Showing posts with label Windows. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Windows. Show all posts

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The light of a brighter day.. the walls of dark memories...

(Same as above, but without Topaz adjust)

I love to edit and experiment with my pictures. But there is actually no need for it at those ones from the old Lier Mental Hospital. They are creepy enough in them selves. I know I should have used a camerastand because of the darkness inside the buildings - but I wasn`t patient enough... Sorry - typical me... By the way - neither my husband John or I saw any of the gosts who "lives" here, and we went here three times. Guess we have to go back - at midnight, maby.... You`r welcome to join ;)

Ok, this is not a "light of a brighter day" picture. This is just a bit funny. You see - the chair is empty, the window is open, and there is a lonely boot at the windowboard... ;)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Man så nok bedre ut i gamle dager...

...etter en real vinduspuss.