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Something Right

There is no sweeter sound to me, than that of a praying child. Especially, MY praying child. I love to stand just outside their bedroom doors and listen to their prayers at night. I love it even more when they invite me in and ask me to pray WITH them. Delaney (a.k.a. Moosey) will even start saying her own prayers without having to be reminded. She calls them "God Bwesses" and will not sleep at night until she blesses everything and everyone she loves. I just gotta say, it makes my momma heart soar when they are troubled and turn to prayer instead of tears or anger or frustration. Makes me feel like I might be doing something right with raising them. We had one of those "make-momma's-heart-soar" moments not too long ago.

We were in the car, the girls and I, on our way to who knows where. We had just turned at an intersection in this little town when we drove up on the scene of a car accident. Traffic was backing up and we were in a hurry to get to where ever it was we were going. You could see other drivers and passengers fidget, fuss, or cran their neck to see what was happening. A few impatient people just did a u-turn and went off to find an alternate route. I'm not in the habit of "trying" to look at those accident scenes. I usually look anywhere BUT at the accident scene. Fortunately, we were far enough back that we couldn't have seen anything even if we wanted too. Long story short, it became apparent that the accident was pretty bad when a Lifestar helicopter started circling above us. As Lifestar prepared to land in the field beside the roadway, the girls watched with interest. Until they realized what was landing. They know all about what Lifestar means. My Destiny, love that sweet girl's heart, says, "oh momma, somebody must be hurt really bad!"  and then without missing a beat she says, "momma, can we pray for them? Please momma we need to pray for them right now!" And right their, in the middle of the road, with the helicopter landing in the field beside us, my little girls held hands and stormed the gates of heaven on behalf of those injured in that accident. Yes, I think I must be doing something right.


And They Said It Couldn't Be Done.....

Big news in McNabb Land..... Today marked 2 weeks of accident-free living for my little Moosey-girl! That is, accident-free living in big girl panties! My girl has been working hard on potty training and for 2 weeks now she has been going naked except for wearing big girl panties AND going to the potty EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. I am still putting diapers on her at night, but she has also been waking up DRY every morning for 2 weeks. This week we will be working on potty training with clothes on. I am curious to see how she does with remembering to go potty once she is wearing pants.
I know what some of you are thinking. She's 4, right? Shouldn't she already be using the potty? Please keep in mind that she's had some serious bowel issues and has been diagnosed with incontinence. They've even gone as far as to say that she doesn't realize that she has to go to the potty, she doesn't get that "gotta go" feeling. This is a BIG accomplishment for our girl and we are SOOOOOO proud of how far she has come.


I'm Baaaaaaack

Is anyone still there? (Cue the chirping crickets.) It has been WAY too long since my last post and I'm sorry. I never planned to be idle for so long, but I didn't have anything nice to say, and momma always said......well, you most likely know what momma said. Anyhow. Let's get right down to business, shall we?

The girls are growing like weeds. If my Destiny gets any taller I'm going to be looking up to her. I'm thinking it won't be long before I'm needing a step stool to fix her hair. My Paisley is not far behind and is only 4 pounds lighter than her elder sis. Then there's my little Moosey. My sweet girl is looking less like my baby and more like a big girl with each new day. I'm in the process of trying to figure out how to freeze time, slow it down, or rewind it a little. Of course, I'm not having much luck with that process... Yet. And ohmygosh! You should hear her. She talks all the time. Seriously. All the time. I'm not implying that you can ALWAYS understand her, but she is talking. That's more than I could say a year ago. It's so hard to believe that she just turned 4 in November. Seems like just yesterday I was holding her in my arms watching her sleep. (Ok, so technically it was just yesterday. She is still quite the little momma's girl!)
We have settled in nicely to our new home. The girls enjoy the extra space and the big yard they have to play in now. We spent almost all Summer outside. We have fantastic neighbors that spoil the kids and I rotten with all the attention they give us. Having them next door makes me feel safe while Bobby is at work (which is all the time these days!) We are blessed to have them in our new McNabb Land:) Yes, we have awesome next door neighbors! Now, the man that lives in front of us??? He's CRAZY!!! I have several problems with him, but I'm too much of a lady to type such ugly words and this is a family blog! I just do my best to keep him away from my girls....his potty-mouth is the best feature he has if that tells you anything!!! We really got involved in making our first Christmas here a memorable one. We decked the halls, the walls, and anything else we could get lights or ornaments to hang on! This was the first year that Delaney got really excited about any of the holidays. She is still going around telling everyone she meets, "Muwwy Kissmas!!" (She was pretty excited about her birthday, too, which was November 30. When we told her "happy birthday" she said it back to us. That girl is just a mess.)

My Moosey-girl continues to attend therapy (going on 3 years this April!) and is making steady progress in all areas. I long for the day that they release her and we can make a new kind of normal that doesn't include spending a couple hours per day, several days a week in a rehab center. (We've made some great friends there and always meet interesting new people so I won't complain.) Her speech therapy is paying off and I love to listen to her talking and singing with her sisters. I'm so proud of how hard she is working. In May, she was assigned a new PT, Ashley, and I was pleasantly surprised at how much better my girl does with PT now that Ashley is working with her. They just seemed to "click" right from the first day working together and my girl has been showing rapid improvement since. She isn't stumbling or falling as often as before, and you can hardly tell a difference in muscle tone when she walks now. That little "hitch" is slowly being worked out of her step as she learns new stretches and sitting positions. She continues to enjoy her aquatic therapy, as well, and I really think the work they do with her in the pool is the real reason why we are seeing such an improvement in her balance. My little Moose is making such great strides:)

The girls are still enjoying homeschool and this year has been alot easier for us, as compared to last year. Last year I was so new at it and not very confident when it came to teaching them. I was just so afraid of screwing them up. They have actually made it up to grade level now, and really seem to WANT to learn now. Destiny hasn't had any of the old "performance anxiety" she was having in school during testing and Paisley is getting a little better about sitting still long enough to learn. We just go with the flow most days and try to fit a little fun in there with the learning:) I've discovered we all do better with less structure and more hands-on.

More updates to come soon.........



Potty Training

My Moosey-girl started wearing big girl panties today. Time to get serious about potty training. I think she may be ready:)


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