Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer UPH Vol. 7 No. 2 pg. 111-116 March 2011
Ray tracing rendering technique had been widely used in several application including 3D animatio... more Ray tracing rendering technique had been widely used in several application including 3D animation, CAD, dan architecture software. The biggest challenge to implement the ray tracing rendering system is a large computation power needed by application. In order to tackle that problem, we use uniform grid data structure to divide the scene into small grid and 3D Digital Differential Analyzer (3D-DDA) to access the structure. Our system are split into two steps, the first step is to construct the uniform grid structure based on scene condition and the second step is ray tracing traversal based on uniform grid structure that processed in previous step. Uniform grid structure is used in our system because it's GPU friendly data structure and easier to implement in GPU. Our system runs at 6 ms until 200 ms for constructing the uniform grid structure and 2 fps until 30 fps for scene rendering time. Comparing with CPU implementation, our system run 2 until 6 time faster depends on scene condition.
Seminar on Applied Technology, Science and Arts (APTECS) 2009 ITS Surabaya
Ray tracing algorithm has been widely used for rendering photorealistic image in 3d movie, CAD, a... more Ray tracing algorithm has been widely used for rendering photorealistic image in 3d movie, CAD, and architecture software. The biggest challenge to implent the ray tracing algorithm is a large computing power that needed by application. Uniform grid is one of many accelerating structure that used to reduce rendering time in ray tracing algorithm. In this paper, we introduce parallel algorithm for construction of uniform grid structure for used in ray tracing algorithm. We use a SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) microprocessor in GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) to implement the algorithm.
Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications 2008
Penggambaran terrain merupakan suatu permasalahan tersendiri dalam bidang komputer grafik. Banyak... more Penggambaran terrain merupakan suatu permasalahan tersendiri dalam bidang komputer grafik. Banyak teknik dan metode yang telah diciptakan dan masih akan terus berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan perangkat keras komputer yang semakin canggih, selain itu terrain juga semakin banyak digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi seperti game, virtual reality, simulasi geologi, simulasi cuaca, dan pembuatan film. Dalam tulisan ini akan diteliti dan diimplementasikan gabungan antara metode penggambaran terrain dengan View Dependent LOD (Level Of Detail) sehingga didapatkan hasil penggambaran yang bagus dan efisien serta dapat diterapkan pada pembuatan game dan aplikasi yang memanfaatkan terrain. Konsep yang diusulkan adalah dengan menggunakan gabungan metode view-dependent LOD sederhana dan penggunaan vertex displacement mapping. Hasil akhir yang didapatkan dengan metode penggambaran terrain ini menghasilkan kenaikan fps ~20%.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komputer UPH Vol. 7 No. 2 pg. 111-116 March 2011
Ray tracing rendering technique had been widely used in several application including 3D animatio... more Ray tracing rendering technique had been widely used in several application including 3D animation, CAD, dan architecture software. The biggest challenge to implement the ray tracing rendering system is a large computation power needed by application. In order to tackle that problem, we use uniform grid data structure to divide the scene into small grid and 3D Digital Differential Analyzer (3D-DDA) to access the structure. Our system are split into two steps, the first step is to construct the uniform grid structure based on scene condition and the second step is ray tracing traversal based on uniform grid structure that processed in previous step. Uniform grid structure is used in our system because it's GPU friendly data structure and easier to implement in GPU. Our system runs at 6 ms until 200 ms for constructing the uniform grid structure and 2 fps until 30 fps for scene rendering time. Comparing with CPU implementation, our system run 2 until 6 time faster depends on scene condition.
Seminar on Applied Technology, Science and Arts (APTECS) 2009 ITS Surabaya
Ray tracing algorithm has been widely used for rendering photorealistic image in 3d movie, CAD, a... more Ray tracing algorithm has been widely used for rendering photorealistic image in 3d movie, CAD, and architecture software. The biggest challenge to implent the ray tracing algorithm is a large computing power that needed by application. Uniform grid is one of many accelerating structure that used to reduce rendering time in ray tracing algorithm. In this paper, we introduce parallel algorithm for construction of uniform grid structure for used in ray tracing algorithm. We use a SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) microprocessor in GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) to implement the algorithm.
Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications 2008
Penggambaran terrain merupakan suatu permasalahan tersendiri dalam bidang komputer grafik. Banyak... more Penggambaran terrain merupakan suatu permasalahan tersendiri dalam bidang komputer grafik. Banyak teknik dan metode yang telah diciptakan dan masih akan terus berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan perangkat keras komputer yang semakin canggih, selain itu terrain juga semakin banyak digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi seperti game, virtual reality, simulasi geologi, simulasi cuaca, dan pembuatan film. Dalam tulisan ini akan diteliti dan diimplementasikan gabungan antara metode penggambaran terrain dengan View Dependent LOD (Level Of Detail) sehingga didapatkan hasil penggambaran yang bagus dan efisien serta dapat diterapkan pada pembuatan game dan aplikasi yang memanfaatkan terrain. Konsep yang diusulkan adalah dengan menggunakan gabungan metode view-dependent LOD sederhana dan penggunaan vertex displacement mapping. Hasil akhir yang didapatkan dengan metode penggambaran terrain ini menghasilkan kenaikan fps ~20%.
Papers by Reza Rachmadi