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Questions tagged [ringed-spaces]

For questions on ringed spaces or locally ringed spaces

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What is Grothendieck's subsheaf $\mathcal{F}$ of $\underline{\mathbb{Z}}$ with $\mathcal{F}_0 = \{0\}$ and $\mathcal{F}_x = \mathbb{Z}$ else?

Let $\newcommand{\cO}{\mathcal{O}}(X, \cO_X)$ be a ringed space. In EGA 1, Chapter 0, item 5.1.1 Grothendieck defines what it means for an $\cO_X$-module $\newcommand{\cF}{\mathcal{F}}\cF$ to be ...
Ben Steffan's user avatar
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Clarification: Stalks of the structure sheaf of an affine scheme (and more generally, stalks of a sheafification)

Given a presheaf $\mathcal{F}$ of abelian groups on a space $X$, let us take the definition of the sheafification as in Hartshorne (compatible germs). Now, one way to show that the stalks are ...
Academic's user avatar
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Example of a direct sum of injective sheaves which is not flabby

Let $X$ be a scheme, $(I_k)_{k \in K}$ is a family of injective $O_X$-modules, here $K$ is an infinite set. Is there an example of $X$ and such family that $\oplus_{k \in K} I_k$ is not a flabby sheaf?...
Alex's user avatar
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Checking the definition of morphism of locally ringed spaces using adjunction between pushforward and inverse image sheaves

A morphism of locally ringed spaces $(X,\mathcal{O}_X)\xrightarrow{}(Y,\mathcal{O}_Y)$ consists of a continuous map $f:X\xrightarrow{}Y$ between the underlying topological spaces and a sheaf ...
Gawain's user avatar
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Zariski tangent space of an infinite product of Lie groups

I am trying to understand the proof of the following lemma in Maret's Character varieties: Lemma 2.3.2. The Zariski tangent space to $G^\Gamma$ at any point identifies with $\mathfrak g^\Gamma$. ...
zxcv's user avatar
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Qing Liu's Algebraic Geometry Exercise 3.1.6

The exercise states: Let $\pi : T\rightarrow S$ be a morphism of schemes. Supposing that $\pi : T\rightarrow S$ is an open or closed immersion, or that $S=$Spec$A$, and $\pi $ is induced by a ...
Noah Laikin's user avatar
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Manifolds as ringed spaces and values of functions

I am currently reading a book on supergeometry which also introduces sheaves and ringed spaces, and in particular it proposes a definition of a differential manifold as a locally ringed space $(M,\...
Konrad Gębik's user avatar
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Group actions on ringed topological spaces

Letting $(X,\mathcal{O}_{X})$ be a ringed topological space, and $G$ a group of automorphisms on $X$, I'm confused on how an element $g\in G$ is supposed to act on an abelian group $\mathcal{O}_{X}(U)$...
Noah Laikin's user avatar
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Locality of closed immersions of schemes

Let $(\varphi,\varphi^\#):(X,O_X)\to (Y,O_Y)$ be a morphism of schemes. Let $V\subset Y$ be an open set, and $U:=\varphi^{-1}(V)$. Choosen $x\in U$, the diagram below commutes: $\require{AMScd}$ $$\...
Ezio Greggio's user avatar
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Correspondence between sheaves of ideals and closed immersion

Let $(X,\mathcal O_X)$ be a locally ringed space. Let $\mathcal J$ be a sheaf of ideals over $\mathcal O_X$. Then we can construct a closed immersion of locally ringed spaces: $$(Z(\mathcal J),i^{-1}(\...
Ezio Greggio's user avatar
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Direct image of locally ringed space

Let $(X,\mathcal{O}_X)$ be a ringed space and $Y$ be topological space and $f: X \to Y$ a continuous map. Then $(Y,f_*\mathcal{O}_X)$ is obviously a ringed space, where $f_*\mathcal{O}_X$ is the ...
psl2Z's user avatar
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Definition of a Prevariety - Specifically a covering by ringed spaces

I'm reading Gathmanns's lecture notes on Algebraic Geometry where he defines a Prevariety as ringed space $V$ which has a finite open cover of affine varieties $U_i$. I assume this not just a set-...
Nothingisreallyworking's user avatar
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Closed immersion of locally ringed spaces vs closed immersion determined by ideal sheaf

Let $f: X \to Y$ be a closed immersion of locally ringed spaces, that is, $f$ is a homeomorphism onto a closed subset of $Y$, $f^{\#}:\mathscr{O}_Y \to f_*\mathscr{O}_X$ is surjective, $\mathscr{I} = ...
Teddy's user avatar
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Do morphisms of locally ringed spaces which agree on stalks agree on the whole of the locally ringed space?

Let $f,g:X\rightarrow Y$ be morphisms of locally ringed spaces, such that the topological maps $f$ and $g$ are identical, and the maps of sheaves $f^\sharp,g^\sharp:\mathcal{O}_Y\rightarrow f_*\...
Chris's user avatar
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Let $(X,\mathcal{O}_X)$ be a locally ringed space, does there exists a monomorphism $\iota:U\rightarrow X$ for all open $U$?

Let $(X,\mathcal{O}_X$ be a locally ringed space, and suppose that $U\subset X$ is an open set equipped with the sheaf of rings $\mathcal{O}_X|_U$ defined by $\mathcal{O}_X|_U(V)=\mathcal{O}_X(V)$ for ...
Chris's user avatar
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Defining algebraic varieties in general

I have encountered two general notions of algebraic variety when reading different texts in algebraic geometry, and wanted to ask whether they were equivalent or whether one is stronger than another. ...
user0134's user avatar
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If $\mathfrak{p}_y$ the preimage of $\mathfrak{m}_x$ by $\mathcal{O}_Y(Y)\rightarrow\mathcal{O}_X(X)\rightarrow \mathcal{O}_{X,x}$, show that $f(x)=y$

I'm trying to solve the following problem: Let $(X,\mathcal{O}_X)$ be a locally ringed space and $Y$ an affine scheme. Let $f:X \rightarrow Y$ be a morphism of locally ringed spaces. Then, for any $x\...
Gokimo's user avatar
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Pullback of structure sheaf along point inclusion into locally ringed space is residue field?

I'm coming from a differential geometry background (though I'm pretty familiar with category theory) and trying to learn a bit about ringed spaces. Let $(X,\mathscr{O}_X)$ be a locally ringed space, ...
ಠ_ಠ's user avatar
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Closed subvariety is a subvariety

I am attempting to solve Exercise 4.4.7 from this note: Given a variety $X$ and a closed subset $Y \subseteq X$ equipped with the induced topology. For $V \subset Y$ open define $$\mathcal{O}_Y(V)=\{f:...
Mystery girl's user avatar
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Closed subspace cut off by the ideal sheaf coming from a locally closed immersion

$\def\sO{\mathcal{O}} \def\sI{\mathcal{I}}$Given a locally ringed space $Y$ and an ideal sheaf $\sI\subset\sO_Y$, we can consider the closed subspace of $Y$ cut off by $\sI$, i.e., the closed ...
Elías Guisado Villalgordo's user avatar
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When can $\textbf{SpecMax}(R)$ be a scheme?

Let $R$ be a commutative ring, and let $(\text{Spec(R)},\mathcal{O}_R)$ be the affine scheme associated to $R$. Let $\text{SpecMax}(R)$ the subspace the $\text{Spec(R)}$ of the maximal ideals. My ...
Luis Antonio Sanchez's user avatar
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In what sense the "pullback at $ x $" map if functorial?

Let $ X $ and $ Y $ be differentiable manifolds, and let $ f\colon X\to Y $ be a smooth map. Given $ x\in X $ one can define the canonical pullback at $ x $ map $$ f_x^*\colon \mathscr C_{Y,f(x)}^\...
GeometriaDifferenziale's user avatar
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A surjecive homomorphism of $ \mathbb R $-algebras

The main question Let $ A $ and $ B $ be two algebras over the real numbers, and let $ J $ be an ideal of $ B $. Let $ f\colon A\to B $ be a homomorphism of $ \mathbb R $-algebras, and suppose $ f^{-1}...
GeometriaDifferenziale's user avatar
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More examples of morphisms of ringed spaces that aren't local?

$\def\Spec{\operatorname{Spec}}$All questions and answers that I've found in MSE regarding a morphism of ringed spaces between affine schemes that isn't a morphism of locally ringed spaces are the ...
Elías Guisado Villalgordo's user avatar
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Characterization of isomorphisms of ringed spaces

Let $ (X,\mathscr O_X) $ and $ (Y,\mathscr O_Y) $ be ringed spaces over the same unspecified commutative ring. My book defines a morphism between $ (X,\mathscr O_X) $ and $ (Y,\mathscr O_Y) $ as a ...
GeometriaDifferenziale's user avatar
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Subvarieties of an abstract affine variety

I'm really confused on how to transfer constructions from "concrete" affine varieties (i.e. zeroes of polynomial equations in an affine space) and (abstract) affine varieties (i.e. ringed ...
Kandinskij's user avatar
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Is there a morphism of ringed spaces between smooth (resp., complex) manifolds that is not local?

$\def\bbC{\mathbb{C}} \def\sO{\mathcal{O}} \def\hom{\operatorname{Hom}} \def\rs{\mathsf{RS}} \def\lrs{\mathsf{LRS}} \def\swf{\mathsf{SWF}} \def\k{\operatorname{K}} \def\ent{\mathrm{ent}} \def\spec{\...
Elías Guisado Villalgordo's user avatar
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Do restrictions preserve ring structure of ringed space?

Let $(X, \mathcal{O})$ be a ringed space, i.e. $X$ is a topological space and $\mathcal{O}$ is a sheaf of rings on the open subsets of $X$. I would like to show that for two global sections $a, b\in \...
user128787's user avatar
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"Punctured stalk" of a locally ringed space (at a closed point) is the fraction field of the stalk?

Let $(X,\mathcal{O})$ be a locally ringed space. For $x \in X$ a closed point (i.e. $\{x\}$ is closed in $X$), let $\mathcal{O}_x$ denote the stalk of $\mathcal{O}$ at $x$; and define the "...
I.A.S. Tambe's user avatar
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On a ringed space: If a section has zero germ at $x$, must it be zero on some neighborhood of $x$?

Let $F$ be a sheaf of commutative rings or Abelian groups on a topological space $X$, let $x \in X$ be a point, let $U$ be an open neighborhood of $x$ in $X$. Let $f \in F(U)$, and suppose the germ $...
I.A.S. Tambe's user avatar
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Locally, every coherent sheaf is isomorphic to the cokernel of a homomorphism $\phi: \mathcal{A}^q \to \mathcal{A}^p$

Say, we have a topological space $X$ and a sheaf $\mathcal{F}$ over a sheaf of rings $\mathcal{A}$ on $X$. The sheaf $\mathcal{F}$ is said to be coherent, if the following two conditions are satisfied:...
Paul Joh's user avatar
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The radical presheaf is not a sheaf

$\def\sO{\mathcal{O}} \def\sI{\mathcal{I}} $Let $(X,\sO_X)$ be a ringed space. Let $\sI\subset\sO_X$ be an ideal sheaf. We define the radical presheaf of $\sI$, denoted $\sqrt[p]{\sI}$, as the ...
Elías Guisado Villalgordo's user avatar
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Is a morphism from a quasi-affine variety to a quasi-projective variety given by globally defined regular maps?

$\def\bbA{\mathbb{A}} \def\bbP{\mathbb{P}} \def\sO_{\mathcal{O}}$The following discussion is strictly classical. Throughout this question, I will use the notions of (i) sheaf of $k$-algebras, (ii) $k$-...
Elías Guisado Villalgordo's user avatar
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How can I think about a morphism of locally ringed spaces?

A locally ringed space is a pair $(X,\mathcal{O}_X)$ of a topological space $X$ and a sheaf of rings $\mathcal{O}_X$. Then we say that $(f,f^b):(X,\mathcal{O}_X)\rightarrow (Y,\mathcal{O}_Y)$ is a ...
user1294729's user avatar
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Is the module sum presheaf a sheaf?

$\def\O{\mathcal{O}} \def\M{\mathcal{M}} \def\N{\mathcal{N}} \def\P{\mathcal{P}} $Given a ringed space $(X,\O{_X})$, an $\O_X$-module $\P$ and $\mathcal{O}_X$-submodules $\M,\N\subset\P$ we define the ...
Elías Guisado Villalgordo's user avatar
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function on structure sheaf and its values at points

I have some trouble understanding the concept of a function in Vakil's lecture notes. First, let $X = Spec(A)$ for some ring $A$. A function $f$ is a section in $\mathcal{O}_X(X)$, thus an element of ...
Paul Joh's user avatar
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Existence of morphism from a locally ringed space $X \to Spec(\mathbb{F}_p)$

Let $X$ be a topological space, such that $(X, \mathcal{O}_X)$ is locally ringed. Let $A$ be a ring. We showed in the lecture that there is a natural bijection of $Hom((X, \mathcal{O}_X),(Spec(A), \...
Paul Joh's user avatar
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Surjectivity of $\mathscr G\to f_*f^{-1}\mathscr G$

Let $f:X\to Y$ be a continuous map, and let $\mathscr G$ be a sheaf on $Y$. There is a canonical morphism $\varphi:\mathscr G\to f_*f^{-1}\mathscr G$, hence a map $\varphi_y:\mathscr G_y\to f_*f^{-1}\...
Brad Bitta's user avatar
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Function vanishing on ringed spaces

In Vakil's notes on locally ringed spaces, he claimed that "we can't even make sense of the phrase of 'function vanishing' on ringed spaces in general. " Could someone explain what this ...
Nancium's user avatar
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Morphisms of algebraic varieties are regular?

I want to understand a proof that establishes the fact that every map between abstract algebraic varieties (ie, a ringed space on k-algebras which is locally isomorphic to a Zariski closed on the ...
math3341's user avatar
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For a locally ringed space $(X,\mathcal{O})$, is there a sheaf of ideals whose stalks are the max ideals of the stalks of $\mathcal{O}$? [closed]

For $X$ a locally ringed space with structure sheaf $\mathcal{O}$, for each $x \in X$ let $\mathcal{M}_x$ denote the max ideal of the stalk $\mathcal{O}_x$ of $\mathcal{O}$ at $x$. In general, does ...
Indraneel Tambe 2's user avatar
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Is the forgetful functor from locally ringed spaces to topological spaces a full functor? Faithful? What about when restricted to schemes?

In detail, given locally ringed spaces $X,Y$ with underlying topological spaces $X_0,Y_0$, can every continuous map $f_0 : X_0 \rightarrow Y_0$ lift to a morphism of ringed spaces $f : X\rightarrow Y$...
I.A.S. Tambe's user avatar
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Is the "sheaf of derivations" locally free?

Let $k$ be a field. We require all algebras to be associative commutative, and when unital we require morphisms between them to respect the identity element. Let $X$ be a topological space, equipped ...
I.A.S. Tambe's user avatar
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Constructing a "sheaf of vector fields" for a flasque sheaf of $k$-algebras

Let $k$ be a field. We require all algebras to be associative and commutative. Unital algebra morphisms are required to preserve the multiplicative identity. Let $\mathcal{O}$ be a sheaf of unital $k$...
I.A.S. Tambe's user avatar
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Does the "sheaf of diffeologically-smooth real-valued functions" functor reflect isomorphisms?

(This is a follow-up question to this earlier one.) Setup: let $u : \mathrm{Diff} \rightarrow\mathrm{Set}$ denote the forgetful functor on the category of smooth manifolds. Let $\tilde{X} \subset \...
I.A.S. Tambe's user avatar
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Definition of restriction of morphism of ringed space?

I have a question. Is there a definition of restriction of morphism of (locally) ringed space? Let $(f,f^{\flat}): X \to Y$ bea morphism of ringed spaces ; i.e., $f:X\to Y$ is a continuous map and $f^{...
Plantation's user avatar
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Well-definedness of ring operations on stalks

Let $(X, \mathcal{O}_X)$ be a locally ringed space. As a sanity check for myself, I'd like to show that the addition and multiplication of the germs at a point $p \in X$ are well-defined. I was able ...
gf.c's user avatar
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Is the ideal product presheaf a sheaf?

Given a ringed space $(X,\mathcal{O}_X)$ and ideal sheaves $\mathcal{I},\mathcal{J}\subset\mathcal{O}_X$, we define the ideal product presheaf $\mathcal{I}\cdot_p\mathcal{J}$ as the ideal presheaf $$ ...
Elías Guisado Villalgordo's user avatar
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A detail in the proof that tensor product of sheaves of $\mathcal{O}_X$-modules commutes with pullback

Given a morphism of ringed spaces $f:(X,\mathcal{O}_X)\to(Y,\mathcal{O}_Y)$ and $\mathcal{O}_Y$-modules $\mathcal{M}$ and $\mathcal{N}$, here it is proven that $$ f^*(\mathcal{M} \otimes_{\mathcal{O}...
Elías Guisado Villalgordo's user avatar
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Stacks Project proof that gluing locally ringed spaces which happen to be schemes gives a scheme

I'm currently reading the Stacks Project section on gluing schemes. I can understand the proof of Lemma 01JB, but it is hard for me to understand the proof of Lemma 01JC. By constructions of the ...
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