My birthday present from GirlWonder with lots of assistance from IT (BoyWonder). This was easily my favorite thing ever.
2017 National Newspaper Association First Place in Best Serious Column Class winner is ... Me.
Look, there is no way to even make this a humble brag. It's just a brag. Plain and simple. I own it.
Today my Editor informed me that I had won the 2017 National Newspaper Association BNEC/BNAC contest First Place in the Best Serious Column Class Daily & Non-Daily Division Circulation of 12,000 or more for the column titled Memories of Gram. I still can't read that column without tears. I probably never will.
There are no words for how stunned, pleased, and also, quite frankly, how emotional I am. The one person who would take the most pride in this award, the very reason that I won it, is the one person who isn't here to read it.
It is both an honor, and a privilege, to be the grandchild and chronicler of Ruth May Lewis Studer. I'm going to go cry. Let's just call them happy tears.
You can read the column here: Memories of Gram
Today my Editor informed me that I had won the 2017 National Newspaper Association BNEC/BNAC contest First Place in the Best Serious Column Class Daily & Non-Daily Division Circulation of 12,000 or more for the column titled Memories of Gram. I still can't read that column without tears. I probably never will.
There are no words for how stunned, pleased, and also, quite frankly, how emotional I am. The one person who would take the most pride in this award, the very reason that I won it, is the one person who isn't here to read it.
It is both an honor, and a privilege, to be the grandchild and chronicler of Ruth May Lewis Studer. I'm going to go cry. Let's just call them happy tears.
You can read the column here: Memories of Gram
Hot Heirlooms
I'm assuming the statute of limitations has long run out.
This outtake from senior photos features a large steel "S" that my Gram (Studer) passed on to me when I married (Seabolt).
A few years ago my mother tells me that it was "liberated" by my then teenage father from the "Four Seasons" sign in Aurora and given to her when they were dating. I know it's wrong but 50 years later it makes me laugh.
Don't you wish your big S was hot like mine?
Weekly Read "Season's End"
"When people discuss youth sports: the time, the energy, the cost, the travel, the injuries and the injustice, it is common to be asked “is it worth it?”
Season's End (Click to Read)
Back in the Nest 💕
My baby chick is back in the nest!
Special gratitude as always to Southwest Airlines for safe travel and smooth operations and the entire state of Florida (with special emphasis on dear friends) for being such amazing hosts.
My "baby" (not such a baby" anymore but bear with me) has now flown twice as much in her life as I have. I'm proud of that.
Life as a mom of a not-so-baby also means accepting - and loving - the fact that she's super excited to see me, she just needs to greet this gem first.
(He got three hugs before I got a "hi" but who's counting? #YoungLove)
Cankles & Spa Day
Spa day in the heart of it all in January looks like this 💕 #Spa #Grey Finally using my 2014 Christmas gift. Also, there are not enough hot towels in my life. I also do not have cankles. They just appear that way in photographs (apparently).
Adulting is Overrated
I'm not adulting today.
I'm taking a not-sick day.
I got up,
Showered. Put on cute lounge clothes, blew out my hair, announced to Mr. Wonderful that he was getting me good pizza later, and that I would not be adulting today.
Queso dip and chocolate cookies.
It's what's for breakfast.
Boys to Men
Nothing quite prepares a player for that first time taking the field as a freshman on a high school team. No matter how talented a player, those first forays onto the field were better described as “deer in the headlights” than “impressive athlete.” ... Click to Read More: Weekly Read: Boys To Men
Wekly Read: Who me? R.S.V.P.
... Now, let’s just say you did return from one round to be informed that a few kids had hopped off the wagon back in the woods? I’m asking for a friend because I did not maybe lose two or six kids in the dark of night at one point. Nope. Nothing to see here. Click this link to Read More
Weekly Read: Relax
It is difficult to give parenting advice when you are in the thick of parenting. I fear the jinx, bad karma, or just looking really stupid when things blow up.
Boywonder, however, has reached that age where he is actually 18 and done with some things. In these cases, I feel marginally safer giving advice. I have the benefit of hindsight and knowing how it all turned out ...
Et tu, baked beans?
Dear Food Manufacturers of America,I get that some tastes can be an unexpected pleasure. I don’t think I had heard of “Salted Caramel” with that buttery sweet and salty blend 10 years ago. Now it’s everywhere. Chocolate in Chili? It works for some.Then we have the truly odd combinations... Click Here To Read The Full Essay
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