Kyushu University
Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies
Sedimentation is one of the major potential stressors to coral reef ecosystems. Our study was conducted in the Berau, East Kalimantan, Indonesia which is known as a part of the Coral Triangle in West Pacific, in order to trace the... more
It was recognized widely that Marine Protected Area is a tool for fisheries management to achieve sustainable fisheries utilization. This paper will explain process of development of Co-management MPA program in Derawan Islands,... more
Abstracts. The numbers of MPAs in Indonesia have been significantly increased in the last ten years after declaration of the targeted 20 million hectares of MPAs in 2020 by President Soesilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Several MPAs have been... more
Pemerintah Republik Indonesia berkomitmen untuk mencadangkan dan menetapkan 20 juta hektare lingkungan pesisir dan laut untuk kepentingan konservasi pada tahun 2020, dimana saat ini luasan tersebut telah mencapai 15,7 juta hektare. Agar... more
In 2014 at the end of his term, Indonesia’s President SB. Yudhoyono passed a law that changed the roles of district (i.e., local) and provincial governments in marine resource management. Under prior law, local governments had held... more
Sagori island waters is rich of coral reef and reef fish with high economic value. It's has also been designated as a general use zone by the government. In the other side, the needs of consumption is increasing by the growth of people in... more
From the Coral Triangle, which is the global centre of marine biodiversity, species richness tends to decrease eastward across the Pacific Ocean and westward across the Indian Ocean. However, this region is severely threatened by both... more
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kesesuaian dan daya dukung lahan suatu perairan tambak untuk kegiatan budi daya ikan kerapu. Metode yang digunakan, yaitu analisis kesesuaian lahan dan analisis daya dukung lahan. Hasil analisis... more