Friday, February 17, 2017

Random Choices on a Busy Day.........

Lots of red is showing up n the morning skies and lots of pink hangs around in the evenings.

We took a friend of ours to lunch yesterday and I found out that she had attended this school. I taught in the school for a few years down in a basement room.  She is an older woman and she attended 2nd grade in this building.  The building was torn down and I created a drawing of it to give people of the community a chance to remember it.  If my math is correct she was in school there in 1944.  I was teaching school there in 1976.

Her family moved away for a while to Nebraska and then she returned to Woodward as an adult. She and her husband used to be our neighbors and then she moved to her parents home on the other side of main street. We have reminded friends for 40 years and my wife goes to her house and they paint art work together every few weeks.

This is a large painting that I created quite a few years ago.  It is a large painting which is probably why I never sold it.  I have sold smaller prints of in the past years.

We are warm today and that is good.  It is nice to see sunshine and stepping outside is not a shock to the system.  It is too complicated to explain what I am doing right now with the room but I am still patching drywall getting things ready for a coat of paint.  Thank you for stopping by today.


Anonymous said...

That is such a pretty sky photo. Of course, you know I love "lost marbles" too! lol
How nice that you painted that school; I think what a treasure that would be to those who attended there in earlier years.
I love your barn painting. Very peaceful.
So thankful you have warm temps today. Best wishes with the sheetrock/paint project.

Gardening with Juanita said...

I have been catching up. I did not know you were living in the house you are working on. Man that is rough. We did that once. I lived here while a man built my sewing and computer room. How much for a print and how big is the small one . I have so much in my kitchen. I collect black and white cows and sunflowers. My brother told me my house looks like a Kansas farm house. I have missed a lot not checking with your blog everyday. Let me know about the print [email protected] if I can figure out how to get back. I check on my blog everyday so you can leave a message there. That barn print is just what I have been looking for.