Kim Padan: Pro-Life Speaker

Showing posts with label giving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giving. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Top 10 List...WooHoo!

Hello Friends!

Just a reminder... I am moving my stamping projects to a new blog.  If you want to check that out, go to the new address for Stamping for LIFE!  I have several posts in my hang in there, if you do not see them right away.

Today has been quite busy... Lots of big announcements for the ministry at Women's Care Clinic!  Each year, we hold our Walk for Life fund raiser in September, and after pledges are entered into the computer, I announce the Top 10 Churches, and walkers (adults and youth).  Even though I am thrilled at how well churches work together to support our life-saving efforts, this is the one time we take jabs at each other and get a bit competitive!  We started this approach in 2005, after some training in fund raising...and after churches saw where they ranked, they got motivated!  Now, years later, we still have fun with it!  Small churches don't expect to be at the top...but they try hard to make the list.  Big churches try to stay at, or near, the top...which brings generous funds in.

Why do we do this?  Is it that important that St. Paul's and Catlin Church of Christ have been flip-flopping the #2 and #3 spots for years?  Not in the big scheme of things...and certainly not in terms of saving babies.  But it does offer a little external motivation for people to be generous.  We're human...we often think about giving, but it is easy to put it off.  After all, there are many worthy causes, and no one can support them all.

When I started my job as Executive Director, I was terrified of asking for money.  I was timid, hesitant.  I felt bad. Now, I confidently tell people that God could provide everything for us out of an ATM...but He allows us to participate in Kingdom building!  Yep.  We won't need money in heaven, but we need it here...and God knows that.  He just wants us to reach out of our own lives and share the gifts He has given us with the people around us, or even across the be good stewards.

So today...if anyone out there is actually reading this new blog...I encourage you to GIVE.  I know times are tough.  Jobs are hard to find...hours are being cut.  But think about one less trip to a drive-up fast food window, and offer your treasure to a cause near to your heart.  Perhaps it is an orphanage in central Africa, or a homeless shelter in your community...just try giving a little bit...and some day, maybe a bit more.  It will help others, and it will help you.  If pro-life work is important to you, as it is to me, send me a message and I will get you connected to a ministry in your area.

Wow... I did not intend on writing this!  Strange, I guess.  But this blog is about my own pursuit of holiness.  I have found over the years that when I give of my time and talent and treasure, I am becoming more of the person God created me to be.  I still have a long way to go.  But it will be worth it in the end!
