Show that the class number of $\mathbb{Q}[\sqrt{2}]$ is $1$.
We set $M=(2/\pi)^s\sqrt{|d_K|}$ as in the proof of the finiteness of the class group. Since $s=0$, because there are no complex embeddings, and $d_K=8$, we get $M=2\sqrt{2}$. Again, by the proof of the finiteness of the ideal class group, we must find all ideals $I$ in $\mathbb{O}_K$ with norm $n(I)\leq 2\sqrt{2}$. Now, the possible values for the norm of such ideal are $1$ and $2$.
I'm not really convinced of the following:
Thus, the prime ideals dividing $I$ such that $n(I)\leq 2\sqrt{2}$ are the prime ideals dividing the ideal $(2)$.
But $2=(\sqrt{2})^2$. If we show that $(\sqrt{2})$ is prime, then all prime ideals with norm equal or less than $2\sqrt{2}$ are principal, so each ideal $I$ with $n(I)\leq 2\sqrt{2}$ is principal.
I get the last statement of 2. (if $I=p_1...p_r$ is the prime decomposition of $I$ and all $p_i$ are principal then $I$ is principal), but the rest is still cloudy.
I appreciate any help, and thanks in advance!