Papers by Patricia Vilches
Journal of romance studies, Mar 1, 2024
Film International
This essay analyzes 'No' by Chilean filmmaker Pablo Larraín. The 'No&... more This essay analyzes 'No' by Chilean filmmaker Pablo Larraín. The 'No' was a significant victory for those opposed to Pinochet. However, the film depicts how civic freedom was heavily negotiated. In a sense, the nation could not be rid of authoritarian impulses emanating from the ‘Sí’ campaign and its voters.
Anales De Literatura Chilena, 2019
El ensayo se enfoca en la moda y los accesorios (joyas, muebles, etc.) en dos novelas de Alberto ... more El ensayo se enfoca en la moda y los accesorios (joyas, muebles, etc.) en dos novelas de Alberto Blest Gana (1830-1920): Martín Rivas (1862) y El ideal de un calavera (1863). Estos son componentes que actúan como objeto de deseo, así como forjadores y guardianes del orden social del Chile decimonónico. Una prenda a la moda, entonces, conecta a alguien con el mundo exterior, lo que indica la aprobación o el rechazo de la sociedad. Desde esta perspectiva, la ropa y los accesorios que usan los personajes de Blest Gana 'narran' y articulan luchas, acuerdos, negociaciones, y eventos históricos, a medida que la nación comienza a definirse como tal.
Salvador Allende and the Villa San Luis
Negotiating Space in Latin America, 2019
Negotiating Space in Latin America, edited by Patricia Vilches, is an interdisciplinary volume th... more Negotiating Space in Latin America, edited by Patricia Vilches, is an interdisciplinary volume that treats the politics of space in Latin America. From street protests, through national monuments, films, theatre, street art, tourism, etc., contributors examine perceptions and negotiations of space in various points of Latin America.
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
La abundante bibliografia que encontramos en An Annotated Bibliography of World Interest in Celes... more La abundante bibliografia que encontramos en An Annotated Bibliography of World Interest in Celestina Since 1930 del profesor Joseph T. Snow pudiera enriquecerse con una hasta ahora olvidada valoraci6n que ha hecho de la obra el escritor italiano Carlo Emilio Gadda (1893-1973). El ensayo es atipico por no ser el analisis de un academic0 y por ser de un escritor tan particular como Gadda, el cual en su obra demuestra una "afinidad electivan con Celestina.. Carlo Emilio Gadda ha sentido desden por 10s valores y privilegios de la tradici6n humanistica literaria, y en sus obras rinde homenaje a urn lenguaje tecnico y dialectal, en el cual se desenvuelve el pueblo.' Sus personajes han sido llamados "i piu scuri protagonisti della prassi quotidiana,"2 10s cuales deben alternar en una bpera sociedad. Gadda comenz6 su carrera profesional no como escritor, sino ingeniero. A causa de esta primera profesi6n, tuvo la oportunidad de viajar a1 extranjero en numerosas ocasiones....
Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 2019
Adamantinomalar nadir görülen low grade malign kemik tümörleridir. En sık 20-30 yaşlar arasında g... more Adamantinomalar nadir görülen low grade malign kemik tümörleridir. En sık 20-30 yaşlar arasında görülürler ve erkeklerde daha sık görülme eğilimindedirler. En sık yerleşim yeri tibiadır. Hastalar en sık ağrılı ya da ağrısız bir şişlik ile başvururlar. Radyografisi agresiftir. Tedavisi tümörün geniş rezeksiyonu ve rekonstrüksiyondur. Kemoterapi faydasızdır ve radioresistanttır. Uzun dönem sağkalımı iyidir. Bu çalışmada 17 yaşında erkek hastada tibia proksimal yerleşimli adamantinoma olgusunu sunduk. Başarılı tedavisi yapılan hasta halen takibimiz altındadır.
Negotiating Space in Latin America, edited by Patricia Vilches, is an interdisciplinary volume th... more Negotiating Space in Latin America, edited by Patricia Vilches, is an interdisciplinary volume that treats the politics of space in Latin America. From street protests, through national monuments, films, theatre, street art, tourism, etc., contributors examine perceptions and negotiations of space in various points of Latin America.
This essay introduces the volume Mapping Violeta Parra’s Cultural Landscapes, which explores the ... more This essay introduces the volume Mapping Violeta Parra’s Cultural Landscapes, which explores the legacy and artistic corpus of Violeta Parra. During her meandering life, the artist compiled and pursued a multidimensional craft. She was a singer-songwriter, visual artist, poet, and political activist, among many other things. Contributors analyze Parra from interdisciplinary angles that include history, music, film studies, literary studies, and visual arts, with a view toward casting an innovative light on her multifaceted career. Although there were other well-known compilers, Parra broke new ground. She expressed the trends of the rural in the urban and vice versa and returned to the countryside melodies that, as her career evolved, she imbued with socio-political awareness.
El articulo examina la voz poetica de La Quinta de los Molinos y como esta expresa la subjetivida... more El articulo examina la voz poetica de La Quinta de los Molinos y como esta expresa la subjetividad afro-cubana de Nancy Morejon al proyectarse en el paisaje de su nacion. A traves de una combinacion de Alta Cultura -por ejemplo, en su continuo dialogo con los poetas espanoles del Siglo de Oro- y la Cultura Popular, los poemas de La Quinta hablan de un viaje de regreso a la ninez. Las varias voces femeninas de los poemas nos muestran escenas de la naturaleza que reflejan/narran una historia de transculturacion e identidad traducida. En algunos poemas, las aguas oceanicas tumultuosas, a la vez que aquellas limpidas y serenas del mar guian a los afro-cubanos en su viaje de agonia al Nuevo Mundo.
Film International, 2021
This essay analyzes 'No' by Chilean filmmaker Pablo Larraín. The 'No' was a significant victory f... more This essay analyzes 'No' by Chilean filmmaker Pablo Larraín. The 'No' was a significant victory for those opposed to Pinochet. However, the film depicts how civic freedom was heavily negotiated. In a sense, the nation could not be rid of authoritarian impulses emanating from the ‘Sí’ campaign and its voters.
Open Cultural Studies
This essay explores sensory stimuli in La aritmética en el amor [Arithmetic in Love/Economics of ... more This essay explores sensory stimuli in La aritmética en el amor [Arithmetic in Love/Economics of Love] (1860) as they relate to the consumer preferences (for clothing, furniture, jewellery) and purchasing practices of nineteenth-century Santiago, Chile. The novel presents detailed descriptions, for example, of fine fabrics, emphasising the sounds that the wearers of such fabric reproduce as they move about. Wealthy or not, people feel the pressure to present themselves in their best garments, but the “best noise” is made by the rich, who transmit the affect of opulence to the less fortunate. Overall, to radiate a sensory appeal, characters frequent the city of Santiago and patronise the finest clothing stores. From our very first encounter with the protagonist Fortunato Esperanzano, he is dressed accordingly, engaging with Santiago and showing in his persona that he shops only for nice clothes and the best cigars. From a Lefebvrian perspective, Fortunato represents how Chile’s moder...
Mapping Violeta Parra’s Cultural Landscapes
Open Cultural Studies
This study explores the socio-economic legacies and critique of nation-building found in the work... more This study explores the socio-economic legacies and critique of nation-building found in the work of Jose Joaquin Fernandez de Lizardi (1776-1827). In the nineteenth century, the Latin American elite struggled to disassociate itself from a suffocating colonial machine; they sought their own identity, and writing became a way to express their frustration. As in other parts of Latin America, Mexican intellectuals protested fossilisation via Cervantes’s Don Quijote. Using the Spanish author’s text as a blueprint, Lizardi’s Don Catrín de la fachenda depicted a turbulent society that was in the process of abandoning a decaying colonial order. Don Quijote’s characters engaged in power struggles and were involved in a variety of forms of social antagonism. Lizardi juxtaposed and superimposed these on an American geographical and socio-economic space where there was much dissension around the nation’s direction. The social and economic rules of Mexico (and Latin America) today can be said t...
Violeta Parra dejó un rico y multifacético legado artístico en donde se destaca la poesía, la rec... more Violeta Parra dejó un rico y multifacético legado artístico en donde se destaca la poesía, la recopilación folclórica, la pintura, la escultura, la cerámica y otros tipos de expresiones artísticas, lo que revela un espíritu infatigable. A este corpus se incorpora el compendio de multiplicidad creativa titulado Décimas. Autobiografía en versos, obra poética escrita por
Open Cultural Studies
This study analyses chivalry, materialism, and the grotesque in Alberto Blest Gana’s El ideal de ... more This study analyses chivalry, materialism, and the grotesque in Alberto Blest Gana’s El ideal de un calavera [The Ideal of a Rogue] (1863) under the light of Miguel de Cervantes’s Don Quijote’s part II (1615). It underscores the legacy of Cervantes on the Chilean author especially in his reflections on nation building. Unlike its author, Don Quijote eluded restriction and successfully reached the colonies; once there, author and text became a massive influence on intellectuals in the burgeoning Americas. Blest Gana, for example, created protagonists who were multi-dimensional and imbued with quixotic overtones. Praised by his counterparts, he created work that was finely detailed, with a goal of portraying the nation’s cultural practices at specifics points in history. Deploying techniques inspired by Honore de Balzac (also a reader of Don Quijote), Blest Gana illustrated the colourful aspects of his society. His sharp eye depicted and interpreted nationhood and society through the ...
Sixteenth Century Journal the Journal of Early Modern Studies, 2005
Papers by Patricia Vilches