Kemerovo State University
Кафедра маркетинга ФГБОУ ВПО «Кемеровский государственный университет» [email protected] В настоящее время можно наблюдать, как быстро развиваются сети общественного питания. Это обусловлено тем, что увеличилась деловая активность... more
The quality of life, which is a complex characteristic of human existence, its level and conditions, in the research practice is measured by statistical and sociological methods. This characteristic reflects the degree of satisfaction... more
The paper offers an analysis of the problems and prospects of the most difficult branch of the Russian economy, i.e. coal industry. An attempt is made to find directions for diversifying the economy of a coal region. The authors suggested... more
- by Елена Гоосен
The paper offers an analysis of the problems and prospects of the most difficult branch of the Russian economy, i.e. coal industry. An attempt is made to find directions for diversifying the economy of a coal region. The authors suggested... more
- by Елена Гоосен
The paper offers an analysis of the problems and prospects of the most difficult branch of the Russian economy, i.e. coal industry. An attempt is made to find directions for diversifying the economy of a coal region. The authors suggested... more
- by Елена Гоосен
The research features the problem of searching for a model of relations between the state and the business in the conditions of the changing development vector of the Russian economy. An important place in this discussion is the issue of... more
- by Елена Гоосен
Abdruck und sonstige publizistische Nutzung-auch auszugsweise-nur mit vorheriger Zustimmung des Bundesinstituts sowie mit Angabe des Verfassers und der Quelle gestattet.
Целью статьи является рассмотрение последствий существования неформальной наемной занятости для российского рынка труда. Понятие «неформальный наем» определяется в рамках легалистского подхода с использованием контрактного критерия.... more
В статье охарактеризованы результаты изменений в академическом контракте преподавателей российских вузов, которые произошли под воздействием принятия решений о внедрении «эффективного контракта». Показано, что трансформация академического... more
Currently, attention to regional economies of resource type is on the rise. Many papers dealing the “resource curse” problem discuss the mechanisms forming a trap of human capital underdevelopment. This article is an attempt to find out... more
Cost optimization policy in the mass higher education is an important area of current research. In fact, differentiation of goals and objectives of universities is being transformed under educational policy. An example is the... more
The issue of the academic contract in the Russian higher education is associated with the salary systems reform in social sector and scientific field according to the adoption of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from... more