Assoc. Prof. Dr.
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Papers by Semih ÇAYAK
Methods: The item pool for the organizational healing scale was developed with the objective of ensuring its applicability for researchers and participants by adhering to the principles of scientific rigor and practicality. In this context, an item pool of 32 items was created. To ensure construct validity, EFA and CFA were conducted, and for content and face validity, expert opinion was consulted. Validity was also ensured through convergent and discriminant validity. Reliability was tested using Cronbach’s alpha coecient value.
Results: The two components (individual priority, organizational priority)
identified through EFA as contributing to the construct validity of the scale were subsequently confirmed by CFA. The fit indices for the scale were at satisfactory level. TheCronbach Alpha coecient value demonstrated that both components were reliable.
Discussion: A reviewof the results indicated that the organizational healing scale is a valid and reliable instrument formeasuring the healing levels of organizations with respect to the component under consideration.
toward artificial intelligence and their artificial intelligence literacy levels.
In the present study, “General Attitude Toward Artificial Intelligence
Scale” and “Artificial Intelligence Literacy Scale” were used. The study
group consisted of 361 teachers working in public schools in Kartal,
Pendik and Sultanbeyli districts of Istanbul province in Türkiye in the
2023-2024 academic year and selected by convenient sampling method.
The findings obtained in this study showed that teachers' positive attitudes
toward artificial intelligence were at a high level, while their negative
attitudes were at a low level. The artificial intelligence literacy levels of
the teachers were at a medium level. Teachers’ positive and negative
attitudes toward artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence literacy
levels did not show significant differences according to their gender,
professional seniority and education level. However, teachers’ positive
attitudes toward artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence literacy
levels were significantly higher in teachers with graduate education than
those with undergraduate education. Likewise, teachers' negative attitudes
toward artificial intelligence were significantly higher in teachers with
undergraduate education than those with graduate education. As a result
of the correlation analysis, it was found that there was a positive, highlevel
and significant relationship between teachers' positive attitudes
toward artificial intelligence and their artificial intelligence literacy. On
the other hand, there was a negative, moderate and significant relationship
between teachers' negative attitudes toward artificial intelligence and their
artificial intelligence literacy. As a result of the findings obtained from
this study, some suggestions for researchers and practitioners are
psychological resilience on their social media addictions using structural equation modeling. The
study group consisted of 322 students studying at various state and foundation universities in the
spring semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale, Life
Satisfaction Scale and Brief Psychological Resilience Scale were used as data collection tools in the
study. As a result of structural equation analysis, it was determined that there were negative, high
and significant relationships between students' social media addictions and their life satisfaction and
psychological resilience. Additionally, it was determined that university students' life satisfaction and
psychological resilience predicted their social media addiction. Then, the differences in students' life
satisfaction, psychological resilience and social media addiction scores according to gender and
internet usage time were examined. According to the results, it was seen that male students had
higher social media addiction levels and female students had higher life satisfaction. There was no
significant difference between the psychological resilience of male and female students. Additionally,
it was determined that students' social media addictions, life satisfaction and psychological resilience
differed according to daily internet usage time. As a result of the research, it was seen that the life
satisfaction and resilience of university students were important in reducing social media addictions,
and various suggestions were made to educators and mental health experts.
patience levels and their professional resilience. In this research, which was
designed in a relational survey model, the “Teacher Patience Scale”
developed by Meriç and Erdem (2022) and the “Teacher Professional
Resilience Scale” developed by Näswall, Malinen, Kuntz, and Hodliffe
(2019) and adapted into Turkish by Limon (2022) were used as data collection
tools. The sample of the research consists of 404 teachers working in public
schools in the Kartal and Tuzla districts of Istanbul. According to the research
findings, it was found that the teachers' patience levels and professional
resilience levels were high. In addition, while the patience and professional
resilience levels of teachers do not show a statistically significant difference
according to the gender of the teachers, their educational status, and the
number of teachers working in their schools, they show statistically
significant differences according to their professional seniority and
educational levels. These differences are in favor of teachers working in
primary and secondary schools and teachers with lower seniority. According
to another finding obtained from the research, there is a positive, high, and
significant relationship between teachers' patience levels and their
professional resilience levels. As a result of the regression analysis, it was
seen that teacher patience was a significant predictor of professional
resilience. Teacher patience explains 73% of professional resilience.
Methods: The item pool for the organizational healing scale was developed with the objective of ensuring its applicability for researchers and participants by adhering to the principles of scientific rigor and practicality. In this context, an item pool of 32 items was created. To ensure construct validity, EFA and CFA were conducted, and for content and face validity, expert opinion was consulted. Validity was also ensured through convergent and discriminant validity. Reliability was tested using Cronbach’s alpha coecient value.
Results: The two components (individual priority, organizational priority)
identified through EFA as contributing to the construct validity of the scale were subsequently confirmed by CFA. The fit indices for the scale were at satisfactory level. TheCronbach Alpha coecient value demonstrated that both components were reliable.
Discussion: A reviewof the results indicated that the organizational healing scale is a valid and reliable instrument formeasuring the healing levels of organizations with respect to the component under consideration.
toward artificial intelligence and their artificial intelligence literacy levels.
In the present study, “General Attitude Toward Artificial Intelligence
Scale” and “Artificial Intelligence Literacy Scale” were used. The study
group consisted of 361 teachers working in public schools in Kartal,
Pendik and Sultanbeyli districts of Istanbul province in Türkiye in the
2023-2024 academic year and selected by convenient sampling method.
The findings obtained in this study showed that teachers' positive attitudes
toward artificial intelligence were at a high level, while their negative
attitudes were at a low level. The artificial intelligence literacy levels of
the teachers were at a medium level. Teachers’ positive and negative
attitudes toward artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence literacy
levels did not show significant differences according to their gender,
professional seniority and education level. However, teachers’ positive
attitudes toward artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence literacy
levels were significantly higher in teachers with graduate education than
those with undergraduate education. Likewise, teachers' negative attitudes
toward artificial intelligence were significantly higher in teachers with
undergraduate education than those with graduate education. As a result
of the correlation analysis, it was found that there was a positive, highlevel
and significant relationship between teachers' positive attitudes
toward artificial intelligence and their artificial intelligence literacy. On
the other hand, there was a negative, moderate and significant relationship
between teachers' negative attitudes toward artificial intelligence and their
artificial intelligence literacy. As a result of the findings obtained from
this study, some suggestions for researchers and practitioners are
psychological resilience on their social media addictions using structural equation modeling. The
study group consisted of 322 students studying at various state and foundation universities in the
spring semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale, Life
Satisfaction Scale and Brief Psychological Resilience Scale were used as data collection tools in the
study. As a result of structural equation analysis, it was determined that there were negative, high
and significant relationships between students' social media addictions and their life satisfaction and
psychological resilience. Additionally, it was determined that university students' life satisfaction and
psychological resilience predicted their social media addiction. Then, the differences in students' life
satisfaction, psychological resilience and social media addiction scores according to gender and
internet usage time were examined. According to the results, it was seen that male students had
higher social media addiction levels and female students had higher life satisfaction. There was no
significant difference between the psychological resilience of male and female students. Additionally,
it was determined that students' social media addictions, life satisfaction and psychological resilience
differed according to daily internet usage time. As a result of the research, it was seen that the life
satisfaction and resilience of university students were important in reducing social media addictions,
and various suggestions were made to educators and mental health experts.
patience levels and their professional resilience. In this research, which was
designed in a relational survey model, the “Teacher Patience Scale”
developed by Meriç and Erdem (2022) and the “Teacher Professional
Resilience Scale” developed by Näswall, Malinen, Kuntz, and Hodliffe
(2019) and adapted into Turkish by Limon (2022) were used as data collection
tools. The sample of the research consists of 404 teachers working in public
schools in the Kartal and Tuzla districts of Istanbul. According to the research
findings, it was found that the teachers' patience levels and professional
resilience levels were high. In addition, while the patience and professional
resilience levels of teachers do not show a statistically significant difference
according to the gender of the teachers, their educational status, and the
number of teachers working in their schools, they show statistically
significant differences according to their professional seniority and
educational levels. These differences are in favor of teachers working in
primary and secondary schools and teachers with lower seniority. According
to another finding obtained from the research, there is a positive, high, and
significant relationship between teachers' patience levels and their
professional resilience levels. As a result of the regression analysis, it was
seen that teacher patience was a significant predictor of professional
resilience. Teacher patience explains 73% of professional resilience.
farklı, aynı zamanda birbiriyle ilişkili kavramdır. Risk; zarara
uğrama tehlikesi ya da rizikolu durumlara karşılık gelmektedir
(TDK, 2022). Genel bakış açısının aksine risk yalnızca
olumsuzlukla değil, fırsatla da aynı anlamda kullanılmıştır.
Modern zamanda olumlu yanlarına da vurgu yapılan risk,
yönetim sürecinin verimliliğinden de etkilenmektedir (Dikel,
2023). İnsanoğlu pratikte eski tarihten bu yana kendisine zarar
veren ve verme ihtimali olan tehlikeleri değerlendirebilmek
ve tanımlayabilmek için gözlem yapmış ve araştırmıştır
(Yurdakul, 1991). Dolayısıyla riskleri belirlemek ve risk
yönetimi stratejilerini izlemek tarihin her safhasında önemli
bir eylem olmuştur.
sürekli etkileşim halindedir. Bu etkileşim sırasında çatışmaların meydana
gelmesi kaçınılmazdır. Bu bağlamda eğitim sistemleri de okullar aracılığıyla
toplumu oluşturan bireylerin eğitimini ve birlikte yaşamanın gerektirdiği
belirli bazı olumlu davranışları kazanmalarını sağlamayı hedeflemektedir.
Eğitim; bireyin sosyal, fiziksel, zihinsel ve duygusal yeteneklerinin ve
davranışlarının istenen yönde geliştirilmesi ya da ona belirli hedeflere yönelik
çeşitli yetenekler, davranışlar ve bilgiler kazandırılması sürecidir.
seviyesine ulaşmasını zorunlu kılmakta ve böylece insanların ihtiyaçları da zamanla
değişmektedir. Hızla değişen dünyada bir toplumun değişime ayak uydurabilmesi
ve varlığını sürdürebilmesi için en etkili kaynaklardan biri de toplumsal
amaçlar doğrultusunda eğitilmiş bireylerdir (Aksoy, 2006). Değişen ilgi
ve ihtiyaçlar doğrultusunda eğitimsel amaçların da sürekli gözden geçirilmesi
ve okulla ilgili tüm paydaşların desteğiyle bu amaçların yeniden tanımlanması
şarttır (Yılmaz, 2010).
nitelikli bir hale getirebilmek için eğitim sistemlerini çağın gereklerine göre düzenledikleri ve eğitime büyük yatırımlar yaptıkları görülmektedir. Ancak kamu
kaynakları sınırlıdır ve birçok alanda olduğu gibi eğitimde de özel girişimleri
görmek mümkündür. Eğitimde özelleştirme uygulamalarının çok farklı avantajları ve dezavantajları bulunmaktadır. Özellikle, özelleştirmenin akademik başarı üzerindeki etkisi alanda sıkça tartışılmaktadır. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmada
uluslararası sınavlarda yüksek başarılara sahip olan ve eğitimde özelleştirmenin
en yaygın olduğu ülkelerden biri olan Hollanda’nın eğitim sistemi ve eğitimde
özelleştirme uygulamaları Türkiye ile karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiştir. Böylece özelleştirme uygulamalarının ve bu uygulamalara bağlı olarak ortaya çıkabilecek diğer faktörlerin ülkelerin eğitimsel başarıları üzerindeki etkisi ortaya
konmuş ve Türkiye için de bu konuda gerekli öneriler sunulmuştur.