i am new in the site. Next week, i will take final exam on group theory. Today i wached i video on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOxyxsCdkz0
In video, it is proved that $Z^*_{st} \cong Z^*_{s} \oplus Z^*_{t}$, here $\oplus$ means external direct product, and $\cong$ denotes isomorphism ans s and t are coprime
Realize that $Z^*_{st} $ sometimes denoted as $U(st)$
The youtuber prove it by defining function $f:x\to (x \pmod{s}, x \pmod{t})$
They proved the injectivity by $$f(x)=f(y) \Rightarrow (x \pmod{s}, x \pmod{t}) = (y \pmod{s}, y \pmod{t})$$
So, $$x \pmod{s}= y\pmod{s}$$ $$x \pmod{t}= y\pmod{t}$$ $$x \equiv y\pmod{s},x \equiv y\pmod{t}$$ because $(s,t)=1$ $$x \equiv y\pmod{st}$$
It is also onto because their size are equal.
Operation preserving: $f(x) \oplus f(y)= (x \pmod{s}, x \pmod{t}) \oplus (y \pmod{s}, y \pmod{t}) = (xy \pmod{s}, xy \pmod{t})=f(xy)$
I believe that my professor will ask its more general version such that $Z^*_{n_1n_2,...,n_k} \cong Z^*_{n_1} \oplus Z^*_{n_2} \oplus...\oplus Z^*_{n_k}$, because he did not prove it in class and said it is exercise for you
how can i prove the general version ? I found a method using induction in site,but it was open question and there were not any answer ? Can you help me for general version?
Edition: after Arturo Magidin hint about additive group:
Theorem: External direct product $G_1 \times ... \times G_n$ of finite number of finite cyclic groups is cyclic iff the order of groups are relatively prime.
If $n_i,n_j$ are relatively prime when $i \neq j$, then $Z_{n_1} \times ... \times Z_{n_k} $ is cyclic group, because by previous theorem.
Theorem: two cyclic group of same order is isomorphic to each other.
We know that $|Z_{n_1} \times ... \times Z_{n_k}|=|Z_{n_1n_2...n_k}|$ where $n_i,n_j$ are relatively prime when $i \neq j$
So, $ Z_{n_1n_2...n_k} \cong Z_{n_1} \times ... \times Z_{n_k} $
However, i could not understand how to apply restriction for $U(n)$ version