I am trying to show that the ideal class group, $Cl(A)$ of $K:=\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-65})$, where $A$ is the ring of integers of $K$, is isomorphic to the product two cyclic groups of order 2 and 4, respectively. I am going to share the process I have followed and enumerate the questions I have come up with.
By now, since $-65\equiv 3\mod(4)$ the discriminant is $\Delta=-4\cdot 65$, $A=\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-65}]$, the group of units is $U(K)=\{\pm 1\}$, and since we are working with a complex quadratic extension $r_1=0$, $r_2=1$ , and the Minkowski bound is $\mathcal{M}<11$. Therefore, every ideal class must have a prime ideal of norm less or equal than $ 10$.
Since every ideal class must have a prime ideal of norm less or equal than 10, the only primes we have to study are those generated by $2,3,4,5,7,$ and $9$ ($\textbf{1.}$ Why is it that all prime ideals must have norm $p$ or $p^2$?).
Now, since $2$ and $5$ are the only primes that ramify (because $2,5|\Delta$), then there doesn't exist any prime ideal of norm $4$ ($\textbf{2.}$ Why?). Also, $\left(\frac{-65}{3}\right)=1$, hence $3A=\mathfrak{p}_3\mathfrak{p}_3'$ thus there doesn't exist any prime ideal of norm $9$ ($\textbf{3.}$ Why?). Finally, $7A$ is inert, and therefore principal so $[7A]=1$
All things considered, $Cl(A)=\langle[\mathfrak{p}_2],[\mathfrak{p}_3], [\mathfrak{p}_5]\rangle$.
In addition to this, since $$N(4+\sqrt{-65})=3^4\Rightarrow(4+\sqrt{-65})A=\mathfrak{p}_3^4$$ $$N(5+\sqrt{-65})=2\cdot 3^2\cdot 5\Rightarrow(4+\sqrt{-65})A=\mathfrak{p}_2\mathfrak{p}_3^2\mathfrak{p}_5$$ and there doesn't exist any element of order $10$, $\mathfrak{p}_2\mathfrak{p}_5$ is not a principal ideal, $\mathfrak{p}_3^2$ is not principal and $\mathfrak{p}_3$ has order 4. ($\textbf{5.}$ I am not sure at all of what is going on in this paragraph, I do not follow the logic behind this).
And this is were I get stuck, when I try to find the order of each of the elements of $Cl(A)$.