Showing posts with label hippies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hippies. Show all posts

23 July 2009

British Paper Badmouths America For Not Loving Obamacare

Well if you don't like snooty American bloggers telling you why you're a terrible person for not supporting a debt-ridden, centralized health care monstrosity, you're probably not going to care much when someone from Europe does it. From the Independent in London:

Like anyone who writes in a national newspaper, I'm used to abuse, but nothing prepared me for the venom unleashed when I dared to suggest, on an American website earlier this year, that "rational self-interest" might have its limits. My suggestion, said one correspondent who tracked me down months later, was "an attack" on his "happiness, freedom, income, survival and family" and I clearly had "(a) no education and (b) no experience". Suffice it to say that he, and his fellow Christina critics, were less than delighted about the "obscure left/socialist leanings" of "an American Idol President". Socialist? It would be tempting, as a Brit, to say 'you're having a larf!', but these people are not, I think it's safe to say, overly endowed with a sense of humour.

If Obama can't do this, nobody can. If Obama can't do this, America's poor are screwed. Sure, America's got talent, but it's also got some of the most unpleasant, uncompassionate, unerringly ruthless people on the face of this planet. Boy will that boy need some luck.
Well, that certainly doesn't have much of the British charm. And what's up with calling Obama "boy" like it's some 1950s diner in Biloxi, Mississippi. This is not the first time scary, middle-aged women have referred to Obama as "boy".

You kind of get a sense of the commentator;s demeanor with this line later in her stream-of-conscious blatherings:
The pub, cosy cornerstone of the community, hub of happiness and harmony etc, is in decline and this, apparently, is a national disaster.

Could this be the same institution that has been castigated for fostering the country's only serious national pastime, the mass pouring down throats of the drug regarded as the biggest threat to the nation's health?
Great. Another know-it-all, self-roghteous liberal who wants to mind everyone else's personal business to compensate for god-knows-what. Please stay in England, we have too many like you in the States.

01 April 2009

London Calling

I found this little tidbit of agitprop on the G20 Meltdown site, which promises a "Financial Fool's Day" tomorrow in London followed by "storming" the Bank of England at noon. Guess you can't have a decent protest without breaking some shit, spraying graffiti about corporate pigs, and hanging some effigy with a left arm longer than Wilt Chamberlain's. What's odd about these unemployed low-life protesters is, when there is too little police presence, they cause millions of dollar worth of property damage (see Seattle 1999), but when the police actually enforce the law, the cries of "police brutality" and subsequent legal action makes martyrs out of them (see Minneapolis 2008). A true Catch-22 for law enforcement, so they seem to be taking the pragmatic approach. From BBC:

But Scotland Yard is concerned the demonstrations may be "hijacked" by people intent on using violence.

Commander Simon O'Brien - who has been meeting some of the protest groups - said people had a democratic right to protest and that police would always respond to threats "proportionately".
Best of luck to them, and hopefully the Secret Service brings their A-game as well, since Obama landed there today. However, from an OPSEC perspective, it wasn't helpful that the Daily Mail published the President's itinerary and a detailed diagram of his Cadillac. D'oh!

24 March 2009

Green Gestapo Blocks Green Energy on West Coast

Desolate Expanse of Land To Be Saved From Evil Solar Panels

Here's a few examples that highlight the problem with the modern environmental movement. They raise a ruckus about fossil fuel plants choking up their precious Gaia, and then when some savvy entrepreneurs want to construct alternative energy solutions, they shit all over them too. It wouldn't be such a problem if these Birkenstocked totalitarians didn't have the ability to hold up construction for years in the courts while they drag ass making environmental impact studies, but they do, and liberal politicians buy into this farce hook, line, and sinker.

The latest bit of anti-civilization extremism comes from California, where solar panel construction in the Mojave Desert is being held up because of some tortoises. I've been to the desert in California many times, and besides the occasional meth addict and abadoned mine, there's really not too much there. But that hasn't stopped Sen. Feinstein (D-CA) from blocking green energy production. From FOX:
Feinstein said Friday she intends to push legislation that would turn the land into a national monument, which would allow for existing uses to continue while preventing future development.

The Wildlands Conservancy orchestrated the government's purchase of the land between 1999-2004. It negotiated a discount sale from the real estate arm of the former Santa Fe and Southern Pacific Railroad and then contributed $40 million to help pay for the purchase. David Myers, the conservancy's executive director, said the solar projects would do great harm to the region's desert tortoise population.

"It would destroy the entire Mojave Desert ecosystem," said David Myers, executive director of The Wildlands Conservancy.
With wind turbine construction being blocked in Oregon because of threats to the "sage grouse" population and being blocked in Washington because "people don't like to look at them", it's becoming increasingly clear that hardline greenies want us to either live in the good ole' days of the stone age or just get wiped off the planet all together.

A rare moment of wisdom came from Gov. Schwarzenegger when he was quoted in the Fox article with:
"If we cannot put solar power plants in the Mojave desert, I don't know where the hell we can put it," Schwarzenegger said at Yale University.
I would suggest to the Governor that they put some solar panels out in the old Nevada nuke testing sites, but there would probably be opposition from special interest groups about encroaching on the cannibalistic mutants that dwell in the area.

22 March 2009

Pentagon Protest Brou-ha-ha


TSO gave me a jingle and said there was barely a thousand miscreants at the Pentagon protest, and most of the signs were just stacked up on the ground. Seeing how Hezbollah was there, that might've scared off some potential malcontents.

From This Ain't Hell

03 March 2009

Global Warming Protesters in DC Getting Frostbitten

It's a Great Day for a Climate Change Protest!

With a massive snow storm blanketing the East Coast, you'd think the protest organizers of "Capitol Climate Action" would've had the wherewithal to pick another day. But they're toughin' it out:
15 minutes out. Hundreds are gathering in Spirit of Justice park. The atmosphere is charged with hope and excitement. People are bundled up in their warmest coats and staying active by chanting. I hear “Coal can never be clean.” There’s a prayer vigil in the south section of the park.
Stay warm, fellas! Apparently, they've never heard of the "Gore Effect". They've promised to post pictures from their "action website" later today, which will certainly be good for a hoot.

24 February 2009

The Man - 1, NYU Hippie Protesters - 0

The above video is the local authorities at NYU breaking up some "Take Back NYU" protest, which was about free trade bagels or sympathizing with Hamas terrorists or some bullshit. They had occupied one of the campus buildings, and there's a hilarious video of these youngsters getting strongarmed by the police. Nothing will bring a smile to your face faster than seeing self-righteous college kids living off their parents trust fund get the cold slap of reality.

15 January 2009

Anti-War Crowd To Get a Whole Lot Weirder Under Obama

Code Pink Witchcraft Might Just be the Beginning

This Ain't Hell talks about Jon Bruhns, who was once on the forefront of anti-war activism in this country. He's got an op-ed that talks about something that has been very obvious for quite some time: anti-war demonstrators are too damn wacky. Sure, back in the 60s marching with a bunch of hippies might've gotten you some action later at the "groovy love-in", but with today's "peace movement" well into the octogenarian age cycle, it might not be such a good deal. Modern activists have done everything they could to exploit vets by convincing them to turn against their countrymen in arms by falsely admitting to being guilty of brutal war crimes.

But John's trying to cool things down with this latest Op-Ed:
By alienating the silent majority, the current anti-war movement has dealt itself a bad hand that essentially diminished its credibility.

In a democracy, strength is in numbers. This anti-establishment and absolutist view of the political process is likely to be the real cause of their implosion.

As someone who's been fighting for years for an end to the war in Iraq, I find this tragic because we need the voices of millions to put pressure on our elected officials to end the conflict and fix the many problems facing our country. But those voices have to be credible to be taken seriously, and circus acts never are.
No doubt, John will be accused of being some kind of "Rovian Agent" or part of some neo-con cabal for his moderate and rational piece. Perhaps, he understands that when the Democrats are in power, people looking to take down this country through "revolution" became that much more crazy. The savage violence of the DNC protests of '68, 2000, and the "Battle of Seattle" in '99 were all during Democratic administrations. Something about the far left getting completely unhinged when "their guy" isn't espousing the policies of Leon Trotsky. We're already starting to see signs of this in Obama's world, and it's probably going to get a whole lot worse since Obama has advocated a centrist approach to foreign policy. Watch your back, folks.

13 January 2009

Pro-Hamas Imbeciles in SF

I'm not saying everyone who is a bit skeptical of "Operation Cast Lead" is an anti-Semitic peace thug, but these Bay Area people make a pretty good case otherwise. Much more at Zombietime.

Seeing how Jewish businesses were one of the first victims of the Nazi regime when the Sturmabteilung began smashing their windows, I would recommend that the commie Santa Claus pictured above choose a different way to get his message across.

So much for the theory on newfound patriotism under Obama. Let's keep cheering on Iranian-funded terrorist groups!

25 December 2008

The Vietnamization of Afghanistan

For some damn reason Jane Fonda, the traitorous swine, was all up in my gmail account, yapping about how great Code Pink was an anti-war organization:

Dear LT,
As an actor, I know the power of the screen. As an activist, I also know the power of taking a message off the screen and onto the streets. That's why I love CODEPINK--it not only utilizes the best of the visual media with its vibrant pink presence; the women of CODEPINK are also out in the world...
Apparently old hippies never die, they just get senile and spread their messages through the internet rather than half-baked drum sessions. But unlike Vietnam, the beginning of operations in Afghanistan were hardly controversial in 2001. The Taliban, a despicable regime, was harboring terrorists that perpetrated one of the greatest atrocities in American history. The authorization for the use of military force did not take long to pass in DC. But as Iraq winds down, and people look for ways to divert money from defense for the sake of keeping people on the public dole, expect opposition to Afghanistan to begin ramping up.

In some cases, leaders of large progressive policy groups don't even bother trying to rationalize why the war must have an end...not even a catchy tune that you can slap on a protest sign. They just say we need to give money to irresponsible citizens who splurged on McMansions. From Huffington Post:
With housing prices continuing to plummet, not helping them means the financial system is being buttressed on top of a time bomb...But perhaps we'd be wiser to leave bin Laden in his cave, abandon the entire wrong-headed misnomer of a "war on terror," and give up attempting to build a new democracy in a country on the other side of the world. Make aggressive global policing, intelligence sharing, and a crackdown on financial flows the core of our reaction to bin Laden, and focus our resources and attention on the crisis here at home, which remains truly terrifying to anyone who looks at it closely.
The mission in Afghanistan does not provide a direct paycheck into people's pocket, so as the public gets more desperate to go back to their excessive living of SUVs, reality TV, and subprime mortgages, they are going to be easily swayed by politicians making promises. Maybe the next administration will do the right thing and look for new tactics and diplomacy to put the mission back on track, but the American people are going to be bitching every step of the way during these hard times. The college protesters, progressive bloggers, and other layabouts who speak the loudest for the anti-war movement will be making a lot more sense to more and more Americans.

16 December 2008

Great, Code Pink To Honor Angry Shoe-Tosser Guy

Mahdi Army or Code Pink protest...what's the difference

It's getting more and more difficult to tell the difference between Sadrists, Ba'athists, and hippies in our own country. Code Pink is holding a pow-wow in L.A. where they encourage unemployed layabouts to bring their shoes in solidarity with the left's favorite new icon: that Saddam-apologist putz who throw his shoes at Bush. From their email distro:
Join us! Wednesday, December 17th, 5:00--6:30 PM, More Shoes for Bush!

Join us at the Federal Building at the southwest corner of Wilshire Blvd. and Veteran Ave., in solidarity with the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at George W. Bush at a Baghdad press conference on Sunday. Peace activists will gather outside the Federal Building with shoes representing Iraqis and U.S. soldiers who have died since the Bush Administration's illegal invasion of Iraq.

We aim to show support for Iraqi journalist Muntader al-Zaidi, who hurled his shoes at President Bush while he spoke at the conference during his "surprise" visit to discuss the war.
As you can see on Google maps, the Federal Building is one of the busiest intersections in Los Angeles, thereby putting it high in the running for busiest in the nation. Code Pink didn't have the decency to hold this display of idiocy on the weekend, so commuters will have to watch out for flying Birkenstocks as they exit off the 405. What a great country we live in.

12 December 2008

Environmentalist Weirdo Wonders What Would Happen If All Humans Croaked

6 Billion Instaneous Deaths: The Solution to Global Warming
I'd like to say that most of us consider ourselves conversationists in that we seek more efficient methods to expend the finite resources on planet earth, but some environmentalists go too damn far. Some want us living primitive lifestyles so that Gaia is happy. But the book "World Without Us" delves further into self-hating insanity by pondering how great the earth would be if all humans were exterminated. Predictably, it's won some praise from the LA Times:
"The World Without You" (sic) gives us a glimpse of both the fragility and resilience of life on Earth -- a nature that humans have proved quite adept at destroying, but also a nature that will long outlast the human species. In the end, the book paints a history and future of the Earth that's not so human-centric, and correspondingly, encourages a more humble perspective of our role on this planet. What you end up doing with that perspective is entirely up to you.
Mankind has created art, understood science, and provided the means to download pornography at warp speeds, so don't give up on the entire race just yet! If it wasn't for us, all this rock would be is boring sphere of mass with smelly creature inhabitants on the corner of the universe. Let's give some credit where it's due.

10 December 2008

The Cutthroat Tactics of Whole Foods Corporate Hippies

The hackesyacks and Birkenstocks must be violently flying around the combination yoga/board room at Whole Foods headquarters, because they are playing hardball with one of their competitors, New Seasons. The feel-good megastore with crappy and non-delicious soy products, Whole Foods, has been embroiled in an anti-trust investigation by the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) since 2007. Whole Foods channeled the spirit of Jerry Garcia to fight back by suing the FTC on Monday, claiming they didn't have enough time to prepare a defense. Now they are subpoenaing emails and internal correspondence from one of the little guys in Oregon [Oregon Live]:

Whole Foods contends that New Seasons is at the heart of its defense in an antitrust case that, if lost, could cost the ritzy retailer big fines and the loss of the Wild Oats stores it gained across the country.

The subpoena demands two years' worth of New Seasons' weekly sales data, internal e-mails, inventory records, marketing and expansion plans. Whole Foods said it sent nearly identical requests to 93 other retailers and vendors nationwide, including two others in Portland -- the two-store Food Front chain and the lone People's Co-Op.
I've never been to one of these places, since I prefer my food to be chemically enhanced and injected with growth hormones. But, I've heard that it's a great place to meet babes for us PacNorWest people, and I also assume that people shop here and pay extra because of its image as "eco-friendly". It's funny that the powers that be for this crunchy establishment are such dicks. Reminds me of that "business hippie" who overcharges for weed in Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle.

05 December 2008

"Impeach Bush" Ornament Removed From White House Tree Due to Lameness

Please Wake Us Up When BDS is Over

Some angry old hippie, a Deborah Lawrence, was chosen from Seattle's Congressional District to design the White House tree ornament. She choose the avant-garde and shockingly original political slogan: "Impeach Bush". We haven't heard that one before! Zzzz. The Seattle Times called the move "embarrassing", and the White House isn't even going to hang this taxpayer-funded monstrosity:

'Tis not the season to post calls for impeachment on the White House Christmas tree.
A spokeswoman for first lady Laura Bush said Tuesday that the White House tree will not include an ornament by a Seattle artist that supports President Bush's impeachment.

I have a suspicion that the Impeach Bush mantra is going to be around for decades on bumper stickers of aging geezers driving Subaru Outbacks. Even "Impeach Nixon" can still be spotted on the East Coast.
Lawrence's artwork isn't terrible, so you think she could've put something cool on an ornament representing Seattle's contribution to culture. Like the 20th anniversary of Sub Pop or the hometown of Matthew Broderick's character in War Games. Anything but tired old memes when the current administration has only one month to go in office.

01 December 2008

Inside Limousine Liberal Land

NYMag goes deep undercover on the Upper East Side amidst the cheese-spreads and merlot to get footage of a bona fide MoveOn.Org meeting. If you ever wondered what it's like to be a fly on the wall in a meeting full of over-educated, under-worked, self-righteous New Yorkers, now's your chance. The correspondent looks like he's about to set himself on fire like that guy from Airplane!. Thanks to Eric for finding this gem. If I'm going to get political advice from anyone in the big apple, it'll be the Staten Island Madman, not these geeks.

30 November 2008

Attention All Hippies! Obama Gives You a Reason to be Groovy

For all my crunchy friends, who might be upset that Obama isn't acting "progressive" enough for appointing that mean warmonger Gates, cheer up! Obama just appointed Samantha Power to the State Department transition team. Read all about it...right here!

23 November 2008

Code Pink Blogs From Iran About Its Great Fundamentalist Regime

Code Pink to get tips on sharpening their anti-American rhetoric in Tehran

They may have packed up shop from protesting our troops in Berkeley, but the women you love to hate at Code Pink have taken their clown show to the streets of Iran. A blog post from the group's website indicates they are cruising around on some sort of "peace delegation" and getting fed a line of bullshit from puppets of the atrocious Iranian regime. From the Code Pink blog:

After a hearty Iranian breakfast that included delicious tomatoes, cucumbers, fresh eggs, cheese, yoghurt, flat bread and mouth-watering olives, the “work day” began for the three of us—myself, CODEPINK cofounder Jodie Evans and Col. Ann Wright. Our first meeting was with our dear friend Rostam Pourzal, who works with the anti-sanctions group CASMI. Rostam used to live in Washington DC, but moved back to Iran recently. Thank goodness he came to greet us, because it turned out that the government person who was supposed to set up our schedule today didn’t show up. So Rostam filled in the day for us with an amazing variety of activities and meetings.
Rostam Pourzal is an apologist for the theocracy on staff at the Campaign Against Iranian Sanctions who wrote an article on mass murderer Ahmadinejad's rise to power as "Not that Bad". He also has criticized human rights activists who speak out against abuses by the Iranian regime, and even gave $2,300 to the failed presidential campaign of perennial peace wacko, Dennis Kucinich. While being led around this ridiculous propaganda tour, Code Pink swung by the abandoned American embassy:
Then we went to his office, but along the way he stopped to show us the old, abandoned U.S. Embassy. It is now surrounded by murals with anti-American slogans—a stark reminder of the harsh rhetoric emanating from both governments.
It's a real shocker, I know, that the site where 52 American hostages were captured might have a touch of "anti-American" feel to it. Code Pink then goes on their little escapade to talk to Iranians about their government, and are surprised that they don't like a brutally oppressive regime that has driven the country's economy into the ground:
People in Iraq were afraid to speak out against Saddam, people in Iran aren’t. We heard criticism of the government while we were still on the plane. Then in customs, when an official asked our guide why we had come to Iran and she replied “trying to make peace,” he laughed and said, “Not with this terrible government of ours.” The taxi drivers complain; western-educated elites complain, businessmen complain. While most wouldn’t want to be filmed venting against their government, they talk to us in an amazingly open fashion, barely looking over their shoulders to see if anyone is listening.
I'm sure Medea Benjamin and Jodie Evans will have no qualms signing these people's death warrants by turning in these malcontents to the Iranian authorities. On the plus side, maybe the Code Pink leadership will decide to stay over there and not come back.

21 November 2008

Stench of War Protesters May Be Lingering For Awhile

According to Jonn writing at The Obacalypse, some anti-war groups are not happy with "Barack the Hawk", so expect them to be lingering around for the next 4 years. That's okay though. Besides feeling better about yourself when you see unemployed hippies parading around in costumes, we will be treated to more excellent videos like this 2004 gem called "Weapons of Mass Affection":

18 November 2008

Ayers Book Signing in DC

I was never big on the Ayers-Obama connection cooked up by the McCain campaign as they were declining in the polls, because it was a bit flimsy and Obama was just a youngster when protesters were throwing dogshit at returning vets. But, I certainly think Bill Ayers is a fucking terrorist asshole. Jonn Lilyea was with some folks to protest one of his book-signings in Washington DC. Check it out at This Aint Hell.

Jonn also got yelled at for "Outing Valerie Plame"...uh, okay. He was also accused of being a spy for the NSA earlier this week, so I figure he's doing something right.

17 November 2008

Jonn Lilyea, NSA Spook, Hassles Protesters

The number of bumper stickers on your car is directly proportional to how much "teh crazy" you can bring

While the anti-Prop 8 protests were mostly peaceful yesterday in my neck of the woods (a boon for those of us who would like to see equal rights for the LGBT community), Jonn Lilyea of This Ain't Hell shows us that our fellow veterans are doing their bestest to give us a bad name. Veterans for Peace have chosen to "occupy" the National Archives Building (home to our beloved Constitution and Declaration of Independence) to drum up support for arresting BushMcCheney. In this video, Jonn is accused of working for the "NSA", and there's shots of a hippie-mobile that still has an "Impeach Nixon" bumper sticker, despite the fact that former president Richard Nixon has been dead for over a decade. This would all be completely hilarious if it wasn't for the fact that one of the motivations by milbloggers is to give a bettter public image of veterans. These yahoos certainly aren't helping matters.

14 November 2008

Neil Young Wants Billions in Bailout Money to go to Neil Young's Company

I have to hand it to these aging hippies, they sure know how to make a quick buck by playing on people's guilt

There's been a lot of hand-wringing in Washington over whether or not the auto industry is going to get bailed out by the feds, but one only needs to stop by the Huffington Post (gossip-cum-dumbass politics site) for new ideas for The Obama administration. Neil Young recently started up some electric car company under the guise of saving mother earth. Electric cars might help significantly reduce carbon emissions if our country didn't consume energy from primarily fossil fuels, or if electricity grew out of the wall socket of your house. But logic like that can't stop Neil "Heart of Gold" Young from trying to extort taxpayer dollars to fund his crooked little business. From HuffPo:
Detroit has had a long time to adapt to the new world and now the failure of Detroit's actions is costing us all. We pay the bailout. Let's make a good deal for the future of America and the Planet. Companies like UQM (Colorado) and others build great electric motors right here in the USA. Use these domestic electric motors. Put these people to work now. This plan reverses the flow from negative to positive because people need and will buy clean and green cars to be part of World Change. Unique wheel covers will identify these cars on the road so that others can see the great example a new car owner is making. People want America to win!
Notice how "World Change" is capitalized meaning Neil did way too many drugs and can't type correctly or there's some new program we don't know about that's going to flush a bunch more of our taxpayer dollars down the tube. With 60s icons-turned-geezers trying to dictate our consumer habits, and the loathsome Hillary Clinton possibly being the face of America to lead the State Department, I'm half-expecting Medea Benjamin to be appointed the new SECDEF. It can only be concluded that we are living in the Twilight Zone. Get used to it, as it'll be a very weird four years.

(x-posted at The Obacalypse)