I am reading Farb's book on Mapping Class Groups. For the proof of disc's mapping class group, I have a question. The fact that $Mod(D^2)$ is trivial (for Mod, the definition is orientation preserving homeomorphisms being identity on the boundary up to isotopy) is proved as follows. Say $\phi:D^2 \longrightarrow D^2 $ so that $\phi_{\partial A}$=identity then
$$F(x,t)=\begin{cases} (1-t)\phi(\dfrac{x}{1-t}) & 0\leq|x|< 1-t \\ x & 1-t\leq |x| \leq 1 \end{cases} $$ for $0\leq t<1$ and defining F(x,1) to be the identity map of $D^2$ result in an isotopy F from $\phi$ to identity.
Now my question is, since $D^2$ is convex, every map on $D^2$ is homotopic. I am aware that this does not suffice since we consider isotopies. But before this proof there is the result, saying that every homotopy between orientation preserving homeomorphisms are always isotopies (i.e at all times they are homeomorphisms). So the homotopy that I have in mind becomes isotopy by the result, moreover since $\phi_{\partial D^2}$=identity we have that the isotopy at all times will ve identity on the boundary.
So probably there is a mistake argument, since this one is the first thing that comes to min but not used. Can you help me with what is wrong?