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Is there anything to stop an image being projected onto the side walls in a pinhole camera/camera obscura?

I always see diagrams of how a camera obscura works where the projected image neatly stops before or at the edges of the wall opposite the pinhole. But when I look at pictures and videos of rooms ...
CinnabarToffee's user avatar
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Projection of a Pentagonally-tiled Sphere

I know that a regular pentagonal tiling does not work in Euclidian space, but does work on a sphere. But this got me wondering something that I hope people can help with here, because I can't find any ...
Zoey's user avatar
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Proof of method to determine whether or not equally-sized axis-aligned disjoint cubes overlap each other when rendered.

Consider two opaque equally-sized axis-aligned disjoint cubes somewhere in three dimensional Euclidean space. Additionally there is a point in that space outside of the cubes that represents a camera ...
stonar96's user avatar
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Relationship Between Hyperbolas and Hyperbolic Spaces

I am trying to understand the difference between Hyperbolic Functions and Hyperbolic Spaces. In my very limited knowledge of mathematics, I have only come across: Hyperbolas :
stats_noob's user avatar
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What is topological distortion?

I understand the view confusion and struggling to understand topological distortion. I read from this website that the points of the plane that is parallel to the view plane and also passes through ...
S. M.'s user avatar
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Volumes of bodies in $\mathbb R^3$ and $\mathbb R^6$

In $\mathbb R^3$ define a brick to be of the form $[a,b] \times [c,d] \times [e,f] $ Define a body to be a finite union of bricks. For any object $X$, let $|X|$ denote its "volume". Further, denote ...
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