Probably some very naive questions, but ...
Let $A$ be a vector space together with a bilinear map $\mu: A \times A \rightarrow A$.
We call a map $D: A \rightarrow A$ a derivation if it satisfies the Leibniz rule $D(\mu (a,b))=\mu(D(a), b) + \mu(a, D(b))$ for all $a,b \in A$. There are many examples of derivations, differential operators on a suitable associative algebra being one of them.
Lie derivations
One can look at derivations of Lie algebras (where $\mu$ is the Lie bracket).
Given a Lie algebra $\mathfrak g$ (in fact any vector space with bilinear product) one can show that the derivations on $\mathfrak g$ form a Lie subalgebra of $End(\mathfrak g)$ with respect to the commutator. Furthermore, the Jacobi identity is precisely the statement that $ad_x$ is a derivation with respect to the Lie bracket for any $x \in\mathfrak g$.
Why should we care?
What is the relevance of Lie derivations? Why study them? What do they tell us about a Lie algebra? Are they somehow a generalization of differential operators? Are they related to the Lie algebra-Lie group correspondence? Is there any category theoretic perspective on them?