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    • Gospel of Thomas
Codex Sinaiticus is the oldest and most complete New Testament in Greek known to exist. Its two colophons at the end of 2 Esdras and Esther indicate a possible connection with Pamphilus’ famous library at Caesarea in Palestine. Origen... more
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      PapyrologyNew TestamentTextual CriticismEarly Christianity
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      Early ChristianityIrenaeusNew Testament and Christian OriginsTertullian
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      Roman HistoryHistory of ChristianityEarly ChristianityRomanian Literature
Modern scholarship and popular media outlets often depict the earliest Christians as holding wildly divergent beliefs about Jesus and reading and writing secret gospels that never made it into the New Testament. This view fails to take... more
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      PapyrologyNew TestamentHistory of ChristianityEarly Church
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      Greek LiteratureLanguages and LinguisticsGreek LanguageEarly Christianity
This article explores the definition of the NT "autographs" as articulated in various inerrancy doctrinal statements. It begins by sketching the history of the doctrine of the inerrancy of the "autographs," followed by some modern... more
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      ChristianityTheologyPapyrologyNew Testament
Very few manuscripts of the New Testament writings date to within the first three centuries of the Christian era. Because of this, William L. Petersen determined that, “Our critical editions do not present us with the text that was... more
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      New TestamentGalenCiceroNew Testament and Christian Origins
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      DiscipleshipChristian Theology
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesPauline LiteraturePauline Theology
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      Discourse AnalysisGreek LanguageNew TestamentKoine Greek language
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      PalaeogeographyPapyrologyNew TestamentEarly Christianity
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      PapyrologyNew TestamentBiblical StudiesNew Testament and Christian Origins
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      PapyrologyCodicologyGreek PalaeographyGreek Papyrology
Because few manuscripts of the New Testament writings are preserved from the first three centuries of the Christian era scholars have debated the extent that modern critical editions of the New Testament reflect the text... more
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      GalenOrigenTertullianNew Testament Textual Criticism
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      New TestamentGospelsSynoptic GospelsGalen
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      New TestamentByzantine StudiesNew Testament and Christian OriginsOrigen of Alexandria
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      PapyrologyNew TestamentEarly ChristianityNew Testament Studies
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      ChristianityNew TestamentBiblical StudiesNew Testament and Christian Origins
The last several decades have brought sweeping changes in the way that New Testament textual criticism has been traditionally practiced. The advent of ever more powerful computing technology allows scholars to process an increasing amount... more
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      New TestamentNew Testament Textual CriticismTextual Criticism and EditingInerrancy