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The years 1780-1880 in Britain characterise one of the most revolutionary periods in world history. During this period the antecedent forms of modern industrial society and urban formation would be crystallised whilst revolutionary... more
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      EconomicsPhilosophy17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyMarxism
It is clear on analysis of modern historiography that Industrialisation in Britain by 1825 was a process already in motion, albeit somewhat stifled by ineffective pre-modern infrastructure and forms of conveyance. By 1850 the broad... more
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      EconomicsMarxismBritish HistoryHistoriography
This paper critically evaluates the case for constitutional modernisation in the UK.
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      Political PhilosophyLegal HistoryPhilosophy Of LawPolitical History
A Short essay on the operation of restraint of trade in UK employment law and model advice on unfair dismissal.
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      JurisprudenceEmployment LawLegal HistoryCritical Legal Theory
A short essay on the approach taken in England and Wales to property disputes after the breakdown of a non-married couple's relationship. Model advice on implied common intention constructive trusts, proprietary estoppel, injunctions and... more
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      Equity and TrustsIrish LawCivil PartnershipsConstructive Trust
The jurisprudence of best interests decision making has recently come under significant legal and popular scrutiny.

This paper critically evaluates the current model of decision making.
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Curiously, while tourism is cited as the world’s largest industry (UNWTO, 2016), it is simultaneously a fragile industry that is highly vulnerable to the impact of the ongoing threat of terrorism. Internationally, terrorism influences the... more
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Curiously, while tourism is cited as the world’s largest industry (UNWTO, 2016), it is simultaneously a fragile industry that is highly vulnerable to the impact of the ongoing threat of terrorism. Internationally, terrorism influences the... more
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كان لدخول مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي حيز الاستخدام اليومي للأفراد كبير الأثر في شتى مناحي الحياة اليومية. ولما كان دأبهم على تصفحها مستمرًا طيلة اليوم حتى في أوقات العمل فقد رأينا تسليط الضوء على أثر هذه المواقع على بيئة العمل
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      Social NetworksLabour LawWork and LabourSocial Networking Sites (SNS)
It is strongly agreed that social networks have gained great importance recently. In this paper, we discussed their impacts on the workplace  and work environment
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      Social NetworksSocial Networking Sites
لا غرو أن إلزام الأفراد أنفسهم بالعكوف على تصفح مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي والتفاعل مع منشوراتها والتقابل مع أناس آخرين من مجتمعات مختلفة قد ألقى بظله على الأسلوب اللغوي لرواد هذه المواقع
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      التواصل عبر الثقافات، البلاغة، العلامات غير اللفظية، اللغة العربية، الحوار بين العرب والغرباللغة العربيةعلم اللغةمواقع التواصل الاجتماعي
It's admitted nowadays that arbitration of international commercial has proven effectiveness and flexibility in settling the mentioned disputes. Here comes the question of how to enforce these awards and to set them aside. The answer is... more
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      International ArbitrationArbitrationInternational Commercial ArbitrationInternational Investment Arbitration
It's admitted nowadays that arbitration of international commercial has proven effectiveness and flexibility in settling the mentioned disputes. Here comes the question of how to enforce these awards and to set them aside. The answer is... more
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      International ArbitrationArbitrationInternational Commercial ArbitrationInternational Investment Arbitration
After the revolutionary wave hit the Arab world since January 2011, the issue of trustworthiness of the national governments and trust-building occupied the minds of all legal theorists and writers. So, it is essential to mention the role... more
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      TrustTransitional JusticeTransitionTransitional justice and reconciliation processes
أحدث ظهور مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي تغيرًا ملموسًا فيما يعرض عليها من محتوى فقد صار روادها صانعو محتوى بالمعنى الحقيقي للكلمة. وشرحًا لذلك نقول إن بدلًا من أن يقتصر دورهم على مشاهدة أو قراءة ما يعرض لهم أثناء التصفح، أصبح في إمكانهم صنع هذا... more
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      Criminal LawSocial NetworkingSocial Networking Sites (SNS)القانون
As artificial intelligence controls nowadays several aspects of human daily life, it has effectively as well proven its benefits in international arbitration aspects. Here comes the question: would robots replace humans in the arbitrary... more
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      International LawInternational ArbitrationArbitrationArbitration Law
It is a major responsibility of the national governments to protect their country’s interests and sovereignty over their territory. They are required, as part of their security responsibilities, to impose restrictions on their borders and... more
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      JurisprudenceInternet & SocietyCyber crimeInnovation and Creativity (Business)
The article explains the several attitudes that jurists adopted to interpret the concept of borders in cyberspace. Besides, it overviews the judicial norms upon which national courts established their judgments in cyber litigations.
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      JurisprudenceCybercrimesInternational Criminal LawCyberstudies