Papers by Lukasz Konopielko
Nowe Życie Gospodarcze, 1997
Management of Development Funds And The Phenomena of Suburbanization - Analysis of Selected Polish Cases, 2021
This article concerns the challenges related to the management of public funds in the context of ... more This article concerns the challenges related to the management of public funds in the context of suburbanization phenomena. Theories of economic development and their implications for the directions of state intervention are presented. Based on the example of spending European funds in Poland, the rationale for this intervention is discussed. Systematic research concerns the surroundings of two urban centers in Poland-Wrocław and Kielce. Examples of projects and conclusions from direct surveys conducted among stakeholders are analyzed. Although any suburbanization processes are important for the analyzed regions, they are not adequately included in development programs implemented with the support of the EU funds.
Proceedings of the 37th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), 30-31 May 2021, ISBN: 978-0-9998551-6-4, ISSN: 2767-9640, 2021
This paper presents preliminary conclusions resulting from a survey conducted in Poland at the en... more This paper presents preliminary conclusions resulting from a survey conducted in Poland at the end of 2020 on a representative research sample of 1500 respondents using the computer-assisted web interview method. The aim of survey was to outline the potential economic and non-economic motivations for changes in the place of residence and to examine the opinions on the phenomenon of suburbanization, and the impact of the pandemic situation on the issues connected with suburbanization processes. Implications of Covid-19 epidemic on public transportation, housing management and preferences as well as on service sector are investigated. Preliminary results of survey shows that the COVID-19 pandemic does not seem to be a factor radically influencing the housing preferences in Poland, while long-term stay at home has resulted rather in an appreciation of the current place of residence. Significant challenges have arisen for the local communities and in the sphere of housing and transport, both in urban and rural areas, as well as in areas subject to intense suburbanization processes. The demand for traditional transport services has decreased and it has been partially replaced by the demand for services related to the physical delivery of goods to the place of residence. The greater role of locality gives room for the development of services at the micro level, addressed to a relatively small group of consumers.
Proceedings of the 37th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), 2021
The rapid development of blockchain technologies over recent years has formed a basis for numerou... more The rapid development of blockchain technologies over recent years has formed a basis for numerous services that emulate and facilitate already existing functions of financial intermediaries, including money transfers, payments and currency exchange. This paper analyses development of staking, being a derivative of technical developments with cryptocurrencies. The background for the emergence of staking-oriented services is provided, both from its internal mechanism as well as user/investor side. Similarity to traditional deposit function is discussed and evaluated in the light of alternative investment opportunities on unregulated markets. Although being technically sophisticated, staking provides an interesting opportunity for risk-loving investors.
European Research Studies Journal, 2021
Purpose: The innovativeness of the economy originates in companies that conduct research and deve... more Purpose: The innovativeness of the economy originates in companies that conduct research and development activities (R&D) commonly supported by various public funding schemes. Design/Methodology/Approach: Factors that decide in favor of subvention attribution are discussed by analyzing private companies that applied for R&D co-financing within the Smart Growth Operational Program (SG OP) during 2015, with particular attention to the geographic location of applicants. A logistic regression (LOGIT) model with a maximum likelihood estimation is used to study the relationship between the outcome (receiving funding or not) and various potential predictors. Findings: Analysis implies that a decisive factor for obtaining the subvention is the localization of Poland's business. Furthermore, the results also imply that while funding R&D activities, there is a negative bias towards companies located in wealthy Polish regions subject to intensive suburbanization processes.
Na pograniczach: dylematy społeczne i kulturowe pogranicza, redakcja naukowa Piotr Frączek, Jolanta Katarzyna Karolczuk, Sanok : Uczelnia Państwowa im. Jana Grodka : Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne, 2020
This paper attempts to summarize various aspects of implementation and evolution of cross-border ... more This paper attempts to summarize various aspects of implementation and evolution of cross-border programmes between Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. Three subsequent editions of programmes are analysed and evaluated within comparative perspective, using both financial data and various surveys results. Assessment underlines utility of the programmes, however limited within its financial and spatial dimensions. Constant improvements are noted, nevertheless program results are fuzzy, resulting from the dispersion of projects both in terms of geographical and thematic concentration.
Fundusze europejskie w regionach. Dotychczasowe doswiadczenia i wyzwania;. red. E.Małecka-Ziembińska; UE Poznań, 2020
UE grants distribution system should include theoretical background pointing to the necessity of ... more UE grants distribution system should include theoretical background pointing to the necessity of such a support. This paper presents theoretical context of grants' selections systems that should support additionality effect and discourage crowding-out behaviour. However, research body with this respect tend to be positively biased without justification, while econometric analysis results are generally ambiguous. Paper calls for a more critical approach to EU funds distribution and evaluation in Poland, regardless scarcity of data.
Streszczenie: System dystrybucji środków unijnych powinien uwzględniać przesłanki wynikające z argumentów teoretycznych, dotyczących stosowania poszczególnych instrumentów wsparcia. Artykuł prezentuje motywy i sposoby selekcji wniosków do-tacyjnych w kontekście przesłanek teoretycznych obecnych w literaturze przedmiotu. System taki powinien premiować efekt dodatkowości i eliminować występowanie efektu wypierania. Jednak badania w tym zakresie cechują się nieuzasadnionym pozytywnym obciążeniem, natomiast wyniki analiz ekonometrycznych są sprzeczne. Z kolei w odniesieniu do środków unijnych w Polsce występuje deficyt krytycznej analizy sposobu dystrybucji środków, częściowo wynikający z ograniczonej dostęp-ności danych. Słowa kluczowe: interwencja, środki unijne, dotacje, innowacje, wsparcie prac B+R. Klasyfikacja JEL: H43, O30, O38. EU grants selection systems-theory and practice
European Research Studies Journal, 2019
Purpose: This article concerns the study of economic effects of procrastination. The research sam... more Purpose: This article concerns the study of economic effects of procrastination. The research sample consists of 6568 grant applications under EU programs in Poland, collated in order to establish whether the delay in submitting the application is a statistically significant factor affecting the quality of the application and the final financing decision. Design/methodology/approach: The study is based on three logistic regression models in which the dichotomous explained variable was a negative or a positive decision on the application. The most important explanatory variable for the study is the percentile of time in which the application is submitted-it represents the delay of the applicant. Findings: The result is confirmed by previous studies, which have proven that procrastination negatively affects organizations, and that the significant weight of undertaken projects can cause procrastination among leaders. Practical implications: As the study concerns European grants, determining the impact of procrastination on financing decisions can serve to better prepare potential beneficiaries for submitting an application, providing them with knowledge on whether an earlier submission translates into the probability of the application being successful or whether the persons managing the application process should better supervise their timely submission. Originality/value: To date, little research has been devoted to confirming the economic impact of procrastination. Previous studies mainly concern cost estimation caused by delaying employees, however, this study shows that procrastination has a real, significant impact on the economic efficiency of management activities. The methodology is innovative, because procrastination has not been previously analysed in terms of the time orientation of grant applications. Machine learning techniques have never been used in procrastination research. Moreover, the majority of research to date has focused primarily on individuals, on explaining what factors are statistically significantly related to procrastination or can lead to it through modelling, however, no research has been conducted to date in which statistical models would directly examine the economic impact of procrastination.
Economic and Social Development. Book of Preceedings" , 2018
This paper investigates the applicability of diversified indicators to measure the performance of... more This paper investigates the applicability of diversified indicators to measure the performance of newly created websites, backed by EU financial support in Poland. A full sample of 2730 projects focused on e-services creation is analysed, with a use of various metrics focused on visibility, popularity and valuation. Two rounds of data collection were conducted in the period of 2015-2018, accounting for dynamic effects. Quality indicators of the websites in sample deteriorates quickly and there is no significant difference between subsequent calls rounds that took place over 2008-2013 period. Therefore negative conclusions on sustainability of projects as well as on efficiency of public support for e-services are drawn.
European Journal of Service Management, 2018
The aim of this paper is to report selected results from an analysis of Internet-based e-services... more The aim of this paper is to report selected results from an analysis of Internet-based e-services that were created with the support of the EU sponsored Operational Programme for Innovative Economy run by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP). From 2008 to 2014, PARP allocated funds for the creation of 2,730 enterprises that develop new e-services. Efficiency of this public support is the focus of this paper; however, there exist no simple means to measure and assess it. Analysis takes advantage of different metrics that can be applied to a numerous set of web pages. The main finding of the paper is that the scheme produced a negative value in terms of its effectiveness, thus raising an issue of rationality of public intervention in Internet-based e-services sector. In comparison with other papers dealing with various subsidy schemes, we did not assume a priori that the subsidy outlays would bring positive effect, allowing for unrestricted assessment of the results obtained in the scheme.
Economic and Social Development (Book of Proceedings), 36 th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development – "Building Resilient Society ", 2018
This study analyzes the factors affecting the development of energy sector in Poland, particularl... more This study analyzes the factors affecting the development of energy sector in Poland, particularly envisaged construction of first nuclear power plant. The input output model Empower.PL is employed to account for changes in economic aggregates, as well as the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Set of equations is described that constitute the full version of the model, reflecting the four types of multiplier mechanisms present in the economy. Preliminary results of model use for estimating the effects of the construction of nuclear power plant in Poland are presented, that demonstrates model capacities. Financing nuclear power plant construction from public funds, without changing the amount and structure of existing expenditures, means the need to limit and reallocate resources previously allocated for consumption. Further development of the model should lead to more accurate than preliminary results presented in this paper.
33rd International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development - Book of proceedings, 2018
One of the challenges for the Big Pharma is finding the golden line in the tradeoff between innov... more One of the challenges for the Big Pharma is finding the golden line in the tradeoff between innovation and pricing. This paper investigates the relationship between R&D expenditures, patents and gross profits, based on US pharmaceutical industry panel data. The initial hypothesis states that there is a positive relationship between the R&D expenditures, patents applied in a current year and the company's profitability measured in terms of gross profits. The study concludes that there is a significant positive relationship between the R&D spending and the number of the applied patents in a current year. However, the relationship between the patents applied and the profitability has proved to be negative. The incline in the total assets and sales volume leads to the increasing profitability, whereas the size of the firm measured by the number of employees has an opposite negative effect. Results are relevant to the ongoing discussions regarding the fairness of pharmaceutical industry pricing, since it provides an evidence on the relationship between R&D expenditures, patents and gross profits.
This paper is focused on determining the effects of increase in the Internet usage on economic de... more This paper is focused on determining the effects of increase in the Internet usage on economic development of two groups of countries: OECD and NON-OECD countries. Two separate Vector Autoregression models were used. The hypotheses were inspired by claims that GDP per capita and trade, including trade in services, have a positive correlation with Internet usage growth. The hypotheses were tested on a set of 26 OECD and 21 NON-OECD countries for a period of 20 years, from 1995 to 2015. Results of the paper do not confirm the existence of a direct positive correlation between GDP per capita and Internet users. For all countries, a direct comparison of the chosen variables show a negative correlation. For OECD countries, trade in services has a positive correlation with Internet usage growth, while for NON-OECD countries both trade and trade in services showed a positive correlation with Internet usage growth.
Problemy przeobrażeń współczesnego społeczeństwa i gospodarki : perspektywy rozwoju i ograniczenia : ujęcie interdyscyplinarne, red. Karina Zawieja-Żurowska, Anna Waligórska-Kotfas, Konin : Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa, 2017, s. 73-82., 2017
This paper deals with the EU grant financing for innovative e-commerce projects in Poland. Lesson... more This paper deals with the EU grant financing for innovative e-commerce projects in Poland. Lessons from previous (2007-2013) financial EU perspective are derived and discussed, as a benchmark for similar grant schemes within new EU financial perspective (2014-2020). Hypothesis discussed refers to current general abandonment of e-commerce dedicated schemes, due to their previous low efficiency and significant change of general EU policy priorities. Moreover, theoretical background and performance of previously existing schemes in Poland both on country and regional level are discussed. / Artykuł dotyczy finansowania ze środków europejskich projektów z zakresu e-handlu w Polsce. Porównane i przedyskutowane zostały w nim doświadczenia poprzedniej (2007-2013) perspektywy finansowej UE w kontekście nowej perspektywy na lata 2014-2020. Stwierdzono w niej brak specjalnych działań dedykowanych e-handlowi, czego główną przesłanką jest mała efektywność dotychczasowych działań oraz znaczne przeorientowanie politycznych priorytetów UE. Artykuł jest również próbą dyskusji przesłanek i wyników dotychczasowej interwencji w tej dziedzinie na poziomie krajowym i regionalnym.
Handel Wewnętrzny, 2017
This paper attempts to analyse the preferences applied to selection of projects supported within ... more This paper attempts to analyse the preferences applied to selection of projects supported within the EU-sponsored grant schemes for entrepreneurs. A review of theoretical arguments for intervention in the form of grants is followed by an estimation based on 235 observations of grant scheme beneficiaries in the Mazovian region. Results support the hypothesis that grants for innovation-based projects tend to be smaller than similar ones granted for assets-expansion based projects.
Findings are vital, as the new 2014-2020 EU financial perspective puts a stress on innovation support and this may limit absorption of EU funds due to the low innovation potential of companies./
Artykuł o charakterze badawczym jest próbą analizy preferencji przy wyborze projektów dotowanych ze środków unijnych wspierających przedsiębiorców. Przegląd przesłanek teoretycznych wskazujących na zasadność interwencji w postaci dotacji połączony jest z estymacją na próbie 235 obserwacji beneficjentów naboru wniosków w ramach jednego z działań adresowanych do przedsiębiorców na Mazowszu.
Wyniki badania potwierdzają hipotezę, iż dotacje na projekty innowacyjne są mniejsze niż dotacje związane ze zwiększeniem już istniejących mocy produkcyjnych.
Z uwagi na ograniczony potencjał innowacyjny przedsiębiorstw może
to skutkować ograniczeniem możliwości absorpcji funduszy w ramach kolejnych programów dotacyjnych w nowej perspektywie finansowej UE 2014-2020, która skupiać się ma na wspieraniu innowacji.
Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomiczno-Społecznej w Ostrołęce, 2016
The aim of this paper is to analyse football players transfer values in the context of their spor... more The aim of this paper is to analyse football players transfer values in the context of their sport and non-sport, particularly social media activity. Following a brief analysis and introduction to the peculiarities of the football transfer market, two regression models were tested using sample with 79 players. Out of 14 variables, only 4 were significant: contract length, performance index, leagues competition level and forwards position. The results, therefore, confirm that the sporting performance is not the sole determinant for the price. Additionally a number of opportunities for further research is presented.
Folia Oeconomica. Acta Universitas Lodzensis, 2017
This paper is dedicated to the issue of persistent price dispersion in real markets in the contex... more This paper is dedicated to the issue of persistent price dispersion in real markets in the context of Polish online market development. The two channels of retail (online and offline) are observed and compared with regard to price variations determinants and their values comparison. Market efficiency comparison between both markets is also provided on the basis of theoretical background. The data collected from shops representing the two channels of retail (online and offline), for a number of commodities within the home appliance product category in Poland, has been used as a sample for the analysis. Generally, results for the Polish market are in line with similar tests performed for EU
as a whole and confirm the maturity of Polish online market.
Papers by Lukasz Konopielko
Streszczenie: System dystrybucji środków unijnych powinien uwzględniać przesłanki wynikające z argumentów teoretycznych, dotyczących stosowania poszczególnych instrumentów wsparcia. Artykuł prezentuje motywy i sposoby selekcji wniosków do-tacyjnych w kontekście przesłanek teoretycznych obecnych w literaturze przedmiotu. System taki powinien premiować efekt dodatkowości i eliminować występowanie efektu wypierania. Jednak badania w tym zakresie cechują się nieuzasadnionym pozytywnym obciążeniem, natomiast wyniki analiz ekonometrycznych są sprzeczne. Z kolei w odniesieniu do środków unijnych w Polsce występuje deficyt krytycznej analizy sposobu dystrybucji środków, częściowo wynikający z ograniczonej dostęp-ności danych. Słowa kluczowe: interwencja, środki unijne, dotacje, innowacje, wsparcie prac B+R. Klasyfikacja JEL: H43, O30, O38. EU grants selection systems-theory and practice
Findings are vital, as the new 2014-2020 EU financial perspective puts a stress on innovation support and this may limit absorption of EU funds due to the low innovation potential of companies./
Artykuł o charakterze badawczym jest próbą analizy preferencji przy wyborze projektów dotowanych ze środków unijnych wspierających przedsiębiorców. Przegląd przesłanek teoretycznych wskazujących na zasadność interwencji w postaci dotacji połączony jest z estymacją na próbie 235 obserwacji beneficjentów naboru wniosków w ramach jednego z działań adresowanych do przedsiębiorców na Mazowszu.
Wyniki badania potwierdzają hipotezę, iż dotacje na projekty innowacyjne są mniejsze niż dotacje związane ze zwiększeniem już istniejących mocy produkcyjnych.
Z uwagi na ograniczony potencjał innowacyjny przedsiębiorstw może
to skutkować ograniczeniem możliwości absorpcji funduszy w ramach kolejnych programów dotacyjnych w nowej perspektywie finansowej UE 2014-2020, która skupiać się ma na wspieraniu innowacji.
as a whole and confirm the maturity of Polish online market.
Streszczenie: System dystrybucji środków unijnych powinien uwzględniać przesłanki wynikające z argumentów teoretycznych, dotyczących stosowania poszczególnych instrumentów wsparcia. Artykuł prezentuje motywy i sposoby selekcji wniosków do-tacyjnych w kontekście przesłanek teoretycznych obecnych w literaturze przedmiotu. System taki powinien premiować efekt dodatkowości i eliminować występowanie efektu wypierania. Jednak badania w tym zakresie cechują się nieuzasadnionym pozytywnym obciążeniem, natomiast wyniki analiz ekonometrycznych są sprzeczne. Z kolei w odniesieniu do środków unijnych w Polsce występuje deficyt krytycznej analizy sposobu dystrybucji środków, częściowo wynikający z ograniczonej dostęp-ności danych. Słowa kluczowe: interwencja, środki unijne, dotacje, innowacje, wsparcie prac B+R. Klasyfikacja JEL: H43, O30, O38. EU grants selection systems-theory and practice
Findings are vital, as the new 2014-2020 EU financial perspective puts a stress on innovation support and this may limit absorption of EU funds due to the low innovation potential of companies./
Artykuł o charakterze badawczym jest próbą analizy preferencji przy wyborze projektów dotowanych ze środków unijnych wspierających przedsiębiorców. Przegląd przesłanek teoretycznych wskazujących na zasadność interwencji w postaci dotacji połączony jest z estymacją na próbie 235 obserwacji beneficjentów naboru wniosków w ramach jednego z działań adresowanych do przedsiębiorców na Mazowszu.
Wyniki badania potwierdzają hipotezę, iż dotacje na projekty innowacyjne są mniejsze niż dotacje związane ze zwiększeniem już istniejących mocy produkcyjnych.
Z uwagi na ograniczony potencjał innowacyjny przedsiębiorstw może
to skutkować ograniczeniem możliwości absorpcji funduszy w ramach kolejnych programów dotacyjnych w nowej perspektywie finansowej UE 2014-2020, która skupiać się ma na wspieraniu innowacji.
as a whole and confirm the maturity of Polish online market.
Dodatkowo opracowanie obejmuje analizę dostępności w Polsce środków unijnych, przeznaczonych na wspieranie rozwoju e-commerce zarówno w kontekście doświadczeń perspektywy finansowej 2007–2013, jak i w obecnej perspektywie 2014–2020.