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Questions tagged [cryptography]

Questions on the mathematics behind cryptography, cryptanalysis, encryption and decryption, and the making and breaking of codes and ciphers.

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Is there anything that would prevent peforming Weil Descent on binary curves of large characteristics?

The ghs attack involve creating an hyperlliptic curve cover for a given binary curve. The reason the attack fails most of the time is the resulting genus grows exponentially relative to the curve’s ...
user2284570's user avatar
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In finite fields of large characteristics,what does prevent shrinking the field size down to their larger order in order to solve discrete logarithms? [closed]

In the recent years, several algorithms were proposed to leverage elliptic curves for lowering the degree of a finite field and thus allow to solve discrete logarithm modulo their largest suborder/...
user2284570's user avatar
-1 votes
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entropy in substitution cryptography [closed]

this is a entropy question in cryptography . consider the substitution cipher code system in such way that the voiced characters (i,o,a,u,e) are assigned to themselves and silent characters are ...'s user avatar
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-3 votes
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How many Primitive roots a number can have [closed]

How can we find number of primitive roots of a number is there any formula? Is there any shortcut method for finding primitive modulo
Anjaly Jose Vallooran's user avatar
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Understanding Canonical-embedding vs Coefficient-embedding in Ideal Lattices: Relation to NTT?

I'm trying to understand the relationship between different representations of ideal lattices, particularly the canonical embedding and coefficient embedding. While studying these concepts, I noticed ...
a15600712's user avatar
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How to prove that the transition is made from statement (1) to statement(2)

Let $L$ be an $n$-dimensional lattice in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with basis $\mathbf{x}_1, \mathbf{x}_2, \ldots, \mathbf{x}_n$. Consider an arbitrary vector $\mathbf{z} \in L$ and write $$ \mathbf{z} = a_1\...
ge han's user avatar
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-6 votes
2 answers

Why RSA uses exponentiation instead of multiplication by the inverse of $e^{-1}$? [duplicate]

I better clarify my question. If the problem of RSA is finding the inverse of $e^{-1} = e$ in: $a^e \mod N$ Why don't we just do: $ae \mod N$ for encryption, and $ae^{-1} \mod N$ for decryption? Since ...
zhyn's user avatar
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Multiplicative Pairing functions

I'm looking into invertible pairing functions $P: \mathbb{N} \times \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N} $ that have some multiplicative properties in at least one argument. The properties i'm looking ...
Gaetano's user avatar
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Looking for the name of this log-like method

In Elliptic Curve Cryptography you sometimes have to get from P to nP, say from P to 100P - the only allowed operations are adding of known quantities. So to get from P to 100P, we can of course just ...
bukwyrm's user avatar
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Proof for affine ciphers being distinct.

For affine cipher, consider it over the set of $26$ english alphabets, let $V=\{a=0, b=1, c=2,\cdots, z=25\}.$ Let the multiplicative key be: $j,$ with $(j, 26)=1,$ i.e. $j \in \{1,3,5, 7, 9, 11, 15, ...
jiten's user avatar
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Question about a proof that an elliptic group generated using a singular curve with a self-intersection is isomorphic to an multiplicative group

I'm reading a proof on page 63 of this book: I'm struggling on the simplification process that derives $(2.11)$, in which it substitutes $x_1, \ x_2, \ x_3, \ y_1, \ y_2$ into $$x_3= \left(\dfrac{y_2-...
Harry Duan's user avatar
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Detect Duplicates in a Secret Santa

Imagine a Secret Santa with $n$ people. Due to a mix-up, there is a small chance that some people were assigned the same name. Is there any method by which the participants, without the help of a ...
Hippopotoman's user avatar
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In the book "Zero to Monero", what does Square Brackers around a parameter passed to a Hash function denote?

I am reading the Book "Zero to Monero", 2nd Edition, Section 3.1 Page 26: Generate random number $\alpha \in_{R} \mathbb{Z}_{l}$, and compute, for all $i \in(1, \ldots, d), \alpha J_{i}$. ...
user93353's user avatar
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Solving a recurrence relation to show that the probability of double-spending decreases exponentially

The paper Analysis of Hashrate-Based Double Spending shows that the probability of a successful double-spending attack in blockchains based on proof of work decreases exponentially with the number of ...
Marek's user avatar
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The purpose of Enigma plugboard

It is well known the number of Enigma combinations with plugboard: $${5!\over(5-3)!}\cdot26^3\cdot{26!\over(26-20)!\cdot2^{10}\cdot10!}=158,962,555,217,826,360,000$$. So, $(26-20)!\cdot2^{10}\cdot10!$ ...
Mikhail Gaichenkov's user avatar
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3 answers

Proof of this derivative definition for polynomials in a finite field polynomial ring? $f(x)=q(x)(x-\alpha)^2+f'(\alpha)(x-\alpha)+\beta$

There is a protocol in a cryptographic paper that uses a definition for a polynomial derivative that I believe is right; but I can't use it until I am sure it is. Can anybody give me a proper ...
Sandstar's user avatar
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Unconditional Security: How Does Quantum Cryptography Affect It?

I've been reading a paper ( "Unconditional Security in Classical Cryptography" Petr Štika ) on cryptographic security, and I encountered some confusion about the concept of "...
lockedscope's user avatar
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Why is the extension field polynomial for AES irreducible but not primitive?

The AES standard (FIPS 197 page 8) states that multiplication over GF($2^8$) is done using the polynomial $m(x) = x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1$. This polynomial is irreducible. However, it is not a ...
Rainer Nittschst's user avatar
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Classification of an endomorphism ring of an elliptic curve over a finite field restricted to p-torsion points

Suppose p is a prime number, and not equal to c. c is the characteristic of a finite field. And an elliptic curve is defined over the finite field. Since an endomorphism of the elliptic curve ...
Jimmy Yang's user avatar
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preimage attack and collision resistance of hashfunctions

I have some trouble understanding preimage resistance and collision resistance for hash functions. As definitions I use the once from wikipedia i.e.: preimage resistance: for essentially all pre-...
Yellowyeti's user avatar
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How to study the cross-correlation distribution of the set of sequences consisting of both $m$-sequences and quadratic sequences?

Let $f(m):\mathbb{Z}^+ \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}^{+}_{even}$ is a function from the set of positive integer to the set positive even integer. Then by the $[f(m)-1]$-BCH code I mean the BCH code with ...
Dark Forest's user avatar
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AES S-box as simple algebraic transformation

The next matrix represents the Rijndael S-box according to wikipedia and other sources $$\begin{bmatrix}s_0\\s_1\\s_2\\s_3\\s_4\\s_5\\s_6\\s_7\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 &...
Keplerto's user avatar
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2 answers

Fermat's last Theorem and elliptic curve cryptography

AFAIR, elliptic curve cryptography became popular soon after Fermat's last Theorem had been proven. Is it just a coincidence, or some important cryptographic properties of elliptic curves follow from ...
Roman Maltsev's user avatar
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Conway Polynomial for p=2, n=3?

Im doing an exercise on Conway polynomials. As far as im concerned, for p=2, n=3 both $f(x)=x^3 + x^2 + 1$ and $g(x)=x^3 + x + 1$ satisfy every condition. According to every source i found, the latter ...
Vanessa K's user avatar
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How can I be certain of the existence of elliptic curves of certain order when the parameter a is fixed?

My question came up while researching an attack on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (described in Computer Security - ESORICS 2015. I'm given an elliptic curve $E$ defined by $y^2=x^3+ax+b$ over the finite ...
Yvonne's user avatar
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Determine Whether a Pseudorandom Generator Is Secure

Let $G: \{0, 1\}^s \to \{ 0, 1\}^n$ be a secure pseudorandom number generator (with $s$ seed bits and $n$ output bits). I have attached a problem below that I am confused about; Which generator $G'$ ...
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Problems about Probability Analysis of the Success Rate

I am currently reading a paper on linear cryptanalysis and I am a bit confused by the probability analysis of its success rate. I wonder if I can seek advice here? Let $N$ be the number of given ...
35 honglang's user avatar
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distribution of square roots of unity $mod n$ | Factoring with inverse pair

I am writing a proof related to the RSA cryptosystem, specifically showing that given an inverse pair $d, c$ under multiplication mod $\phi(N)$, where $$ dc \equiv 1 \pmod{\phi(N)}, $$ there exists a ...
FieldHouser's user avatar
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Proof of Golomb's three randomness postulates for binary sequences [closed]

I want to prove that the binary sequence generated by a max-length linear feedback shift register (LFSR) satisfies Golomb's balance, run and autocorrelation postulates: The numbers of zeros and ones ...
Kanan Mahammadli's user avatar
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$\epsilon$-secure encryption system

Suppose the message space of a symmetric key encryption system is infinite (countable) with a probability distribution on it such that { $m \in M: Pr(m) \neq 0$ } is infinite. For a real number $\...
mshj's user avatar
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Confusion on the procedure of public-key and private-key cryptography

Procedure: $1):$ choose two distinct primes $p$ and $q$. $2):$ calculate $n=pq.$ $3):$ compute $\phi(n)=T$. $4):$ get $E$ from $gcd(E,T)=1.$ $5):$ get $D$ from $ED \equiv 1 \pmod{T}$ To encrypt the ...
X K H's user avatar
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Shortest vector problem as hidden subgroup problem

I posted this question on the cryptography stack exchange with a bounty, but I haven’t gotten much attention. I think part of the reason might be that I’m really interested in the use of group theory ...
Joe's user avatar
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Root finding of multivariate polynomials over the integers

TL;DR: is there any library for multivariate polynomial root finding over the integers? I'm trying to implement an attack on RSA with known bits of p by using Coppersmith, such as shown in this paper. ...
Cnoob's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I solve a discrete log using pen paper for exam without bruteforcing it? [closed]

I have my Network Security finals. In elgamal cryptosystem, I am often encountering these equations like this 3 = (10^XA) mod 19 now everywhere I am finding only ...
Pragyan's user avatar
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Analyze the probability distribution of a specific sequence $S(x)$ with compensation mechanism

I'm developing a theoretical model for a sequence $S(x)$ equally spaced in the time dimension where each element is randomly preselected from set $\{1,2,...,L\}$, but the real selection(when it's turn)...
WxxW's user avatar
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Embedding degree of an elliptic curve

I've been reading about the embedding degree of elliptic curves in Costello's "Pairings for Beginners". The following equivalent conditions are given for the embedding degree (p51): where $...
popstack's user avatar
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Can we do any better bijective mapping of a permutation series which is only bijective for a probabilistic subset of its input domain?

So we want to bijectively map one path to another. But depending on start and target node we can only choose from a subset of all transitions. It would look like this: We also do not know where one ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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RSA finding D key

Given the RSA public key find the decryption key d and decrypt the ciphertext c=5. Known information: n=221, p=17, q=13, e=11 $\phi(n) = (p-1)(q-1) = 16\times 12=192$ Equation for finding d: $$ed\...
Alix Blaine's user avatar
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generating a polynomial algorithm from the given one-way function

I am trying to solve the following problem: Suppose that $f : \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N} $ is a one-way function and that for some function $l: \mathbb{N} \rightarrow \mathbb{N}$, the following ...
SARTHAK GUPTA's user avatar
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Confusion about Kraft-McMillan inequality for infinite alphabet

I was wondering if the Kraft-McMillan inequality continues to hold for codes with infinite alphabets. The reason I'm confused about this is because I was thinking about a code from $\{0,1\}^*$ to $\{0,...
user675763's user avatar
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Min and max value of index of coincidence

I am pretty new to cryptography and trying to understand some mathematical aspects. Studying different types of cipher, I came across the definition of index of coincidence which is as follows: Index ...
xterg's user avatar
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Why do we get a connected 2-regular graph?

In reading "PUBLIC-KEY CRYPTOSYSTEM BASED ON ISOGENIES" by Rostovtsev and Stolbunov, they claim on page 8 that the set $U=\{E_i(\mathbb{F}_p)\}$ of elliptic curves with a specific prime $l$ ...
Shean's user avatar
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Why do 3 collinear points on an elliptic curve sum to $O$?

I'm working on a problem, Let $\mathcal{E}:y^2=x^3-2x+1$ be an elliptic curve over the field $\mathbb{F}_5$, and let $P=(0,1)$ be among the points on $\mathcal{E}$. Find the equation of the line on ...
mjc's user avatar
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Confusion over the use of the term "module" in mathematics and post-quantum cryptography.

In post-quantum cryptography, there's a suite of algorithms based on "modular lattice". These schemes are defined in terms of vectors and matrices whose elements are polynomials of a fixed ...
DannyNiu's user avatar
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Wouldn't it be easy to find private keys with the Diffie Hellman exchange? [closed]

I recently watched this video by Computerphile, where Mike explains the mathematics of the Diffie Hellman exchange. I've been wondering, since as explained $g$, $g^a$ and $g^b$ is public, can't you ...
Henryk's user avatar
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the difference between a set and an ensemble

I am reading a paper in cryptography, there is something that I cannot understand well! here is the paragraph: An inherently unobfuscatable function ensemble is an ensemble $\{H_k\}_{k∈N}$ of ...
A.Ajorian's user avatar
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Notation for weighted norm of polynomial in lattice reduction

Where does this definition for the weighted norm of a polynomial $h(x,y)$ come from? I do not understand the notation for the weighted norm of a polynomial because I am used to summation notation with ...
ender's user avatar
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question about a derivation of an inequality [ related to wieners attack in cryptography ]

I had a question regarding a formula derivation from a cryptography class I am taking. Not really a crypto question.. Just more wondering how does one go from LHS to RHS in above equality ? $d<=(N^...
Chris Bedford's user avatar
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inverse problem about scalar multiplication on koblitz curves (or more exactly the secp256k1)

My problem is given $Q=nP$ to find point $P$ given 257 bits long integer $n$ and point $Q$. It’s something possible on other curves but Koblitz curves have extra characteristic and can’t be converted ...
user2284570's user avatar
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Find all pairs of keys $(a, b)$ for affine ciphers.

The question is as follows: Find all pairs of integer keys $(a, b)$ for affine ciphers for which the encryption function $c = (ap + b) \bmod 26$ is the same as the corresponding decryption function. ...
monopoly's user avatar
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