I am trying to show the following proposition:
Let $f$ be a multiplicative function and $P$ be the set of prime numbers. Then the Dirichlet series $\sum_{n=1}^\infty f(n)/n^s$ converges to the value $\prod_{p\in P} (\sum_{m=0}^\infty f(p^m)/p^{ms}).$
My try following Serre- A Course in Arithmetic: Let $S$ be a finite set of prime numbers and let $N(S)$ be the set of positive integers all of whose prime factors belong to $S.$ Then $$\sum_{n\in N(S)} f(n)/n^s = \sum \dfrac{f(\prod_{p\in S} p^m)}{(\prod_{p\in S} p^m)^s}=\sum \dfrac{\prod_{p\in S} f(p^m)}{\prod_{p\in S} p^{ms}}=\sum \prod_{p\in S} \dfrac{f(p^m)}{p^{ms}}$$ $$=\prod_{p\in S} \sum_{m=0}^\infty \dfrac{f(p^m)}{p^{ms}}.$$ Then when $S$ increases we have the desired.
My doubts:
1- Why did he introduce the set $S$ and then he extends to infinity? Why can't we just do directly, by the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic? I do not see why.
2- After the first equality, the sum is running over what? What is the index of the sum? It is over $m$?
3- Each prime factor of $n\in N(S)$ has different exponents $m_i$. My impression is that Serre did the proof with equal exponents $m.$ I think I am wrong but why?
So it is easy to see that I am confused about that proof. Can anyone help me, please? (Serre says that the equality between the first term and the last term is immediate).