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Saturday 7th July 2012

Bird wise a bit "same old same old" at the moment. A limited amount of time staring offshore produced a handful of Oyks, Curlew & 2 Sandwich Terns going south & the Serin is still out on the reserve. Anyone with a botanical bent is well recommended to visit at the moment as the reserve really is looking far better than it's done for years.

Friday 6th July 2012

Rain, heavy at times, now easing off. Going south 32 Curlew, 14 Swifts, 8 Oyks, 5 Common Terns, 4 Sandwich Terns, 4 Gannets, 3 Ringed Plover, & a Barwit. The big Ringed Plover chick is now 5 weeks old but was still managing to shelter from the rain under it's mums wing - bit of a tight squeeze. No one has had the enthusiasm to wander around the site in the rain so far. Moth traps a lot busier but all fairly predictable stuff with a Sand Dart the highlight. Migrant moths are still limited to a handful of Silver Y's & Diamond-backs.


Med Gull 3VN2 (white on green ring) back at the view point car park used to be known as 42N & is a Landguard regular originally ringed as a pullus in Holland in 1997 & first seen here on 1st August that year. It seems to come to us late summer & stays in the area (with the odd jaunt up as far as Minsmere) up to the end of October or early November before departing via France to spend the period up to early January in Spain. It then returns in early March (via France) to a Belgium colony to nest up to 2008 when it seems to have moved to a different Belgium colony up to 2012. Some autumns it has given us a miss & gone to the delights of Copt Point near Folkestone instead. If you see 3VN2, or any other colour ringed seagull at Landguard please drop us a line to [email protected] so the information can be added to the database.

Thursday 5th July 2012

Serin still with us although with the absolutely superb botanical display on the reserve at the moment it's easy to loose it amongst the Lady's Bedstraw & Birds-foot Trefoil. Juv Turtle Dove was a bit of a surprise as it's obviously been reared not to far away. In the bushes not only are we still getting the odd new adult Blackcap (presumably failed breeders or very late spring migrants) but the odd juv is starting to appear having dispersed from elsewhere. A handful of waders going south despite the fog rolling in including 6 Dunlin, Curlew, Whimbrel & Redshank. Butterflies are still low in numbers with Meadow Browns only now creeping into double figures the last couple of days & the 1st Essex Skippers of the year today. Finally the first Harlequin ladybird of the year was in the moth traps (which have finally started to get a bit busier).

Wednesday 4th July 2012

The Serin was once again reported by a visiting birder. On the reserve a Hobby, Cuckoo, Great spotted Woodpecker and the local Kestrel. Passing through 11 Common Scoter, 60 odd Curlew, a handful each of House Martin, Whimbrel and Med Gull, and singles of Gadwall and Grey Heron.

Tuesday 3rd July 2012

A few more juvenile birds ringed today including another of the local Blackcaps and the adult female Swallow from the that has been hanging around. Curlews still passing through joined by a Whimbrel, Tufted Duck and a couple of Avocets.

Monday 2nd July 2012

More strong SW winds today, juvenile Wren and Blackbird ringed along with a wandering female Blackcap. Curlews still on the move with 45 counted between bouts of site maintenance. The Ringed Plovers still have at least 2 small young, with the surviving larger juvenile about ready to fledge. Broad-barred white was new for the year in the wind battered moth traps.

Sunday 1st July 2012

Strong SW winds continue. Handful of Curlew, Swifts & a solitary House Martin went south. Family party of Swallows have been loitering on site the last few days that have obviously been reared not to far away. At mid-day the Serin showed up again. If you haven't seen it yet then it is elusive & if you want to see it then be prepared to put the time in - one thing it does seen to be is very vocal when it is in flight so wash your ears out and listen for that little trill (but be beware of all the baby birds around at the moment doing some weird & wonderful calls sometimes resembling it !).