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Med Gull 3VN2 (white on green ring) back at the view point car park used to be known as 42N & is a Landguard regular originally ringed as a pullus in Holland in 1997 & first seen here on 1st August that year. It seems to come to us late summer & stays in the area (with the odd jaunt up as far as Minsmere) up to the end of October or early November before departing via France to spend the period up to early January in Spain. It then returns in early March (via France) to a Belgium colony to nest up to 2008 when it seems to have moved to a different Belgium colony up to 2012. Some autumns it has given us a miss & gone to the delights of Copt Point near Folkestone instead. If you see 3VN2, or any other colour ringed seagull at Landguard please drop us a line to [email protected] so the information can be added to the database.