Thursday, 4 March 2010
the diary 8
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
the diary 7
Sunday, 28 February 2010
the diary 5
Saturday, 27 February 2010
the diary 4
malaysia is a land of flip flops and slip ons and i laugh to myself as i notice that crocs, that sartorial crime so often derided in the fashion world, are on many feet in many colours and styles.
i am wearing orthotics every waking moment in hopes of clearing up a pressure wound on my foot so i wear runners everywhere. they are expensive runners in an attractive style but i still feel that my footwear stands out like a beacon and i doubt that my situation has been properly explained. i wonder whether i am regarded as odd, or worse, rude because i even wear shoes in the house.
i bought my house shoes shortly before the trip and kept them new so they wouldnt sully the clean floors but to wear shoes indoors is bizarre in the extreme.
eventually a young niece asks why i choose such hot footwear and i show her the orthotic. i doubt she understands fully but it is clear that i cant put it in a flip flop. i should have told her how much they cost. money talks loud around here and and the price might excuse me almost any faux pas :)
the diary 3
on the day of the buffet some men arrive with a blue marquee and erect it outside the house, covering half the road. they deliver trestle tables and round ply tops, red plastic chairs and bainmaries.
on this night i see a small act of kindness that cheers my evening. an uncle i have alwys liked based solely on the look of his face approaches the family black sheep and briefly massages his shoulders to be rewarded with a broad grin, the pure pleasure of an affirmed child.
everybody eats and many go home but the inner circle stay late playing cards, talking, watching movies and setting off fireworks.