Showing posts with label Sweden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sweden. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Frøken Høstblad 2010

Jeanny Jeans liker å fjonge seg...

...vrikker på bakenden og vet hun vet tar seg smashy ut i den utvaskede lakken.

Men selv om hun virkelig er i vinden med sine runde former, finnes det kun èn som får rote under bagasjelokket hennes:

Knirkende og knakende kjekke Onkel Blå!!!

Hun blir helt slakk i viftereima av det skjeve gliset hans... Den rustne brummingen...

...og selv om han ikke har all verdens under panseret, er han myk i setene og rund i rattet. For ikke å snakke om gearspaken... Dååån... hun får nesten motorstopp ved tanken!

Onkel Blås kompis, velutrustede Herr Brun, har et godt fjernlys til Jeanny Jeans gode venninne:

Rusty Rosa. Men Rusty Rosa sender ikke Herr Bruns utrustning så mye som et nærlys.

Hun blir derimot helt vill i blinklysa så snart Missy Mosegrodd dukker opp.
Jeanny Jeans, Onkel Blå og Herr Brun er skjønt enige om at Rusty Rosa og Missy Mosegrodd til tider kjører svært så uanstendig - og det i full offentlighet!!!

Rusty Rosa og Missy Mosegrodd er begge bilfile - men har for tiden ikke bensintanker for andre enn hverandre...

Bilde nummer 2 er mitt bidrag til Missekonkurransen på Moseplassen:

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sky Watch Friday

We are back home from our summerhollyday - and this is one of our lovely memories from Öland in Sweden.

Still not very much time for blogging. We are looking forward to a weekend together with our beloved friends, Marit and Ivar. We met Marit and Ivar throug our blogs, and have becomed friends forever, even thoug we live in different parts of Norway. Thank you, Blogger!

I wish you all a great weekend!

Enjoy more Sky Watch photos HERE.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

"Vamos a la playa" in monochrome shadows

Where did the summer go? John and I spent an hot, sunshinny day on this beach at Öland in Sweden last summer.

For more monochrome pictures, please visit Ailenis Monochromen Weekly Blog.
And for more shadow shot, please visit Hey Harriet.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Monochrome disclosure

I just want to disclosure what framed the ocean in THIS POST (link): an old boatwreck at Öland in Sweeden.

For more Monochrome Maniacs, please visit Ailenis Monocrome Weekly site.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

ABC Wednesday O is for ocean

If you like to see more O`s, please visit the ABC Wednesday site.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sky Watch Friday

Sunset in Byxelkrok at Öland in Sweden this summer.

If you like to see more beautiful skies, please visit the Sky Wathc Site.

Pimp my ride.

I`m so proud of beeing one of ten finalist in the FOTOTRISS contest this week. You can vote for me, or one of the other great finalists HERE.

And - I`m so proud of beeing secound in "Norsk Nettfotos" photo contest. You can see the winner and the runners up HERE. Congratulation to Gawo and Garden Angel!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fototriss - rust

My first apperance in FOTOTRISS, which is hosted by swedish HELENA. The theme of this week is RUST - and there are tons and tons of RUST at this carcemetery in Båstnäs in Sweden.

For more rusty photos - please visit the FOTOTRISS-SITE. This week there is even a contest going on.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Sky Watch Friday

This is "Tall Erik" at the Northern Point of the island Öland in Sweden. Some of you are asking what kind of filter I use on my pictures. I always edit them in Lightroom first, and then - if it feels right, I use Topaz Adjust - wich is a plugin-filter in Photoshop. I really have a lot to learn, but it is fun to experiment.

The untopaz-version of "Tall Erik". He is quite handsome anyway ;)

If you like to see more Sky Watch Pictures, visit The Sky Watch Site.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sky Watch Friday

Borgholm Castle, as I also posted for Monochrome last monday. This was taken a warm, beautiful summerday last year. Suddenly the darkest clouds came from nowhere. Minutes after those pictures were taken, it was so dark and rainy that the cars on the road had to stop for a while.

For more Sky Watch photos, visit the Sky watch site - Sky watch was Dots idea, now hosted by Sandy, Wren, Klaus, Fishing Guy and Ivar.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

ABC Wednesday: L is for Lit de Parade

Lit de Parade is a french phrase for public displayed deathbed. There are no graves at this car cemetery - but over 1000 cars are laying on Lit de Parade forever. Or maby I should call it Lit de Carade...?

The sign says: The end of the public road.....

My husband John and I went to this car cemetry in Båstnäs in Sweden yesterday. It was quite surreal to walk around among all those cars. A beautiful day with lots of sunshine - not the best conditions for good pictures because of the bright light and the dark shadows. But we`ll be back on a cloudy day for sure! This was eldorado for photomaniacs as us!
For more ABC Wednesday - click HERE.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Monochrome Monday

Borgholm Castle on Öland in Sweden. I`ll post more photos of this castle later.
Monochrome Monday was Ailenis idea. For more Monochrome Maniacs, clik HERE

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Monochrome Monday

Öland, Sweden. Anno 2008.

Monochrome Monday was Ailenis idea. For more Monochrome Maniacs, clik HERE