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How should I show that $x_{0}(\tau)$ and $x_{1}(\tau)$ satisfy the given equations?

Homework problem: Consider the differential equation (which is a modified van der Pol equation) $\ddot{x}+\epsilon(x^4-1)\dot{x}+x+\epsilon\alpha^2 x^3=0, x(0)=a>0, \dot{x}(0)=0, 0\leq\epsilon<&...
Purity's user avatar
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Need an elegant solution for a geometric probability problem

Consider a square $S \subseteq \mathbb{R^2}$ in the first quadrant with unit side length such that one of its vertices coincides with the origin and the sides of $S$ are parallel to the coordinate ...
Vinay Karthik's user avatar
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Proof by contradiction validity. [duplicate]

Is the following proof by contradiction valid? Theorem: Let $a$ and $b$ be real numbers. If $ab=0,$ then $a=0$ or $b=0$ (or both). Proof: We will prove this by contradiction. Assume that $ab=0$ and $a\...
nomadvagabond's user avatar
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Is this simple proof of Euler's Formula correct, given my definitions of e^z, sin(z), and cos(z)?

I was wondering if the provided proof of Euler's Formula is valid, or if it is a circular argument. First, my definition of the exponential function is as follows: $$e^z = \lim_{n\to\infty} \left(1+\...
user1320946's user avatar
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If $a,b\in\mathbb{Z}^+$, then $a^3\mid b^2$ implies $a\mid b$ [duplicate]

After writing this solution, I wanted to see if I could locate a post which might corroborate my attempt. The closest (in approach) I could find was Kell Berliner's solution (2nd soln from the top ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Abstract algebra question primary module

Suppose that $M$ is an $R$-module. I will from now on simply use $M$. Suppose that $N$ is an $R$-submodule such that $N \subseteq M$. Define (N:M) as the set $\{r \in R | r \cdot M \subseteq N \}$. ...
user33's user avatar
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Where is the mistake in this application of Ramanujan’s Master Theorem?

Given $a<0$, $x>0$, we have: $$e^{ae^x}=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\frac{ a^ne^{nx}}{n!}$$ $$=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\frac{ a^n}{n!}\sum_{m=0}^\infty \frac{ n^mx^m}{m!}$$ $$=e^a\sum_{m=0}^\infty e^{-a}\sum_{n=0}...
Mr. W's user avatar
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Independence of $p$-adic valuation and absolute value $v_\infty$

There is a theorem in a book I am reading: (Indepedence of Valuations) Let $p_1,\cdots,p_n$ be prime numbers and $a,a_1,\cdots,a_n\in\mathbb Q$. For any $\varepsilon>0$ and positive integers $l_1,\...
Nuaptan's user avatar
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Alternative proof for absolute convergence implying convergence

After some time away from maths, I'm revisiting real analysis. At the current moment, I'm going through sequences and series, and reach the well known result about absolute convergence of a series ...
Bruno Reis's user avatar
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Can this locus be an ellipse?

Let $A=(-1,0)$ and $B=(2,0)$ be two points on the $x-$ axis. A point $M$ is moving in the xy-plane in such a way that $\angle MBA=2\angle MAB.$ Find the locus of $M$. My Attempt: $\tan2\theta=\frac{2\...
aarbee's user avatar
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Need a detailed proof of odd and even functions [closed]

is f(-x)=-f(x) the same as -f(-x)=f(x) Just curious if it is or isn't, thanks! I want to know the proof for it if possible, basically, if it is why, and then if it isn't why not?
Nathanya J's user avatar
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Prove that the homomorphism induced by a retraction is an epimorphism

If $r:X\rightarrow A$ is a retraction and $a_0\in A$, then $r_*:\Pi_1(X,a_0)\rightarrow\Pi_1(A,a_0)$ is an epimorphism. Proof: By definition, $r_*$ is a homomorphism. We now show that $r_*$ is ...
Graeme Reinhart's user avatar
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Solution of infinitely nested radical [closed]

I was experimenting $√√√√...(∞$ times$)$ =? It turns out as $√x=x⇒x²-x=0⇒x(x-1)=0=>x=0,1$ where, x=0 is rejected because the expression given is > 0 (Is this incorrect reaßon? If not, is there a ...
damnOk's user avatar
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Work verification: absolute extrema of the function $z = z(x, y)$ implicitly defined by the equation $z^3 + z(y+1) - x = 0$ [closed]

I'd like to have my work on the following problem verified: Prove that the equation $z^3 + z(y+1) - x = 0$ uniquely defines an implicit function $z = f(x, y)$ for $y > -1.$ Find the absolute ...
sebpar's user avatar
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Lebesgue integrability wrt to a measure space and its completion

Let $(X, \Sigma, \mu)$ be a measure space and $(X, \overline{\Sigma}, \overline{\mu})$ be the corresponding complete measure space. Prove that $f \in L^1(X, \overline{\mu})$ if and only if there ...
Vilsa's user avatar
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Prove that the integer sequence $a_1,a_2,...,a_p$ is an AP iff there exists a partion of the set of natural numbers into $p$ disjoint sets

'Let $p$ be an odd prime number and consider the following sequence of integers: $a_1, a_2,\cdots, a_{p−1}, a_p$. Prove that this sequence is an arithmetic progression if and only if there exists a ...
Brayant Tagne's user avatar
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General Relativity, Wald, exercise 4b chapter 2

Suppose we have n vector fields $ Y_{\left(1\right)},\ldots,Y_{\left(n\right)} $ such that at every point of the manifold they form a basis for the tangent space at that point . I have to prove that: $...
Nameless's user avatar
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Unsure about soundness of proof about transitivity.

sorry in advance for any imprecision, missing tags etc but this is my first question. I'm reading Daniel J. Velleman 'How To Prove It' and i'm having a hard time understanding how to write a sound ...
Luca 's user avatar
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Checking the rigor of a trigonometry proving question [closed]

Attached are the questions and the suggested solution for a trigonometry question. Upon considering the solution to part (iii), I find this use of the given identity intuitive and admit to having ...
Emmanuel_III's user avatar
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Finding $x$ at intersection of $a \equiv bx\mod M$ and $c \equiv bx\mod N$ [duplicate]

I have two equations $a \equiv bx\mod M$ and $c \equiv bx\mod N$ in which I know $a, b, c, M$, and $N$. I am trying to find $MN > x \geq 0$ ($x$ is non-negative). Further, $M$ and $N$ are odd and ...
learner's user avatar
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Continuity of an Integral map with Lebesgue measure, maximum and minimum

Can anyone check what I've done in solving this problem and help me with the remaining tasks? Thank you Given $f:\mathbb{R}^n\to (0,\infty)$ that $f\in L^2(\mathbb{R}^n,\mathcal{L}^n)$ show the map ...
Carloss's user avatar
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Verification of proof: Probability of winning equals probability of losing in a biased coin game

Problem: We're covering probability in lecture one day, and you volunteer for a demonstration. The professor shows you a coin and says he'll bet you one dollar that the coin will come up heads. ...
AzharKhan's user avatar
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What are some proofs of the Pythagorean theorem that use imaginary numbers?

What are some proofs of the Pythagorean theorem that use imaginary numbers? There seems to be a lack of such proofs found on the internet, hence my question. I will post my attempt, as an answer ...
Dan's user avatar
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Algebraically determining the domain of $\frac{x-a}{x+a}\geq0$.

I am studying Introduction to Calculus and Analysis I by Richard Courant, SECTION 1.1e, page 12, Question 2. (b) (iv). The question is as follows: Determine the interval in which $\frac{x-a}{x+a}\geq0$...
Jasper's user avatar
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Why does implicit differentiation fail when using it to solve an equation?

Suppose that I have two real-valued functions $f(x):=\cos(\frac{\pi}{2}x)$ and $g(x):=x^2 - 1$ and I want to find their intersection points when both are graphed on the Cartesian plane. For each ...
Bryan351018's user avatar
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Proof that all possible connected subsets of the number axis are exhausted by these nine intervals.

I am studying Introduction to Calculus and Analysis 1 by Richard Courant, SECTION 1.1e, page 12, Question 2 *(a). The Question is as follows: An interval may be defined as any connected part of the ...
Jasper's user avatar
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How should I show that $A(\eta)$ satisfies the equation $2\frac{dA}{d\eta}+2A^3\bar{A}^2-A=0$?

Homework problem: Consider the modified van der Pol equation $\ddot{x}+\epsilon(x^4-1)\dot{x}+x=0, 0<\epsilon<<1$, with initial conditions $x(0)=a$ and $\dot{x}(0)=0$, where $a$ is a constant....
Purity's user avatar
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A closed set with empty interior

How do I prove that the set $L_n = \{f \in C([0, 1]), \exists \, x_0 \text{ such that } \forall \, x \in [0, 1], |f(x) - f(x_0)| \leq n|x - x_0|\}$ is closed with empty interior? Furthermore, how do ...
Abdulhafeez Ayinde Abdulsalam's user avatar
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Jordan forms of this matrix

Suppose $n \geq 3$. Let $M \in \mathbb{C}^{n \times n}$ be such that $M^3 = I_n$. What are the possible Jordan canonical forms of $M$? This is my solution. From $M^3 = I_n$ I can deduce the minimal ...
joeren1020's user avatar
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Showing that $\mathbb{Q} [x,y] / (xy)$ is not a free $\mathbb{Q} [x,y]$-module [duplicate]

I'm trying to show that $\mathbb{Q} [x,y] / (xy)$ is not a free $\mathbb{Q} [x,y]$-module. Does the following seem like a complete solution? Just checking that my understanding of things is correct. ...
Coffeeman's user avatar
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If $u, v \in \text{End}(V)$ are unitary, then $|\det(u + v)| \leq 2^n$

Let $V$ be a finite dimensional vector space over the complex numbers. If $u, v \in \text{End}(V)$ are unitary, then $|\det(u + v)| \leq 2^n$. I'm not sure if my solution to this problem is correct. ...
joeren1020's user avatar
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Concerning union and intersection of some subsets of $\mathbb{R}$

Question: Is the following claim true or false? $$\bigcup_{n=1}^\infty\left(1+\frac1n,2-\frac1n\right)\subseteq\bigcap_{n=1}^\infty\left(1-\frac1n,2+\frac1n\right)$$ Is the union on the left equal to ...
user237522's user avatar
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Proving Extreme points in a convex set are not convex combinations.

If S is convex set. Prove that a point $u$ in S is an extreme point of S if and only if $u$ is not a convex combination of other points of S. I need to prove that a point $u$ is an extreme point iff ...
Ritik's user avatar
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If $1_V + v$, $1_V + v^2$ and $1_V + v^3$ are unitary, then $v=0$.

Let $V$ be a finite dimensional vector space over the complex numbers and $v \in \text{End}(V)$. If $1_V + v$, $1_V + v^2$ and $1_V + v^3$ are unitary, then $v=0$. This is my solution, but I'm not ...
joeren1020's user avatar
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Terence Tao 3.4.1 proof checking [closed]

{Exercise 3.4.1} Let $f : X \to Y$ be any function, and let $V$ be any subset of $Y$. Prove that the forward image of $V$ under $f$, thus the fact that both sets are denoted by $f^{-1}(V)$, will not ...
MDNFromVN's user avatar
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My solution for $\lvert x-a\rvert<x-b$ disagrees with graphical evidence.

I am studying Introduction to Calculus and Analysis by Richard Courant, Section 1.1e, page 12, Question 1. (b). The question: "Using signs of inequality alone (not using signs of absolute value) ...
Jasper's user avatar
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Limit of Normalized Integral Involving $x f(x)$ for $f \in L^1(0, \infty)$

Let $f \in L^1(0, \infty)$, meaning $f$ is an integrable function on $(0, \infty)$. I am trying to prove that: $$ \lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{1}{n} \int_0^n x f(x) \, dx = 0. $$ What I used: For any $\...
Bassem's user avatar
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Equality relates to directional derivative in Differential geometry

I'm currently at 3rd chapter of Lee's Intro. to Smooth Manifold and I spent quite a few hours on verifying the following equality on page 52 If $v_a\in \mathbb{R}^n_a$ for some $a\in \mathbb{R}^n$ ...
Remu X's user avatar
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Find all integral domains $R$ such that $x^{4} = x$ for all $x \in R$.

At the moment, I am not even studying ring theory but I was thinking of the following question. Question: Find all integral domains $R$ such that $x^{4} = x$ for all $x \in R$. My initial thought was ...
ByteBlitzer's user avatar
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Concerned about the proof of the Model Existence Lemma not using the $(\exists \text{I})$ rule anywhere

TLDR: where in the below proof of the Model Existence Lemma do I need to use the $\exists$ introduction $(\exists \text{I})$ rule? Trying to fully write the proof of the Model Existence Lemma using ...
Sam's user avatar
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Operators on a Hilbert space with equal spectrum

Suppose $T_0$ and $T_1$ are two bounded operators on a Hilbert space $H$ $(T_0,T_1\in B(H))$ with $\sigma(T_0) =\sigma(T_1)$. I want to show that there exists a bijective $*$-homomorphism between $C^*(...
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equivalent definition of $\liminf$

I have to prove the equivalence between these $2$ definitions: $\liminf_{x\rightarrow x_0}f(x)=\liminf_{n\rightarrow \infty} f(x_n) \forall x_n\rightarrow x_0 $ ( where $\liminf_{x\rightarrow x_0}f(x)...
wela el's user avatar
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using dominated convergence theorem for this series

$$ \mbox{I have to find}\quad \lim_{m\ \to\ \infty}\sum_{n\ \neq\ m}\frac{m^{2}}{n^{2}\left(m^{2} - n^{2}\right)} $$ I thought I could use dominated convergence theorem using that $$ \frac{m^{2}}{n^{2}...
Dsrksidemath's user avatar
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Defining function for domain with smooth boundary

The following is a part of exercise 3 from Chapter 1 of Steven G. Krantz' book "Geometric Analysis of the Bergmann Kernel": Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^N$ be a domain. Suppose that $\...
Stewan's user avatar
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Proving/disproving $ \int |f|^q \, d\mu= \sum_n a_n^q \mu(E_n). $

Let $(X, \Sigma, \lambda)$ be a measure space. We consider the measurable function $f = \sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n \mathbf{1}_{E_n}$, where $a_n \geq 0$ and $\{E_n\}_{n=1}^{\infty}$ is pairwise disjoint ...
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need to prove that $DSPACE(O(2^n)) \neq EXP$

this question is from my computational complexity HW. I'm not sure if my solution is correct: If $DSPACE(O(2^n)) = EXP$, than we can take language $ L \in DTIME(2^{2^n})$ which not in $EXP$ (from the ...
Maxim Golubkov's user avatar
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Prove that tensor product is associative

I wished to prove that tensor product is associative in the sense that Given three finite-dimensional real vector spaces $X,Y,Z$, there exists a unique linear isomorphism $F:X\otimes Y\otimes Z\...
John Frank's user avatar
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Find the eigenvalues of linearly dependent $A$ without using characteristic polynomial. And compute $A^{2024}$

$$ A = \begin{bmatrix}25 & 11 & -16 \\ 50 & 22 & -32 \\ 75 & 33 & -48 \end{bmatrix} $$ a) Find the eigenvalues of $A$ without calculating $\det(A - \lambda I) = 0$ b) Find the $...
Rio Purnama's user avatar
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After proving that there exists at least one irrational number between two rational numbers, show that there are infinitely many.

Is my solution sufficient to solve the problem? I am attempting to provide a solution for SECTION 1.1a, page 2 Q1.(b) of Introduction to Calculus and Analysis I by Richard Courant. The question: &...
Jasper's user avatar
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Proof verification for translation is continuous in $L^1$

We want to show that the translation with respect to $t$ is continuous for $L^1$ functions. Specifically, it suffices to show that $$ \lim_{t \to 0} \int_{\mathbb{R}} |f(x + t) - f(x)| \, \mathrm d m =...
Robertmg's user avatar
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