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Questions tagged [mobius-inversion]

For questions related to Möbius inversion and its applications.

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Is it true that this quadruple sum involving $f(x,y,z,p)=x^p+y^p−z^p$, is equal to the sequence $1,0,0,0,...$ only if $p=1$ or $p=2$?

Consider the sum: $$s(n) = \sum _{k=1}^n \left(\sum _{z=1}^n \left(\sum _{y=1}^n \left(\sum _{x=1}^n g(k)\left[\gcd (f(x,y,z,p),n)=k\right]\right)\right)\right)\label{1}\tag{1}$$ where the minimal ...
Mats Granvik's user avatar
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Accentuating the appearance of convergence of the Möbius function Dirichlet series on the line $\sigma = \frac{2}{3}$ in the critical strip

Set the constant $c$ to: $$c = -\frac{3}{4}$$ which is in the interval: $$-1 < c < 0$$ and let the matrix $A$ be: $$A(n,k)=[k|n] - [n=k](1+c)$$ Then form the matrix power series: $$M=\sum _{n \...
Mats Granvik's user avatar
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Bounding an equivalent expression of Mertens function

Some months ago, I derived the following formula for the Merten's function $M(n)$ using the inclusion-exclusion principle: $$M(n)=1-\pi\left(n\right)+\sum_{p_{i}\leq\frac{n}{p_i}}\left(\pi\left(\frac{...
Juan Moreno's user avatar
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Question about step in proof for Mobius inversion formula

I came across this proof found in chapter 6.2 from Elementary Number Theory by David M. Burton, 7e and I am confused by one of the steps. Here is the theorem and proof as presented in the book: ...
Hugh Mann's user avatar
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Mobius Algebra Identity

I am working through Exercise 3.95 in Stanley’s Enumerative Combinatorics, which states in the Mobius algebra of a finite lattice $L$, given $z\in L$, We have $$\sum_{t\in L} \mu(0,t)t= \left(\sum_{u\...
cacha's user avatar
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definition of cyclotomic polynomials

The $n$th cyclotomic polynomial can be expressed via the Mobius function as follows: $$\Phi_n(x) = \prod_{\substack{1\le d\le n\\d\mid n}}(x^d - 1)^{\mu(\frac{n}{d})}$$ In every reference I have ...
node196884's user avatar
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Does this function in $3$b$1$b has a name?

I was watching this video from $3$Blue$1$Brown channel, at minute 21:00 he introduced the following function: $$ \chi(n)= \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } n=2k \\ 1 & \text{if } n=4k+1\\ -1 & \...
MR_BD's user avatar
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Which is the error in this application of Möbius inversion formula?

In Wikipedia the following generalisation of the Möbius inversion formula is given (and proved): Suppose $F(x)$ and $G(x)$ are complex-valued functions defined on the interval $[1, ∞)$ such that $$G(...
Juan Moreno's user avatar
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Sequence notation?

Cor. Mobius Inversion Formula for multiplicative functions. Let $f,F$ be multiplicative functions such that $F(n)=\sum\limits_{d\mid n}f(d)$. Then $f(n)=\sum\limits_{d\mid n}\mu(\frac nd)F(d)$. Proof. ...
Jason Xu's user avatar
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Sharp bounding of a sum involving Möbius function

I am trying to bound as sharply as possible the partial sum $$S(n)=\sum_{k=1}^{\frac{n}{p_{\pi\left(\sqrt{n}\right)}}} \mu(k) \left(\pi\left(\frac{n}{k}\right) + f(n,k)\right)$$ Where $\pi(x)$ is the ...
Juan Moreno's user avatar
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Prove the Fourier coefficients $c_S$ of $f\colon\mathbb{F}_2^n\to\mathbb{F_2}$ is $\sum_{\operatorname{supp}(x)\subseteq S}f(x)$

Given $n>0$. Suppose $f:\mathbb{F}_2^n\to\mathbb{F_2}$ can be expressed as $f(x)=\sum_{S\subseteq [n]}c_Sx^S \pmod{2}$, where $x=(x_1,\cdots,x_n)^T, c_S\in\mathbb{F}_2,x^S=\prod_{i\in S}x_i$. It is ...
qmww987's user avatar
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Möbius inversion formula and $\sum_{k\leq n} \frac{\mu(k)}{k}$

I have tried to apply what is stated at the Generalizations of Möbius inversion formula section of Wikipedia to bound $$\sum_{k\leq n} \frac{\mu(k)}{k}$$ The application seems simple and ...
Juan Moreno's user avatar
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Bounding a partial sum with Möbius inversion formula

I am trying to bound the partial sum $$S(n)=\sum_{k=1}^{\sqrt{n}} \mu(k) \pi\left(\frac{n}{k}\right)$$ Where $\pi(x)$ is the prime counting function, and $\mu(x)$ is the Möbius function. Empirical ...
Juan Moreno's user avatar
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Partial Möbius convolutions

I am well aware of the Möbius inversion formula, which states $$\sum_{d \mid q} \mu(q/d) = \mathbf{1}_{q=1}$$ Do we know how to give a closed formula for the "partial" such convolution $$\...
TheStudent's user avatar
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Problems about inversion map

Let $\tau_{\omega}$ be the inversion with respect to circle $\omega$ and $\omega$ is the unit circle in $\mathbb{E}^2$ with centre $O=(0,0)$. There are three cases: a. Find $\tau_{\omega}(\ell)$ where ...
End points's user avatar
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Prime numbers as zeros of polynomials from the determinant of the form $P(x,N)=|\log(x) \gcd (n,k)-\phi (n)\log(\gcd (n,k))|$

Let $f(n)$ be some arbitrary sequence $\log(n),n,n^2,\dots$ $$f(n)=\log(n),n,n^2,\dots$$ and $$a(n)=\frac{\sum\limits_{d \mid n} f(d) \mu \left(\frac{n}{d}\right)}{\phi (n)}$$ and construct the ...
Mats Granvik's user avatar
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Proof of the dual Möbius Inversion Formula

The Dual Möbius Inversion Formula: Let $\mathcal D$ be a divisor closed set of natural numbers (i.e., if $d\in \mathcal D$ and $c \mid d$, then $c\in \mathcal D$.) Let $f$ and $g$ be two complex-...
stoic-santiago's user avatar
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Applications of the mobius inversion in algebraic or arithmetic geometry

I was wondering if there were any generalisations or applications of the ideas of the Möbius inversion formula to more modern areas of mathematics such as algebraic or arithmetic geometry. I know they ...
Pambra iskra's user avatar
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Is the set of divisor indicator functions at $x^2 - 1$: $B' = \{(d \mid x^2 - 1) : d \in \Bbb{N}\}$ a $\Bbb{Z}$-linearly independent set?

We know that the set $B = \{(d \mid x) = \begin{cases} 1, d \mid x \\ 0, \text{ otherwise} \end{cases}, \ d \in \Bbb{N}\}$ forms a $\Bbb{Z}$-module Schauder basis for the module $M =\{ \Bbb{N} \to \...
Daniel Donnelly's user avatar
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New $ \overset {s}{\underset{k=x}{ \lower 3pt { \LARGE\Xi}}} $ operator and Möbius function

At the beginning I will explain some concepts and at the end I will ask the specific question. Let's consider some operator $ \overset {s}{\underset{k=x}{ \lower 3pt { \LARGE\Xi}}} $ on function $f ...
Wreior's user avatar
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Characterization of Möbius-monotonicity

We say that an arithmetic function $f:\mathbb{Z}^+\to\mathbb{C}$ is Möbius-monotone if $\forall n\geq1:(\mu*f)(n)\geq0$ (where $*$ denotes de Dirichlet convolution), i.e. if there exists a non-...
K. Makabre's user avatar
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Applying the Möbius inversion formula to $f(n) = \sum_{p\mid n}g(p)$?

Is there a specific technique that exists to reducing summation over divisors to prime divisors? Specifically I am interested in applying the Möbius inversion formula to an arithemetic function of the ...
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Product of all reduced residues in relation with the function $\mu$: $\prod_{1\leq a\leq n,(a,n)=1}a=n^{\varphi(n)}\prod_{d|n}(d!/d^d)^{\mu(n/d)}$

We know that for any arithmetic function $f$ the Mobius inversion formula gives its inversion. Hence $$ F(n)=\prod_{d|n}f(d)\implies f(n)=\prod_{d|n} F(n/d)^{\mu(d)}.$$ The above statement can be ...
barbatos233's user avatar
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Product version of Möbius Inversion formula

I am currently learning about Möbius Inversion. In Wikipedia , the sum version is proved using convolutions which I can follow along with. However, it also lists a product version of this formula: $g(...
Meow's user avatar
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Möbius Inversion Forumla for for $\sum_{n}\pi(\sqrt[n]{x})$

Consider a function $$J(x)=\sum_{n}\frac{\pi(\sqrt[n]{x})}{n}$$ with the prime counting function $\pi(x)$. This sum is finite, because for $n$ big enough $\sqrt[n]{x}<2$ and therefore $\pi(\sqrt[n]{...
HyperPro's user avatar
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Task , given matrices, it is necessary to make the matrices "F" and "G" according to the scheme

enter image description here ( 2 ); B = (-2); C = (-1); D = = G₁ Task 3. Given matrices A = C= 1): D = (-2 1 2). 1) according to the schemes, make a mat matrices F and G. Find the products of matrices ...
G-man's user avatar
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Prove this generalization of Möbius inversion formula

Generalizations list this one as a generalization of Möbius inversion formula- Suppose $F(x)$ and $G(x)$ are complex-valued functions defined on the interval $[1, ∞)$ such that $$G(x)=\sum_{1\le n\le ...
Sayan Dutta's user avatar
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Is it possible or interesting to try to build Möbius inversion for non-locally finite posets?

In some of my free time I've been reading up a bit on Möbius inversion. What puzzles me is that in just about every discussion of incidence algebras that I can find there is the strict requirement of ...
H. Pecoraro 's user avatar
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Möbius inversion and Möbius function as sum of cosines

Let $\mu (n)$ be the Möbius function. I want to prove the following formula: $$\mu (n)=\sum_{\substack{1\leq k \leq n\\ (k,n)=1}}\cos \frac{2k\pi}{n}.$$ Let $F(n)$ be the right hand side, then by ...
Ishigami's user avatar
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How many ways to arrange $n$ points in $(\Bbb F_q)^2$ with no three collinear?

How many ways are there to arrange $n$ points in the finite field plane $(\Bbb F_q)^2$ with no three of the points collinear? An easy upper bound is $(q^2)^n=q^{2n}$, but of course it's less than that....
Akiva Weinberger's user avatar
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$\varphi(x,n)=\sum_{d|n}\mu(d)\left\lfloor\frac xd\right\rfloor$ and $\sum_{d|n}\varphi\left(\frac xd,\frac nd\right)=\lfloor x\rfloor$

If $x$ is real, $x\ge 1$, let $\varphi(x,n)$ denote the number of positive integers less than or equal to $x$ that are relatively prime to $n$. Prove that $$\varphi(x,n)=\sum_{d|n}\mu(d)\left\lfloor\...
Sayan Dutta's user avatar
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Product form of Mobius Inversion formula: $g(n)=\prod_{d|n}f(d)^{a(n/d)}\iff f(n)=\prod_{d|n} g(d)^{b(n/d)}$

Product form of the Möbius inversion formula: If $f(n)>0$ for all $n$ and if $a(n)$ is real, $a(1)\neq 0$, prove that $$g(n)=\prod_{d|n}f(d)^{a(n/d)}\iff f(n)=\prod_{d|n} g(d)^{b(n/d)}$$ where $b=a^...
Sayan Dutta's user avatar
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Count pairwise coprime triples such that the maximum number of the triple is not greater than N

Problem Statement: Given N you are to count the number of pairwise coprime triples which satisfy $1≤a,b,c≤N$. Example: For example N=3, valid triples are (1,1,1),(1,1,2),(1,2,1),(2,1,1),(1,1,3),(1,3,1)...
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Calculate arithmetic function - Möbius inversion

An arithmetic function $f$ has the property $$\sum_{d\mid n}f(d)=\begin{cases}0 & \text{ if n is divisible by a square of a prime} \\ n & \text{ otherwise}\end{cases}$$ Calculate $f(6300)$. I ...
Mary Star's user avatar
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Prove: at most two circles are needed to be tangent to all the circle sequence

Construct a circle sequence $\{C_n\}$ (e.g., blue in the figure below) in 2D Cartesian coordiante system as: the $x$-coordiantes of centers of all the circle $C_n$ are $\frac{1}n$; all the circles $\{...
user6043040's user avatar
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Dirichlet Series of a given sequence

I am trying to calculate the dirichlet generating function of $(p(n)q( \log(n)))_{n \geq 1}$ where $p,q$ are arbitary polynoms. First I calculated the dirichlet genarating function of $(p(n))_{n \geq ...
Orb's user avatar
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Using Mobius Inversion Formula

We are given the following: $f(n)=\prod_{d|n}g(d)$ and asked to show: $g(n)=\prod_{d|n} f(d)^{\mu(\frac{n}{d})}$ The hint given says to use logarithms Here's what I tried doing: $log(f(n))=\prod_{d|n}...
user8083's user avatar
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Summatory function of Euler-phi

Let $F(n) = \sum_{d^2|n} \phi(d)$. We must show that if $F(1) = 1$, and if $n>1$ factors as $n=p^{a_1}_1p^{a_2}_2...p^{a_m}_m$, then $$ F(n)=\prod_{i=1}^{m} p^{[a_i/2]}_i. $$ If I understood ...
DrJimmour's user avatar
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Möbius inversion for categories instead of directed graphs

In Tom Leinster, The Euler Characteristic Of A Category, the author generalizes the notion of Möbius Inversion for posets to finite categories. This violates the principle of equivalence. A possible ...
Carla only proves trivial prop's user avatar
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Mobius Inversion Theorem that is used in Chromatic Polynomial

I have made a shortcut on proving the Mobius Inversion Theorem, which states the following: Let $N_{e}(x)$ to be a real-valued function, defined for all $x$ in a locally finite partially ordered set $(...
Musashi Aldover's user avatar
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Finding Recurrence

Let be $C_k$, $k^{th}$ Catalam's number and $$f(n)=\sum_{k=0}^n\binom{n}{k}(-1)^{n-k}C_k\text{.}$$ I want to prove the following recurrence: $$f(n+1)+(-1)^{n}=f(0)f(n)+f(1)f(n-1)+\cdots+f(n)f(0)\text.{...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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Incidence algebra zeta and mobius matrix?

Trying to follow the notes for understanding how to compute the zeta and mobius matrices from a graph. The graph is Zeta matrix entries defined by $\zeta(a,b)=\left\{\begin{matrix} 0 & if \quad a ...
Baklava Gain's user avatar
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A question about the derivatives of the Möbius inversion formula for $\zeta(s)$

The following expression for the $\frac{1}{\zeta(s)}$ involving the Möbius function is well known: $$\frac{1}{\zeta(s)}=\sum _{n=1}^{\infty }\frac {\mu(n)}{n^s} \qquad s \in \mathbb{C},\Re(s) > 1$$ ...
Agno's user avatar
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Variant of Möbius inversion: $b(n) = \sum_{d^2 \mid n} a(n/d^2) d^\alpha$

I'm trying to understand a step in a classic paper of Rankin. In Rankin's paper Contributions to the theory of Ramanujan's function $\tau(n)$ and similar arithmetical functions, he defines $$ b(n) := \...
dld's user avatar
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Can lines intersect twice?

In inversion,we extend the euclidean plane by adding a single point at infinity which lies on all the lines.But doesn't that mean lines can intersect twice?I mean non parallel lines already intersect ...
a_i_r's user avatar
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Understanding a detail in the inclusion-exclusion Möbius Inversion proof in Introductory Combinatorics

In Introductory Combinatorics, by Brualdi, we have an explication on the Möbius Inversion. There's a line that I'm having a hard time believing, and would appreciate some explanation: Let $n$ be a ...
batteryhorse35's user avatar
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Sums of Möbius between $x$ and $y$

For $z_1 > z_2 \geq 0$ define $$M(z_1,z_2) = \sum_{z_2 < a \leq z_1 } \mu(a),$$ where $\mu$ is the Möbius' function. Prove that $$\sum_{k=1}^{\infty} M\left(\frac{n}{k}, 0\right) = 1\,\text{ and ...
DesmondMiles's user avatar
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What happens if you compose the zeta function with two circle inversion mappings in this specific way?

Let $I^a_b : \mathbb{C} \to \mathbb{C}$ be defined as circle inversion mapping of a circle at the point $a \in \mathbb{C}$ of radius $b = \frac{1}{r}$ What happens to the zero's of the zeta function ...
Matt Calhoun's user avatar
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Generalised Möbius inversion formula.

Lets recall the Möbius inversion formula: If we have two arithmetic functions $f,F$, such: $$F(n)=\sum_{d|n}f(d)$$ then we have: $$f(n)=\sum_{d|n}F(d)\mu(\frac{n}{d})$$ Suppose now that we have ...
mkultra's user avatar
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Sum of inverse of a multiplicative function

I stumbled upon the following problem, while trying to come up with a recreational math question. Let $n$ be a positive integer with factorization $n=2^a\prod_{i=1}^{k}p_i^{e_i}$ Define the arithmetic ...
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