Sunday, May 21, 2017

Going to Family

We are headed east which gives me a chance to pass on some older quilts to family. I don't think I'll find room for the large quilts but these will free up space and perhaps find a home. Several are patterns or kits from Connecting Threads.

This is a nice sized lap quilt my sister-in-law will probably enjoy. Her hand work was impeccable but she'll not see my errors for sure.

I enjoyed hand quilting in spots for emphasis. Too bad I used muslin for the backing. But, then, it does show off more.

This flower baskets were make a nice table topper.

This pattern impressed me. But what was I thinking? The colors match absolutely nothing. This one needs a loving home.

How about a paper pieced fusion with machine trapunto? I'll try anything...once.

Can you see the dimension?

This is an elegant tablerunner/placemats set. A delightful project but I have nothing blue in my house. No match here.

So off they go, space permitted, to another home.


Sunday, May 7, 2017

Round Robin--Houses

My little quilt group just completed a house block round robin. Everyone made a block with a house (without details) and roof. Then each month we swapped the blocks--in brown bags-- and had a different assignment decided by the group. If you drew the bag with your block the assignment was still the same. It was a great challenge in color and design.

Here's a California home, I guess. Palm tree, bird of paradise plant and succulent plants.

Here's a look at all of them. One of the group's machine embroiderers has volunteered to do a center block. However, no border has been selected. We are donating the finished quilt to the local hospital's gift shop. They sell many donated quilts.

There's a bit of Joan Shay's petal play in the tree making the blooms appear as magnolias. No, that's not a United Airline flight, it's a bird.

Adding a chimney was never an assignment. However, this one is great. How about that pink house!

Very traditional. Makes me think of the Midwest.

Our final assignment was to add something you feel would finish it off. Hence the school sign.

How about all the flowers on this two story beauty.

I'll post the quilt when completed.
