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Is a morphism from a quasi-affine variety to a quasi-projective variety given by globally defined regular maps?

$\def\bbA{\mathbb{A}} \def\bbP{\mathbb{P}} \def\sO_{\mathcal{O}}$The following discussion is strictly classical. Throughout this question, I will use the notions of (i) sheaf of $k$-algebras, (ii) $k$-...
Elías Guisado Villalgordo's user avatar
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What properties single out $ \operatorname{Spec}(\mathbb{k}) $-schemes that are quasi-projective varieties over $ \mathbb{k} $?

I have a question in algebraic geometry that I would like to ask: Let $ \mathbb{k} $ be an algebraically closed field. Is there a property $ P $, phrased in the language of schemes, such that every ...
Berrick Caleb Fillmore's user avatar