stumbled upon this neat relating the solutions of a polynomial in $\mathbb C$ with the (...
iwjueph94rgytbhr's user avatar
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How to calculate the min and max points of an ellipse

The question is inspired by: Solve the equation $3x^2+2y^2-4xy+x-2=0$ in the set of integer numbers.. The first way to solve the equation is by solving the quadratic equation for $x$ - $x_{1,2}=\frac{...
Cusp Connoisseur's user avatar
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Can the implication $(x_1 = 0) \rightarrow (p(x_1,...,x_n) = 0)$ be encoded in a system of polynomial constraints in $\mathbb{C}[x_1,...,x_n]$?

Consider a set $S$ of polynomials in $\mathbb{C}[x_1,x_2,...,x_n]$, the polynomial ring of $n$ variables over the complex numbers. The set $S$ can then be interpreted as a system of constraints on the ...
PPenguin's user avatar
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Solving the system $x+y+z=1$, $x^2+y^2+z^2=2$, $xyz-xy-xz-yz=3$

$$\begin{align} x+y+z&=1 \\ x^2+y^2+z^2&=2 \\ xyz-xy-xz-yz&=3 \end{align}$$ My Attempt: $(x+y+z)^2=x^2+2xy+2xz+y^2+2yz+z^2=1$ $xyz-xy-xz-yz=3$ $xy+xz+yz+3=xyz$ $xyz-3=xy+xz+yz$ $1=x^2+2xy+...
mathiscool's user avatar
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How to determine if an equation is linear or quadratic relationship?

I have an equation of the form $y= \frac{v}{x^2} - \frac{1}{x}$. I can rewrite it as $y= vx^{-2} - x^{-1}$. I don't know if it's quadratic. Any suggestions on what this relationship would like?
PythonDabble's user avatar
5 votes
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A tricky system of non-linear multivariate equations

Given $$\begin{align*} x^2 + y^2 &= z^2\\ ax + by &= cz\\ a^2 + b^2 &= c^2\\ \end{align*}$$ how can I solve for $y$ and $z$ in terms of $x$? My work so far: Note that once we solve for $y$...
SRobertJames's user avatar
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Can we prove the following equality?

Let $n$ be an odd integer and $a_1, \cdots, a_n$ distinct complex numbers. Suppose that for each $1 \leq i \leq n$, the set $$( \dfrac{a_j}{a_i}: 1 \leq j \leq n, j \neq i )$$ consists of $\dfrac{n-1}{...
Tong Yang's user avatar
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How can I "solve" or simplify quadratics of two variables?

Given a multivariate polynomial equation like $$xy - bx - ay - ab = 0$$ how do I simplify it, make sense of it, or characterize it? My attempts so far are below. Attempt 1 Viewing $x,y$ as variables ...
SRobertJames's user avatar
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Why doesn't simultaneous equations work to find co-efficients of a cubic that passes through four points?

I'm trying to find the equation of a cubic that passes through three specific points (technically it's four but that point is y-intercept). The equation would look something like this:$f(x)=ax^3+bx^2+...
sirOrange17's user avatar
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number of solutions for an underdetermined quadratic polynomial system

For an underdetermined quadratic polynomial system like the one given below, how does one determine the number of solutions? $a^2+4bd=0$ $-2af+4(be+cd)>0$ $f^2+4ce=0$ where $(a,b,c,d,e,f)$ are the ...
user6006085's user avatar
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Question from elementary algebra I'm having trouble with

If 1/3 be added to the numerator of a certain fraction the fraction will be increased by 1/21, and if 1/2 be taken from the denominator the fraction becomes 8/9: find it. ...
Rishabh Lakhara's user avatar
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Finding the number of solutions of a system of multivariate polynomials without solving the system.

I have a system of multivariate polynomial equations, say for 3 variables, $$ f_1(x,y,z)=0 \ , \quad f_2(x,y,z)=0 \ , \quad f_3(x,y,z)=0 $$ I need to find the number to solutions to this problem. I am ...
Giulio Crisanti's user avatar
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doubt with an equation

I was reading this exercise: If $x=\frac{a}{b+c}=\frac{b}{a+c}=\frac{c}{a+b}$, then the value of $x$ is? Solution: When $a+b+c\not =0$, from the given equalities we have $$a=(b+c)x, \,\,\, b=(a+c)x\, \...
Jónathan Gutiérrez's user avatar
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How to isolate one of the terms or derive an expression to arrive at one of them from given expressions

So I have been given 4 expressions and in three variable $a,b$ & $c$. Using these three expressions I have to isolate either of $a,b$ or $c$. However, I have not been able to come up with any ...
Poke_Programmer's user avatar
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Textbooks on basic algebra (with exercises)

I am looking for textbooks (ideally with a lot of exercises) on basic algebra. In particular, I am interested in the following topics: basic calculations with real and complex numbers use and ...
Marca85's user avatar
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How to solve this system of multivariate polynomial equations for $0<x_7<x_6<x_8 \le 1$? Groebner basis maybe?

I am reformulating my question according to the guidelines I was given. I have the following problem: I cannot find a way to solve the system of equations further down. This is the calculations from ...
fabs's user avatar
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Why homogeneity of an equation is preserved even when we change variables?

Consider the equations, $$x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2}-xt-t^{2}=0 \tag{1}$$ $$x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2}+yt-2t^{2}=0 \tag{2}$$ Clearly, both equations are homogeneous. Solve for $t$ from the above equations. You will get ...
Sasikuttan's user avatar
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How can we find the coefficients of a polynomial given the coordinates of 3 points?

I tried solving the system of $3$ equation for this, and it's actually very hard. I'm just trying to find the coefficients $A,B,C$, of the polynomial $Ax^2+Bx+C$ given the points $(a,b) (c,d) (e,f)$...
Pierre Carlier's user avatar
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How to pick the "correct" solution from a system of polynomial equations?

I have a system of equations of the form $$ \begin{aligned} a &=z+\frac{x}{y^2} &(1)\\ b &=x-2c\frac{x}{y}+ac^2 &(2)\\ c &=y-\frac{z}{x}y^3 &(3), \end{aligned} $$ where $a>0$...
epsilonz3ro's user avatar
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Finding redundant equations in a underdetermined system of multivariate polynomial equations over $\Bbb R$

Starting from a geometric problem, I came up with a system of multivariate (many lines and points) polynomial equations where some equations are redundant (because they correspond to redundant ...
mmj's user avatar
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If $a,b,c,d$ are the roots of the equation biquadratic equation $x^4+px^3 +qx^2+rx+s=0$ , find the value of $\Sigma a^2b^2$.

If $a,b,c,d$ are the roots of the equation biquadratic equation $x^4+px^3 +qx^2+rx+s=0$ , find the value of $\Sigma a^2b^2$. My solution goes like this: Since, $a,b,c,d$ are the roots of the equation ...
Arthur's user avatar
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