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Show that $\sum_{n \leq x} \left( \frac{\phi(n)}{n} \right)^\kappa = c(\kappa)x + O(x^\epsilon)$.

Let $\kappa$ be a fixed real number. Show that $$\sum_{n \leq x} \left( \frac{\phi(n)}{n} \right)^\kappa = c(\kappa)x + O(x^\epsilon),$$ where $$c(\kappa) = \prod_p \left( 1 - \frac{1}{p} \left( 1 - (...
huh's user avatar
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Dirichlet series as Euler product

I am trying to show the following proposition: Let $f$ be a multiplicative function and $P$ be the set of prime numbers. Then the Dirichlet series $\sum_{n=1}^\infty f(n)/n^s$ converges to the value $\...
AAFD's user avatar
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The "Euler Product formula" for general multiplicative functions

For the totient function $\phi$, we have the well known "Euler's product formula" (as named on Wikipedia) $$\phi(n) = n \prod_{p | n} \left( 1 - \frac{1}{p} \right)$$ This is easy to show ...
Instagram-creative_math_'s user avatar
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Does this function in $3$b$1$b has a name?

I was watching this video from $3$Blue$1$Brown channel, at minute 21:00 he introduced the following function: $$ \chi(n)= \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } n=2k \\ 1 & \text{if } n=4k+1\\ -1 & \...
MR_BD's user avatar
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Probability that one random number among many has a unique prime factor

If I sample $N+1$ integers $x, x_1, \ldots, x_N$ uniformly and independently from $\{1, \ldots, M=2^k\}$, what is the probability that $x$ contains a prime divisor that does not divide any of the $\{...
user432944's user avatar
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The mean square of $d_k(n)$

Let $d_2(n)=d(n)$ be the divisor function, and let $$d_k(n)=\sum_{d_1\cdots d_k= n}1=\sum_{m\cdot l= n}d_{k-1}(m).$$ Can anyone point me to a reference to the size of the error term when approximating ...
tomos's user avatar
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Let $f:\Bbb{N}\to\Bbb{C}$ denotes the indicator function of squares. Express it in terms of Mobious function $\mu$.

Here $f(n)=\begin{cases} 1\ \text{if } n=m^2\text{ for some }m\in\Bbb{N}\\ 0\ \text{if otherwise} \end{cases}$ This is a multiplicative function. At first I define $g:\Bbb{N}\to\Bbb{C}$ be $g(n)$ to ...
MathBS's user avatar
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2.20 Question Introduction to analytic number theory

The following question is on page 48 apostol Introduction to analytic number theory( 20) Let $P(n)$ be the product of the positive integers which are less than equal to $n$ and relatively prime to $n$...
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A question in solution of a problem involving multiplicative functions

This question is question 2.3 of Apostol Introduction to analytic number theory. It's solution image: My question: how did in RHS on last line of solution author got $n / \phi(n) $ as $n = p_{1}^{a_1}...
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Why does the divisor-counting function appear in bounds for Kloosterman sums?

Given integers $m,n$ and $c \geq 2$, the Kloosterman sum is defined as $S(m,n;c) = \sum_{k \in (\mathbb{Z}/c\mathbb{Z})^{\times}}{e^{\frac{2i\pi}{c}(mk+nk^{-1})}}$, where $k^{-1}$ is the reciprocal of ...
Aphelli's user avatar
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Estimate for $\sum_{n\leq x}2^{\Omega(n)}$

I need some help to find a mistake in my proof. I have to prove that $\sum_{n\leq x}2^{\Omega(n)}\sim cx\log^2x$ for $x\rightarrow+\infty$, where $\Omega(p_1^{k_1}\cdot\ldots\cdot p_j^{k_j})=k_1+\...
UnusualMathem's user avatar
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How to generalize Newman's simplification of O-Tauberian theorem?

Can you prove the next theorem: Let $f$ be Dirichlet series with real, positive coefficients $(a_n>0)$. If $f$ is holomorphic on $\Re(z)\ge1$, but has one singularity at $z=1$, then $\lim_\limits{...
cnikbesku's user avatar
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Proof Verification: Let $f(\chi)$ be the conductor of $\chi$, proof that $f(\chi)=f(\chi_1)\cdots f(\chi_r)$.

This is a detailed problem, let me write down the problem and the process I have done: Assume that $k=k_1k_2\cdots k_r$ where $k_i$ and $k_j$ are relatively prime for $i\neq j$. Let $\chi$ be a ...
kelvin hong 方's user avatar
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If $(a,k)=(b,m)=1$, prove that $(ab,km)=(a,m)(b,k)$.

I'm reading the proof of the multiplicative property of $$s_k(n)=\sum_{d|(n,k)}f(d)g\bigg( \frac kd\bigg)$$ The book wrote that in order to understand the proof, we need to know if $a,b,k,m$ are ...
kelvin hong 方's user avatar
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Inverse of completely multiplicative function with respect to dirichlet convolution

Is the inverse of a completely multiplicative function $f(n)$ with respect to Dirichlet convolution again completely multiplicative? I know that for multiplicative functions its true(Apostol's ...
Alonso Babuhicrik's user avatar
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Upper bound on coefficients of the logarithmic derivative of a certain Dirichlet series

For a multiplicative arithmetic function $f(n)$, we define $ F(s) = \sum_{n\ge1}^{} \dfrac{f(n)}{n^s}$. We then define the coefficients $\Lambda_f (n)$ by $$ -\dfrac{F'(s)}{F(s)} = \sum_{n\ge1}^{} \...
Agniva Dasgupta's user avatar
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Some convincing reasoning to show that to prove that Ramanujan tau function is multiplicative is very difficult

I am curious to know (some words or reasoning about how to justify) why to prove that the so-called Ramanujan $\tau$ is a multiplicative function is (was) very difficult. In this Wikipedia is showed ...
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Lower bound for sum of a multiplicative function based on lower bound on value of primes

Let $f$ be a non-negative multiplicative function. Suppose we have some bound on $\sum_{p \le x} f(p)$, where the summation is over primes. Is it possible to give a lower bound on $\sum_{n \le x} f(n)$...
vukov's user avatar
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On arithmetic functions whose Dirichlet series has a special kind of abscissa of absolute convergence

For a function $f: \mathbb N \to \mathbb C$ , let $\sigma_c(f) , \sigma_a(f)$ denote the abscissa of convergence and the abscissa of absolute convergence respectively of the Dirichlet series $\sum_{n=...
user's user avatar
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Two Dirichlet characters $\chi$, $\chi'$ are equal if $\chi(p) = \chi'(p)$ for almost all primes

I want to prove the following: Let $\chi, \chi'$ be two primitive Dirichlet-characters of conductor $N$. Suppose that $\chi(p) = \chi'(p)$ for all but a finite number of primes $p$. Then $\chi = \chi'$...
Steven's user avatar
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Minimal value of summatory function of completely multiplicative functions taking values -1 and 1

Here is a very nice paper which led me to thinking about the problems below. Define the Liouville ...
ikbuzsak's user avatar
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Dirichlet series associated to squared Möbius

I would like to estimate the Dirichlet series of a multiplicative function. Consider the following: $$\sum_{m \leqslant X} \frac{\mu^2(m)}{m^s}$$ When does it converges when $X$ grows? What is an ...
Desiderius Severus's user avatar
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Dirichlet character modulo $k$

Let $f$ be a completely multiplicative function. If there exists $k$ such that $$f(n+k) = f(n)$$ for any $n \in \mathbb{N}$, then there exists $k_0$ such that $f$ is a Dirichlet character modulo $k_0$....
Both Htob's user avatar
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show that $ \sum_{p \leq x} \log p \big( \log x - \log p\big) = O(x) $

Show that: $$ \sum_{p \leq x} \log p \big( \log x - \log p\big) = O(x) $$ This is not an exercise. This is implied in one line of proof by Atle Selberg. Additionally the paper asks to show: $$ \...
cactus314's user avatar
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Formula for square of the number of divisors $\sum_{r\mid n} d(r^2) = d^2(n)$

I am trying to prove or disprove the following statement: $$\sum_{r|n} d(r^2) = d^2(n),$$ where $d$ is the number of divisors function. Computing it for small numbers yields equality, so I at least ...
Camille's user avatar
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Hints to compute if exists $\lim_{n\to\infty}\sum_{k=1}^n\sigma(k^2)/\sum_{k=1}^n\sigma(k)$, which $\sigma(n)=\sum_{d\mid n}d$, and other question

I would like receive hints at least for one of the following problems, these are going from experiments. Can you provide to me hints for at least one of the following problems? I will try put the ...
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Average Order of $\frac{1}{\mathrm{rad}(n)}$

Again a question about $\mathrm{rad}(n).$ Let $\mathrm{rad}(n)$ denote the radical of an integer $n$, which is the product of the distinct prime numbers dividing $n$. Or equivalently, $$\mathrm{rad}(...
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15 votes
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Series of the totient function

Good morning, I wonder if : $$\sum_{n} \frac{(-1)^n}{\varphi (n)}$$ converges or not. where $\varphi (n)$ is the Euler function. Do you have any idea ?
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Average order of $\mathrm{rad}(n)$

Let $\mathrm{rad}(n)$ denote the radical of an integer $n$, which is the product of the distinct prime numbers dividing n. Or equivalently, $$\mathrm{rad}(n)=\prod_{\scriptstyle p\mid n\atop p\text{ ...
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What is known about these arithmetical functions?

Let $n=\prod_p p^{c_p}$, $N\in \mathbb N$ and $$ \alpha_N(n)=\prod_p p^{c_p \bmod N}. $$ The function $\alpha_N$ is multiplicative since $\alpha_N(n)\alpha_N(m)=\alpha_N(nm)$ for co-prime $n$ and $m$ ...
draks ...'s user avatar
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Bounding this arithmetic sum

I am interesting in bounding the arithmetic sum $$ \sum_{n \leq x} \frac{\mu(n)^2}{\varphi(n)}$$ (The motivation is that this is a sum that comes up a lot in sieving primes, in particular in the ...
Tony's user avatar
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Orthogonality de Möbius

Does anyone know how prove that $$\sum_{n\leqslant x}\mu(n)\xi(n) =o(x)$$ when $\xi(n)$ is a multiplicative functions? I found one commentary that exist a connection of this problem with the Theory of ...
Josimar's user avatar
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To estimate $\sum_{m=1}^n \Big(d\big(m^2\big)\Big)^2$

How may we estimate $$\sum_{m=1}^n \Big(d\big(m^2\big)\Big)^2$$ where for every positive integer $m$ , $d(m)$ denotes the number of positive divisors of $m$ ?
Souvik Dey's user avatar
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Dirichlet Series and Average Values of Certain Arithmetic Functions

If an arithmetic function $f(n)$ has Dirichlet series $\zeta(s) \prod_{i,j = 1} \frac{\zeta(a_i s)}{\zeta(b_j s)}$, for which values of $a_{i}$ and $b_{j}$ is the following true? That \begin{align} \...
user02138's user avatar
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Mean Value of a Multiplicative Function close to $n$ in Terms of the Zeta Function

Let $f(n)$ be a multiplicative function defined by $f(p^a)=p^{a-1}(p+1)$, where $p$ is a prime number. How could I obtain a formula for $$\sum_{n\leq x} f(n)$$ with error term $O(x\log{x})$ and ...
Rob's user avatar
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On the mean value of a multiplicative function: Prove that $\sum\limits_{n\leq x} \frac{n}{\phi(n)} =O(x) $

There is a second part of the problem posted in Proving $ \frac{\sigma(n)}{n} < \frac{n}{\varphi(n)} < \frac{\pi^{2}}{6} \frac{\sigma(n)}{n}$, from Apostol's book, but I can't figure it out. It ...
Jane Roston's user avatar
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Asymptotic formula for $\sum_{n\leq x}\mu(n)[x/n]^2$ and the Totient summatory function $\sum_{n\leq x} \phi(n)$

I would like to show (for $x \ge 2$) that $$\sum_{n \le x}\mu(n)\left[\frac{x}{n}\right]^2 = \frac{x^2}{\zeta(2)} + O(x \log(x)).$$ I already have the identity $$\sum_{n \le x}\mu(n)\left[\frac{x}{n}\...
quanta's user avatar
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